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Öğe Zinc oxide nanoparticles for sustainable agriculture: A tool to combat salinity stress in rice (Oryza sativa) by modulating the nutritional profile and redox homeostasis mechanisms(Elsevier BV, 2025-03) Yusuf Dogan; Pravej Alam; Haider Sultan; Renuka Sharma; Sipan Soysal; Mehmet Firat Baran; Mohammad FaizanThe use of nanoparticles (NPs) as an amendment to reduce salt toxicity has gained much attention. Keeping in mind, this research work was done to evaluate the effect of zinc oxide NPs (ZnO-NPs) to mitigate the salt stress in rice (Oryza sativa) plant. Rice plants were subjected to salt stress (150 mM of NaCl) at 15 days of sowing through the soil. ZnO-NPs were characterized by Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and were applied foliar at concentration of 100 mg/L for five consecutive days (26–30 DAS). The results confirmed the salt toxicity and reduced shoot length (27 %), root fresh weight (31 %), SPAD chlorophyll (29 %), net photosynthetic rate (24 %), and nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K) and zinc (Zn) uptake by 9 %, 11 %, 13 % and 17 % respectively, while salinity increased the activity of antioxidant enzymes, proline, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), and malondialdehyde (MDA) content in rice plants. However, in plants grown under salt stress, foliar application of ZnO-NPs significantly improved growth, photosynthesis, nutrient uptake and antioxidant enzymes activity. Beside, ZnO-NPs reduced salinity-induced oxidative stress by lowering H2O2 and MDA content. Therefore, our research showed that ZnO-NPs is useful and efficient in encouraging growth and lessening salinity stress in rice plants.Öğe Irrigation facilities, problems and solutions concerning pistachio growing in Siirt region(Agriculture for Life, Life for Agriculture, 2016) Aydın, Yusuf; Saltuk, Burak; Atılgan, Atılgan; Yücel, Ali; Özrenk, KorayGrowing of Siirt type of pistachio has a significant potential in the agriculture of Siirt province. As a result of the studies on this issue performed by public and legal institutions in recent years, while about 2000 tons of products were taken from the area in 4545.3 ha in 2002, these values reached about 11.000 tons of products in 25.000 ha by the end of 2014. Considering the climatic conditions of the region, the fact that summer is very hot and irregularity in the precipitation regime further increase the importance of irrigation and make it necessary for cultural practices in farming. However, pistachio orchards are not irrigated or tried to be contented with a little water due to the reasons such as the topographical structure of the area where farming is performed, irrigation water constraints, and any other reasons. The questionnaire study was carried out to determine the local farmers' tendencies on Siirt pistachio irrigation, problems faced, and the solution offers. For this purpose, the questionnaire form consisting of 40 questions was prepared, and data were collected using the Simple Random Sampling method. By this method, questionnaires were filled in by making face to face interviews with 177 farmers in 73 villages of 7 districts where farming is intensively performed. The obtained data were analyzed using MINITAB 16 statistical program. As a result of the statistical analyses, an attempt to contribute to the solution of the problems was made by developing solutions to identified problems.Öğe Water-yield relationship of Zivzik pomegranate under deficit irrigation conditions(Agriculture for Life, Life for Agriculture, 2017) Aydın, Yusuf; Mikail, Nazire; Pakyürek, Mine; Saltuk, Burak; Seven, MehmetThe Southeastern Anatolia Region meets approximately 10% of Turkey's pomegranate production. Siirt region pomegranate cultivation has a great importance within the region. The production of Zivzik pomegranate, a local variety of the region, was significantly increased in the last 10 years with projects and public contributions. Although there are many problems encountered in pomegranate cultivation, irregularity in irrigation programs that causes cracking in them has a significant value. In this study it was aimed to achieve the irrigation program of Zivzik pomegranate which is