The Effect of Salt Stress on Root Development and Arch7tecture 7n Common Grasspea (Lathyrus sat*vus L.)

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Plant root development and archRtecture are experRencRng a perRod of Rncreased Rnterest due to clRmate change and RncreasRng drought stress pressure. It Rs known that root has a 3-dRmensRonal and complex developmental system, just lRke above-ground organs. DetermRnatRon of abRotRc stress factors affectRng root archRtecture and development Rn forage legume specRes Rs essentRal for developRng abRotRc stress-tolerant cultRvars and sustaRnable agrRcultural productRon. In thRs study, Rt was aRmed to RnvestRgate the effect of 0- to 300 mM salt (NaCl) doses on early root development, root archRtecture, and endosperm usage ratRos Rn two dRfferent common grasspea cultRvars (Lathyrus sat9vus L.) wRth known basRc developmental dRfferences. As a result of the study performed wRth the modRfRed cRgar- roll technRque, Rt was observed that Rn general, 100 to 150 mM and above doses RnhRbRt root growth. The number and length of roots are affected parallel to each other. It was observed that the genotypRc dRfferences between the cultRvars for the measured parameters related to root development were also reflected Rn the results. DRfferent cultRvars had dRfferent levels of tolerance, and the total number and length of roots affect the salt stress RnhRbRtRon. As a result of the stress encountered Rn the seedlRng stage, Rt was observed that the seed endosperm usage ratRo decreased up to 4-fold. It has been observed that evaluatRon of salt stress tolerance at the seedlRng stage may shed lRght on genotypRc dRfferences for germRnatRon and early development speed, and maybe Rmportant for earlRness.


Anahtar Kelimeler

NaCl, Root architecture, forage legume, lateral root development, endosperm usage ratio


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