Zn2SnO4-Mn: Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Ni: Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Fe: Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Co: Sb2S3 yarı iletken nanokristallerinin gotovoltaik, yapısal, biçimsel ve optiksel Özelliklerinin incelenmesi
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Siirt Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu projemizde, katkısız Zn2SnO4-Sb2S3 ve farklı Mn, Ni, Fe ve Co konsantrasyonlarına sahip Zn2SnO4-Mn:Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Ni:Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Fe:Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Co:Sb2S3 yarıiletken nanokristaller kimyasal banyo biriktime (CBD) tekniği kullanılarak sentezlenmiştir. Çalışmamız iki kısımdan oluşmaktadır. Çalışmanın birinci kısımda sentezlenen yarıiletken nanokristallerin fotovoltaik özelliklerinin incelenmesi için foton-akım dönüşüm verimliliği ) ve akım yoğunluğu- voltaj ( ) ölçümleri yapılmıştır. Bu ölçümlerin yapılmasındaki temel hedef, Mn, Ni, Fe ve Co gibi farklı katkı maddelerinin Sb2S3 yarıiletken nanokristallerin fotovoltaik özellikleri üzerindeki etkisini görebilmek ve optimum Mn, Ni, Fe ve Co konsantrasyonunu elde edilen ve güç dönüşümü verimliliği ( ) değerlerini kullanarak tespit etmektir. ölçümleri sonucunda farklı Mn, Ni, Fe ve Co konsantrasyonlarına sahip Zn2SnO4-Mn:Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Ni:Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Fe:Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Co:Sb2S3 yarıiletken nanokristaller için spektrumları elde edilmiştir. 600 nm'deki (%) değerleri kıyaslandığında katkı maddesinin varlığında Sb2S3 yarıiletken nanokristallerin (%) değerinin önemli bir ölçüde arttığı gözlemlenmiştir. 600 nm'deki (%) değerleri baz alındığında Zn2SnO4-Mn (7.5%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Ni (0.75%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Fe (2.5%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Co (1%):Sb2S3 yarıiletken nanokristallerin kendi grubu içerisinde diğer konsantrasyon miktalarına kıyasla en yüksek (%) değerlerine sahip oldukları tespit edilmiştir. Böylece Mn, Ni, Fe ve Co için optimum konsantrasyon değerleri sırasıyla 7.5%, 0.75%, 2.5% ve 1% olarak belirlenmiştir. ölçümleri yapılarak sentezlenen yarıiletken nanokristaller için eğrileri elde edilmiştir. Bu eğriler kullanılarak sentezlenen her bir yarıiletken nanokristaller için, kısa devre akım yoğunluğu ( ) ve açık devre voltaj ( ) değerleri tespit edilmiştir. Daha sonra, bu değerler kullanılarak farklı Mn, Ni, Fe ve Co konsantrasyonlarına sahip Zn2SnO4-Mn (7.5%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Ni (0.75%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Fe (2.5%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Co (1%):Sb2S3 yarıiletken nanokristaller için (%) değerleri hesaplanmıştır. Mn, Ni, Fe ve Co katkılı Sb2S3 yarıiletken nanokristallere ait (%) değerlerinin katkısız Sb2S3 yarıiletken nanokristallere kıyasla daha yüksek olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Hesaplanan (%) değerleri baz alındığında Zn2SnO4-Mn (7.5%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Ni (0.75%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Fe (2.5%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Co (1%):Sb2S3 yarıiletken nanokristallerin kendi grubu içerisinde diğer konsantrasyon miktalarına kıyasla en yüksek (%) değerlerine sahip oldukları tespit edilmiştir. Böylece Mn, Ni, Fe ve Co için optimum konsantrasyon değerleri sırasıyla 7.5%, 0.75%, 2.5% ve 1% olarak belirlenmiştir. Çalışmamızın birinci kısmında yapılan ve ölçümleri sonucunda elde edilen (%) ve (%) değerlerinin birbirleriyle uyumlu olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Çalışmamızın ikinci kısmında, kendi grubu içerisinde en yüksek (%) ve (%) değerlerine sahip olan Zn2SnO4-Mn (7.5%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Ni (0.75%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Fe (2.5%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Co (1%):Sb2S3 yarıiletken nanokristallerin yapısal, optiksel ve biçimsel özellikleri incelenmiştir. cihazı kullanılarak Zn2SnO4-Mn (7.5%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Ni (0.75%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Fe (2.5%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Co (1%):Sb2S3 yarıiletken nanokristalleri için kırınım desenleri elde edilmiştir. Elde edilen kırınım desenleri ile sentezlenen yarıiletken nanokristallerin ortorombik bir yapıya sahip olduğu belirlenmiştir. Zn2SnO4-Mn (7.5%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Ni (0.75%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Fe (2.5%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Co (1%):Sb2S3 yarıiletken nanokristallerin optiksel özellikleri spektroskopisi kullanılarak incelenmiştir. Zn2SnO4-Mn (7.5%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Ni (0.75%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Fe (2.5%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Co (1%):Sb2S3 yarıiletken nanokristallerin yasak enerji bant aralıkları ( sırasıyla 1.98 eV, 1.94 eV, 1.96 eV, 2.00 eV ve 2.02 eV olarak belirlenmiştir. Açıkça görüldüğü gibi katkısız Sb2S3 yarıiletken nanokristaller, Mn, Ni, Fe ve Co gibi farklı elementlerle katkılandıklarında sahip oldukları yasak enerji bant aralığında kayda değer bir değişim gözlemlenmiştir. cihazı ile Zn2SnO4-Mn (7.5%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Ni (0.75%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Fe (2.5%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Co (1%):Sb2S3 yarıiletken nanokristallerin biçimsel özellikleri incelenmiştir. Kaydedilen görüntüler ele alındığında sentezlenen yarıiletken nanokristallerin küresel parçacık formunu aldığı gözlemlenmiştir. analizi yardımıyla Zn2SnO4-Mn (7.5%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Ni (0.75%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Fe (2.5%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Co (1%):Sb2S3 yarıiletken nanokristallerdeki gerçek Mn, Ni, Fe ve Co katkı konsantrasyonları belirlenmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlarI Mn, Ni, Fe ve Co katkılı Zn2SnO4-Sb2S3 yarıiletken nanokristallerin CBD tekniği kullanılarak başarılı bir şekilde sentezlendiğinin bir göstergesi olarak kabul edilmiştir. Deneysel çalışmalar sonucunda fotovoltaik özellikler ile ilgili elde edilen veriler göz önünde bulundurulduğunda katkılama işleminin yarıiletken nanokristal tabanlı güneş pil verimliliğinin artırılmasında önemli bir rol üstlendiği gözlemlenmiştir.