especially cultivated in Siirt region. The experiment was carried out in the experimental design of split plots in randomised block design with three replications, the irrigation interval was placed in the main plots, and the irrigation levels were placed in the sub-plots. Each experimental treatment was composed of 4-year-old 15 trees planted at 3x3.5 m intervals, measurements and observations were obtained from 3 trees in the middle of the block. In this study, the inline drip irrigation system was used. In the study carried out, parameters such as yield, irrigation water, plant water consumption and yield response factor were examined, and an attempt to determine the irrigation program was made. The average yield values obtained from the experiment varied between 20.5 kg/subject and 53.7 kg/subject, and no significant difference was found between the treatments as a result of the statistical analysis performed. In the subjects examined, the plant water consumption values varied between 601.5 mm and 902.9 mm, and the amount of irrigation water was determined as 292.6 mm and 585.2 mm. The yield response (Ky) showing the sensitivity of pomegranate to water deficiency was calculated as 1.59.Öğe The temporal variation of leaf water potential in pistachio under ırrigated and non-ırrigated conditions(SİÜ Ziraat Fakültesi, 2014) Aydın, Yusuf; Kanber, Rıza; Ünlü, MustafaThe present study was carried out in the experimental field of Pistachio Research Institute on pistachio trees which has uzun variety that was 30 years old. The aim of this research was to determine the Leaf Water Potential (LWP) of Pistacia vera L. under irrigated and non-irrigated conditions. In the study, the leaf water potential of pistachio was investigated under fully irrigated and non irrigated conditions. The leaf water potential values were measured one day before and after irrigation by using pressure chamber technique at the beginning, mid and end of irrigation season. According to the results obtained from measurements, the LWP value at the beginning of the irrigation season was -3.7 MPa at noon time due to relatively high temperature for both treatments. At the time of pre-dawn and sunset, this value increased and reached to -1.6 MPa due to relatively low temperature. In general, the LWP values during the mid of irrigation season, in the irrigated treatments, reached to almost -2.5 MPa in the non-irrigated treatment and the value was measured as -3.68 MPa.Öğe Siirt yöresi fıstık yetiştiricilerinin sulama eğilimlerinin belirlenmesi(Süleyman Demirel Üni. Ziraat Fakültesi, 2018) Aydın, Yusuf; Saltuk, BurakAntepfıstığı yetiştiriciliği Türkiye’de birçok İl’de yapılmasına karşın, ağırlıklı olarak, iklim ve topoğrafyanın uygunluğu nedeniyle Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesinde yapılmaktadır. Bölge illeri içerisinde Gaziantep ve Şanlıurfa başta olmak üzere Adıyaman, Mardin ve Siirt’te yoğun olarak yetiştirilmekte olup bölge ekonomisi üzerinde önemli etkiye sahiptir. Ancak Gaziantep ve Şanlıurfa gibi bölgelerde daha çok yerli çeşitlerin yetiştiriciliği yapılırken, Siirt yöresinde, bölgeye uyum sağlamış Siirt çeşidi yetiştirilmektedir. Siirt Bölge ikliminin karasal özellik göstermesi, yaz mevsiminin aşırı sıcak, yağış rejimindeki düzensizlik, fıstık yetiştiriciliğinde diğer kültürel uygulamalarla beraber bölgede sulamayı da zorunlu kılmaktadır. Fıstık yetiştiricilerin sulamaya karşı olan eğilimlerinin belirlenmesi amacıyla, Siirt ili ve ilçelerinde, üreticilerle yüz yüze görüşme yoluyla yürütülen bu çalışmada, 40 sorudan oluşan anket formu, “Basit Tesadüfi Örnekleme“ yöntemi kullanılarak anket yapılan işletme sayısı belirlenmiştir. Bu yöntemle, yetiştiriciliğin yoğun olarak yapıldığı 7 ilçede, 73 köyde 177 üretici ile görüşülerek elde edilen veriler, MİNİTAB 16 istatistik programı kullanılarak değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda, yöredeki fıstık yetiştiricileri arasınÖğe Determination of growing degree-day (gdd) values: pistachio (pistacia vera l.) case(Agriculture for life, Life for Agriculture, 2019) Aydın, Yusuf; Yücel, Ali; Atılgan, Atılgan; Tanrıverdi, ÇağatayPistachio is a drought-tolerant fruit that can be grown in arid areas under limited water conditions. Therefore, in our country, most of the cultivation is done in Southeastern Anatolia. Therefore, The Southeastern Anatolia Region was determined as the research area. Growing Degree Day Method (GDD) was also used as the method in this study. GDD values: Long-term daily maximum and minimum temperature values of the provinces in our region are used. Growing degree-day values are calculated according to the recommended temperature values for phenological periods of pistachio. According to GDD values, Kilis and Adıyaman were determined as the second most proper growth area after Şanlıurfa. It may be suggested due to the similarity between the geographical, soil, topographical and ecological structures of Kilis with those of Gaziantep that studies should be carried out for improving pistachio cultivation and that projects should be carried out for increasing yield per tree based on the consideration that it is not possible to increase areas of agriculture. Therefore, this and other similar studies will result in attaining higher yields by carrying out production activities in suitable areas while also contributing to the country economy.Öğe Determination of reference eto by using different kp equations based on class a pan evaporation in southeastern anatolia project (gap) region(ALÖKI Kft, Budapest, Hungary, 2019) Aydın, YusufAn accurate estimation of ET is very important and the ET estimation method that is suited to the region should be used. Evapotranspiration (ET) is calculated by multiplying reference ETo with the crop coefficient for the studied plant (Kc) or its pan evaporation coefficient (Kp). The purpose of this study was to use the Kp equations developed based on the Pan evaporation principle for estimating ETo values and determining the best Kp equation for the GAP region by making comparisons via the standard method. Kp-Pere method (RMSE: 0.48, MAE: 0.30, MR: 0.64 and PE: 3.19) displayed a better performance than Kp-Sny (RMSE: 1.08, MAE: 0.70, MR: 0.80 and PE: 29.35) in the semi-arid climate conditions of the GAP region. It was determined according to the regression analysis results that the Kp-Sny equation is better than Kp-Pere by a margin of 2.1%. Accordingly, Kp-Pere equation based on Pan evaporation can be used as an alternative to the standard method for determining reference ETo in the semi-arid conditions of the GAP region. Similarly, Kp-Sny equation together with Kp-Pere can be used as substitutes for the standard ETo-PM method since it requires less climate data.Öğe Determınatıon of emıtter hydraulıc propertıes of dıfferent ın-lıne drıpper types(ALÖKI Kft, Budapest, Hungary, 2019) Aydın, YusufIt is only possible by way of highly efficient system performance to provide uniform water distribution and sufficient soil moisture at the plant root zone in drip irrigation systems. Factors related with hydraulic and the emitter performance change should be known well for determining irrigation uniformity. In the study, 4 different emitter laterals were tested under 4 different pressure loads (5-10-15 and 20 m). The accordance of flow characteristics for the laterals, manufacturing variety coefficient (CV), emitter uniformity (EU) and irrigation water uniform distribution coefficient or Cristiansen Uniformity Coefficient (CU) and Statistical Uniformity (Us) values were evaluated in with regard to the American Society of Agricultural Engineers standards. It was determined based on the acquired results that there is an increase in the flow rates of emitters corresponding to the increasing pressure values and it was also determined that there were differences ranging between 0.75% to 25.5% with the flow values provided by manufacturing companies under 1 atm pressure. While the manufacturing variety coefficient class values were “weak”, “moderate” and “good” for the A emitter, class values of “good” and “very good” were determined for irrigation uniformity (CU) and emitter uniformity (EU).Öğe Comparison of different determining methods of reference eto based on limited weather conditions in gap region(ALÖKI, Kft, Budapest, Hungary, 2019) Aydın, YusufReference crop evapotranspiration (ETo) is among the most important components of the hydrologic cycle. Standard FAO-Penman-Monteith method is the most frequently used equation to estimate of ETo. However, the usability of this method is limited due to its complexity Hargreaveas-Samani (HS) and Turc methods that can be operated with limited data such as temperature and solar radiation are used as an alternative to the standard method. In the present study, the reference ETo values estimated with FAO-PM as the standard method, Hargreaveas-Samani and Turc methods were compared at semi-arid climate conditions. Based on the acquired results; highest R2 value at the GAP region with semi-arid climate conditions was determined as 0.9872 from the monthly averages of ETo-PM and ETo-HS comparison, whereas the lowest RMSE value was also obtained from the same monthly comparison (0.08). ETo-Turc method yielded a monthly average comparison of 0.981 for the R2 values comparison. While ETo-CAP put forth the lowest values for all three intervals. It is suggested that HS method can be used instead of Standart Penman-Monteith method (FAO-PM) under GAP region semi arid climate conditions for reference ETo estimation if Penman-Monteith can not be calculated. The Turc method is also can be a good alternative to estimate potential evapotranspiration that can be measured by Class A pan. And that ETo estimation should be made by determining the Kp value in case CAP based ETo estimation is carried out.Öğe GAP Bölgesi Yarı Kurak İklim Koşullarında Class A Pan’dan Oluşan Günlük Buharlaşmanın Penman ve Priestley-Taylor (PT) Modelleri ile Tahmini(Ivpe, 2019) Aydın, YusufHidrolojik çevrimin en önemli bileşeni olarak kabul edilen buharlaşma, atmosferden yeryüzüne düşen yağışın yüzey akışına geçmeden, güneşten gelen radyasyon etkisiyle su molekülleri arasındaki çekim gücünün zayıflaması ve moleküllerin bulundukları ortamdan uzaklaşması olarak bilinmektedir. Buharlaşmanın oluşmasında en temel etken, buharlaşma yüzeyi ile enerji kaynağı olan güneş arasındaki enerji akısıdır. Buharlaşma toprak yüzeyinden olabileceği gibi bitki yüzeylerinden ve açık su yüzeylerinden de oluşabilmektedir. Sulama programlarının oluşturulması, su kaynaklarının korunması ve geliştirilmesi, tarımsal faaliyetten beklenen faydanın sağlanması, bitki su tüketimlerinin doğru tahmin edilmesi ile olasıdır. Class A Pan’dan olan buharlaşmanın doğrudan ölçülmesi ya da eşitlikler yoluyla tahmin edilmesi, buharlaşmanın tahmin edilmesinde kullanılan en önemli yöntemler olarak sayılabilir. Ancak uygulamada, ölçüm maliyeti, insan kaynaklı hatalar, buharlaşma kabının yanlış konumlandırılması gibi pek çok olumsuzluklar, çeşitli buharlaşma tahmin yöntemlerinin geliştirilmesini zorunlu hale getirmiştir. Bu çalışmada, A sınıfı buharlaşma kabından olan buharlaşmanın tahmininde kullanılan Penman ve Priestley-Taylor eşitliklerinin yarı kurak iklim koşullarındaki kullanılabilirliği araştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla, GAP bölgesi koşullarında Siirt iline ait 2 yıllık meteorolojik veriler kullanılarak, eşitlikler yardımıyla hesaplanan günlük ve aylık buharlaşma değerleri, meteoroloji istasyonunda ölçülen değerlerle karşılaştırılmış ve en iyi performans gösteren eşitlik belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. İstatistiksel değerlendirme parametreleri olarak Karekök ortalama hatası (RMSE), ortalama mutlak hata (MAE), hata %’si (PE), ortalama oran (MR) ve determinasyon katsayısı (R2) kullanılmıştır. Çalışma sonunda, günlük düzeyde yapılan karşılaştırmada en iyi R2 değeri 0.8783 ve 0.8062 ile 2015 ve 2016 yılında EPM-Epan karşılaştırmasından elde edilirken bu yıldaki RMSE değerleri 1.35 ve 1.32 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Aylık düzeydeki karşılaştırmada ise, aynı eşitlik en iyi performansı göstermiştir. Bu sonuçlara göre, günlük ve aylık düzeyde pan buharlaşmasını tahmin etmek için, yarı kurak iklim koşullarında Penman (1948) eşitliği önerilmektedir.Öğe Yarı kurak iklim koşullarında a sınıfı kap’tan olan buharlaşmanın penman ve kohler-nordenson-fox (knf) modelleri ile tahmini(SİÜ Ziraat Fakültesi, 2019) Aydın, YusufBuharlaşmanın tahmin edilmesinde gereksinim duyulan iklim parametreleri pekçok bölgede çeşitli nedenlerle kolaylıkla elde edilememektedir. Güvenilir verilerin elde edilmesiyle, sulama planlaması ve su kaynaklarının korunması için buharlaşma tahmini daha az veri ile ve kolaylıkla yapılabilmektedir. Bu çalışmada, A sınıfı buharlaşma kaplarından olan buharlaşmanın tahmininde kullanılan ve bu amaçla geliştirilen Penman (PM) ve Kohler-Nordenson-Fox (KNF) eşitlikleri yoluyla buharlaşmanın tahmin edilerek, meteoroloji istasyonlarında ölçülen değerlerle, yarı kurak iklim koşullarında performansları karşılaştırmalı olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Bu amaçla; Türkiye’nin Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesi’nde yer alan Siirt ili Meteoroloji İstasyonu’ndan alınan iklim verileri, modellerin çözümlenmesinde girdi olarak kullanılmıştır. Elde olunan çıktılar istatistiksel olarak değerlendirilmiş ve karekök ortalama hatası (RMSE), ortalama mutlak hata (MAE), hata yüzdesi (PE), ortalama oran (MR) ve determinasyon katsayısı (R2) parametreleri istatistiksel değerlendirme ölçütü olarak alınmıştır. Çalışma sonunda, günlük düzeyde yapılan karşılaştırmada en iyi R2 değeri 0.8783 ve 0.8062 ile 2015 ve 2016 yılında EPM-Epan karşılaştırmasından elde edilirken, bu yıldaki RMSE değerleri 1.35 ve 1.32 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Aylık düzeydeki karşılaştırmada ise, aynı eşitlik en iyi performansı göstermiştir. Bu sonuçları göre, günlük ve aylık düzeyde A sınıfı buharlaşma kabından olan buharlaşmayı tahmin etmek için, yarı kurak iklim koşullarında daha düşük RMSE değerleri vermesi nedeniyle çalışmada kullanılan Penman eşitliği önerilmektedir.Öğe Farklı sulama düzeylerinin pamuk’da verim ve bazı kalite parametreleri üzerine etkisi(Akdeniz Üniversitesi, 2019) Aydın, YusufBu çalışma, Siirt Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi deneme alanında, BA440 çeşidi pamuk tohumu kullanılarak yürütülmüştür. Çalışma, damla sulama sistemi kullanılarak, A sınıfı kaptan olan buharlaşmanın 80 mm (D1) ve 120 mm (D2) düzeyine ulaştığında bu miktarların %50 (I1), %75 (I2) ve %100 (I3) ‘nün sulama suyu olarak uygulanması esasına göre düzenlenmiştir. Konulardan en düşük ve en yüksek verim değerleri 35.4 kg da-1 (D1I2) ile 59.97 kg da-1 (D1I1) konularından elde edilirmiştir. Konuların bitki su tüketimleri, 656.2 mm (D1I3) ile 530.3 mm (D2I1) arasında hesaplanırken, konulara uygulanan sulama suyu miktarları 249.9 mm (D1I3) ile 123.6 mm (D2I1) arasında gerçekleşmiştir. Yapılan istatistik analizde konular arasındaki fark, önemli bulunmamıştır. Kütlü verimlerden elde edilen randıman değerleri, konularına göre %41.5 ile %42.5 arasında, yaprak alanları ise 50.9 cm2 ile 68.1 cm2 arasında değişmiştir. Konuların verim ve evapotranspirasyon değerleri kullanılarak kısıntılı sulama koşullarında pamuk verim-tepki etmeni, Ky= 1.78 olarak hesaplanmıştır.Öğe Batman ili toprak ve su kaynaklarının tarımsal açıdan değerlendirilmesi(Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi, 2019) Aydın, YusufToprak ve su kaynakları, ülkelerin en değerli varlıkları olup, toplumların yaşamlarını sürdürebilmeleri için gereksinim duydukları gıdaların sağlanmasında asli unsurdur. Yenilenemeyen ve kıt kaynak olan toprak ve su kaynaklarının işletimi ve yönetimi, dünya ülkelerini küresel düzeyde koordineli çalışmaya yöneltmektedir. Küresel ısınmanın getirdiği değişimler sonucu oluşabilecek su kısıtı, sanayi ve kentsel gelişim ile artan nüfusa bağlı olarak artan gıda talebi, su kaynakları üzerindeki en önemli tehdit unsurlarıdır ve kaynaklar üzerindeki baskıyı artırmaktadır. Toplumlar gelecekle ilgili planlamalar yaparken, bu risk unsurlarını göz önüne almalı, toprak ve su kaynakları potansiyelini, kaynakları da koruyarak kullanmalı ve geliştirmelidir. Bu çalışmada, Batman İli toprak ve su kaynakları değerlendirilerek mevcut kaynaklar ve potansiyelleri ile işletiminde karşılan sorunlar irdelenmeye ve çözüm önerileri sunulmaya çalışılmıştır.Öğe MULTI-CRITERIA DECISION SYSTEM FOR GREENHOU-SE SITE SELECTION IN GEDIZ BASIN, TURKEY USING GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS (GIS)(Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2019-08-12) SALTUK, BURAK; Artun, OzanFast-growing population, climate change and increase in the residential area are causing a decrease in Turkey's agricultural land. This has led people to find different areas of production or to increase the quantity of products taken from the unit area. The way to continue produc-tion for 12 months is to increase greenhouse areas. In recent years, greenhouse production activities in Turkey have become a preferred agricultural sector, due to the government sup-port and the private companies' interest in this subject. The study covers 4 provinces (Izmir, Mani-sa, Usak and Kutahya) of the Gediz basin. In this study, it has been tried to determine suitable places for greenhouse activities in the study area by using Multi criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) method and GIS. In the selection of greenhouse location; land use, climate, soil, wind, altitude, slope, aspect and the distances to the geothermal sources are important. A Geog-raphic Information System (GIS) -based Multi-criteria evaluation for greenhouse site selection were applied in 4 provinces (Izmir, Manisa, Usak and Kutahya) of the Gediz basin using these data. The suitable, nonsuitable or partially sui-table areas for greenhouse siting in the basin were determined in terms of GIS, for guidance to producers and researchers in the future. In the study, it is foreseen that, if the geothermal water is used in greenhouse heating, the energy costs of greenhouses and the impact of the geothermal waters on the environment will be reduced.Öğe ENERGY EFFICIENCY OF GREENHOUSE TOMATO PRODUCTION IN TURKEY: A CASE OF SİİRT PROVINCE(Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2019-08-12) SALTUK, BURAKGreenhouse cultivation is one of the most important income generating branches of agricul-ture. The aim of this study is to do an analyze on energy efficiency of greenhouse tomato produc-tion in the season of 2018 in Siirt province and its sub-districts of Turkey. The energy input and output in greenhouse tomato production has been calculated as 104915.10 MJ ha-1 and 128000 MJ ha-1, respectively. Energy inputs consist of 33.39% (35030 MJ ha-1) chemical fertilizer energy, 19.24% (20184.08 MJ ha-1) human labor energy, 12.81% (13440 MJ ha-1) irrigation energy, 10.20% (10698.90 MJ ha-1) diesel fuel energy, 7.63% (80002.80 MJ ha-1) machinery energy, 6.75% (7084 MJ ha-1) chemi-cals energy, 1.41% (1475.20 MJ ha-1) transpor-tation energy and 0.01% (0.10 MJ ha-1) seed energy. Energy efficiency, specific energy, ener-gy productivity and net energy in greenhouse tomato production has been computed as 1.22, 0.66 MJ kg-1, 1.53 kg MJ-1 and 23084.92 MJ ha-1, respectively.Öğe Determination of Greenhouse Potential in Siirt Province and Districts by Using GIS and Recommendations to Producers(European Journal of Science and Technology, 2019-03-06) SALTUK, BURAKThe main source of income is livestock, and the most cultivated plant is pistachio (Pistacia vera) for agricultural purposes in Siirt and districts. Dry agriculture is practiced due to lackness of water sources and rainfall in the province. This limits the possibilities of generating income. The province is not sufficient in terms of agricultural production and migration from rural to other provinces is seen as a big social problem. In order to prevent this problem, agricultural supports have been increased and projects have been supported by government. However, greenhouse cultivation has not been adopted well enough in the region due to the fact that the climatic conditions are not perfectly suitable and the appropriate locations are not selected in the projects. In this study, appropriate location analyzes for greenhouses (climate and topography) were mapped with the geographical information system. In this way, it is aimed to increase the existing potential of the greenhouses of the province. An analysis was performed on open source QuantumGIS software during the study. The bioclimatic raster data set containing the climate data for the are were obtained from the World climate database. These sets, which contain temperature and precipitation data, are resolution 30 arc-seconds 1 km2. After the formation of raster maps containing temperature and rainfall values for the region, the climatic data are separated into three categories as suitable, partly suitable and unsuitable classes. In order to determine suitable areas, climate and structural features required for the greenhouse were obtained from the literature and the raster analysis was made. According to the results of the study, City center, Kurtalan, and Baykan were considered partially suitable for greenhouse cultivation and other districts were not suitable. However, due to the snow and wind loads that may occur in these districts, It has been found that greenhouses need to be constructed with structurally reinforced profiles and alternative energy sources are necessary for heating greenhouses. With the maps created by QuantumGIS, the areas that are currently being used for greenhouses are overlapping with results. In addition, according to the results of this study, structural and practical recommendations were made for the producers in the region.Öğe Structural Analysis Example of Steel Construction Greenhouses(European Journal of Science and Technology, 2019-05-01) SALTUK, BURAKThe greenhouse is an agricultural structure which provides the necessary growth factors for plant production and enables the mechanization of the crops. Greenhouse cultivation is one of the most important income generating branches of agriculture. Nowadays, computer software’s are used for anything as it is being used for planning greenhouses, more robust construction and economical results are obtained this way. Business owners, investing their money in greenhouses, are copying the structural features of existing greenhouses with all wrong calculated parameters and errors. Leaving their valuable cash and future of their investment in the hands of an iron-smith. As a result, the greenhouses which are built without static and strength calculations, more materials are used, or insecure constructions are being applied. When an economic loss occurs depending on structural damage, it will unavoidably lead to economic losses for farmers and implicitly for the country. This study, emphasizes the structural Analysis of a one-span glass covered gable-roofed greenhouse, having an area of 720 m2 located in Antalya province. Structural analysis of the greenhouse was made with SAP2000 program. Mechanical properties of steel used in gable roofs, glass covered greenhouse's, theoretical load calculations are made depending on the TS 498 and TS EN 13031-1 Turkish standards. Variable loads on the greenhouse are calculated as distributed loads with classical methods by analyzing the gable-roofed glass-covered greenhouse according to load combinations (wind, plant, fixed) with SAP2000 program. Also, although there is not a big difference in terms of cost, greenhouse security is endangered as the required cross-section element is not used. With an optimized area of 720 m2, the greenhouse saves 2.736 kg of building material. An average of 11.8% of the building materials can be saved in 1 decare area. Considering the same load conditions; the use of SAP2000 analysis reduces the cost, and there is no change in strength.Öğe A GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM (GIS)-BASED MULTI-CRITERIA EVALUATION FOR GREENHOUSE SITE SELECTION: TIGRIS BASIN CASE STUDY(Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2018-12-12) SALTUK, BURAK; Artun, OzanGreenhouse agriculture is limited only by the shores of the Mediterranean and Aegean regions in Turkey. Greenhouse agriculture is not pre-ferred by producers in other regions. Especially when the Dicle basin is chosen as an example, it is necessary to heat the greenhouses in order to achieve the optimum conditions in cold seasons. However, heating costs even in temperate re-gions has a major share in the total production expenditure. For this reason, in our country, local heating is only applied to protect the plants from freezing in order to prevent regular heating in the greenhouses. Failure to achieve the re-quired level of climate conditions and the lack of heating brings with it problems such as low yield, limitation of production and the necessity of using the hormone. Greenhouses are climate controlled crop production facilities where in-door conditions can be controlled and kept in accordance with growing conditions. In green-houses if the production is required throughout the year, it is necessary to heat facility in the winter period. In Turkey, although almost all of greenhouse production is done in the Mediterra-nean Region, there are also a fairly limited area of production in Southeastern Anatolia Region. Climate, soil, wind, altitude, slope and aspect data are important in choosing the greenhouse location. In this study, a Geographic Information System (GIS) -based Multi-criteria evaluation for greenhouse site selection were applied in 5 prov-inces (Diyarbakir, Mardin, Siirt, Batman and Sirnak) of the Dicle basin by using these data. The validity of the results has been checked over with the field studies and also compared with the climatic conditions and production capacity of Adana Province, which is the third greenhouse production area in the Mediterranean Region. The suitable, non-suitable or partially suitable areas for greenhouse siting were determined in the basin by using GIS.Öğe CURRENT SITUATION IN MEDITERRANEAN GREENHOUSES AND A STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS EXAMPLE (MERSIN PROVINCE)(Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2018-12-12) Saltuk, BurakGreenhouse cultivation is one of the most important income generating branches of agriculture. Nowadays, computer softwares are used for anything as it is being used for planning greenhouses, more robust construction and economical results are obtained this way. Business owners, who investing their money in greenhouses, are copying the structural features of existing greenhouses with all wrong calculated parameters and errors. Leaving their valuable cash and future of their investment in the hands of an iron-smith. As a result, the greenhouses which are built without static and strength calculations, more materials are used, or insecure constructions are being applied. When an economic loss occurs depending on structural damage it will unavoidably lead to economic losses for farmers and implicitly for the country. This study, contains emphasises on the structural analyses of a two-span gothic roofed plastic covered greenhouse, having an area of 900 m2 located in Mersin province. Structural analysis of the greenhouse was made with SAP2000 program. Mechanical properties of steel used in gothic roofs, plastic covered greenhouse's, theoretical load calculations are made depending on the TS 498 and TS EN 13031-1 Turkish standards.Variable loads on the greenhouse are calculated as distributed loads with classical methods by analyzing the gothic roofed plastic covered greenhouse according to load combinations (wind, plant, fixed) with SAP2000 program.Öğe Multi-criteria decision system for greenhouse site selection ın Lower Euphrates Basin using geographic ınformation systems (GIS)(African Journal of Agricultural Research, 2018-11-22) Saltuk, Burak; Artun, OzanGreenhouses have become quite a sought-after agricultural sector due to government support and private company preferences in recent years in Turkey. Greenhouse activities are only limited with Mediterranean and Aegean regions of Turkey and it is not much preferred in the inner regions. Due to these regions being preferred by people, mainly as tourism and settlement areas, it has become very important to find new areas for greenhouse operations. The climatic and topographical conditions in the Southeastern Anatolia Region, are appropriate in terms of greenhouses. In this context, the Lower Euphrates Basin is selected as the study area. It covers 4 provinces (Adiyaman, Gaziantep, Kilis ve Sanliurfa) and is one of the preferred regions for greenhouse operations in recent years. In this study, the climatic conditions and the production capacity of the Antalya province, which has the most greenhouse production areas of the Mediterranean Region and Turkey, are taken into consideration and the four provinces of the Lower Euphrates basin were investigated for their compatibility with the desired conditions in terms of green housing. Climate, soil, wind, altitude, slope, aspect, distance to rivers and lakes data are important in choosing the greenhouse location. A Geographic Information System (GIS) -based Multi-criteria evaluation for greenhouse site selection were applied in the study area by using these data. The validity of the results has been checked over with the field studies and also compared with the climatic conditions and production capacity of Antalya Province. The suitable, non-suitable or partially suitable areas for greenhouse siting in the basin were determined in terms of GIS, for guidance to producers and researchers in the future.