In this project, Zn2SnO4-Sb2S3 and Zn2SnO4-Mn:Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Ni:Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Fe:Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Co:Sb2S3 semiconductor nanocrystals with different Mn, Ni, Fe and Co concentrations were synthesized by chemical bath deposition (CBD) technique. Our study consists of two parts. In the first part of the study, photon-current conversion efficiency ( ) and current density-voltage ( ) measurements were performed to investigate the photovoltaic properties of synthesized semiconductor nanocrystals. The main objective in making these measurements is to see the effect of different dopants such as Mn, Ni, Fe and Co on the photovoltaic properties of Sb2S3 semiconductor nanocrystals and to determine the optimum Mn, Ni Fe and Co concentration using the obtained (%) and power conversion efficiency ( (%)) values. As a result of the measurements, the spectra were obtained for Zn2SnO4-Sb2S3 and Zn2SnO4-Mn:Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Ni:Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Fe:Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Co:Sb2S3 semiconductor nanocrystals with different Mn, Ni, Fe and Co concentrations. When the (%) values at 600 nm were compared, it was observed that the (%) value of Sb2S3 semiconductor nanocrystals increased significantly in the presence of the dopants. Based on (%) values at 600 nm, Zn2SnO4-Mn (7.5%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Ni (0.75%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Fe (2.5%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Co (1%):Sb2S3 semiconductor nanocrystals were found to have the highest (%) values in their group compared to other concentrations. Thus, optimum concentration values for Mn, Ni, Fe and Co were determined as 7.5%, 0.75%, 2.5% and 1%, respectively. curves were obtained for semiconductor nanocrystals synthesized by measurements. The short circuit current density ( ) and open circuit voltage ( ) values were determined for each synthesized semiconductor nanocrystals using these curves. Then, (%) values for Zn2SnO4-Sb2S3 and Zn2SnO4-Mn: Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Ni: Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Fe: Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Co: Sb2S3 semiconductor nanocrystals with different Mn, Ni, Fe and Co concentrations were calculated using these values. The (%) values of the Mn, Ni, Fe and Co doped Sb2S3 semiconductor nanocrystals were found to be higher than the pure Sb2S3 semiconductor nanocrystals. Based on the calculated (%) values, It was determined that Zn2SnO4-Mn (7.5%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Ni (0.75%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Fe (2.5%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Co (1%):Sb2S3 semiconductor nanocrystals have the highest (%) values compared to other concentrations in the own group. Thus, optimum concentration values for Mn, Ni, Fe and Co were determined as 7.5%, 0.75%, 2.5% and 1%, respectively. The and measurements obtained in the first part of our study showed that (%) and (%) values are consistent with each other. In the second part of our study, structural, optical and morphological properties of Zn2SnO4-Mn (7.5%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Ni (0.75%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Fe (2.5%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Co (1%):Sb2S3 semiconductor nanocrystals were examined. XRD diffraction patterns were obtained for Zn2SnO4-Mn (7.5%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Ni (0.75%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Fe (2.5%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Co (1%):Sb2S3 semiconductor nanocrystals using the XRD device. It was determined that the synthesized semiconductor nanocrystals have an orthorhombic structure using the obtained diffraction patterns. The optical properties of Zn2SnO4-Mn (7.5%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Ni (0.75%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Fe (2.5%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Co (1%):Sb2S3 semiconductor nanocrystals were investigated using the UV-Vis spectroscopy. The energy band gap (Eg) of Zn2SnO4-Mn (7.5%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Ni (0.75%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Fe (2.5%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Co (1%):Sb2S3 semiconductor nanocrystals were determined as 1.98 eV, 1.94 eV, 1.96 eV, 2.00 eV and 2.02 eV, respectively. Clearly, there was a significant change in the energy band gap when the pure Sb2S3 semiconductor nanocrystals doped with different elements such, Mn, Ni, Fe and Co. The morphological properties of Zn2SnO4-Mn (7.5%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Ni (0.75%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Fe (2.5%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Co (1%):Sb2S3 semiconductor nanocrystals were investigated by SEM device. Considering the recorded SEM images, it was observed that the synthesized semiconductor nanocrystals have the spherical particle form. With the help of EDX analysis, the actual concentrations of Mn, Ni, Fe and Co in Zn2SnO4-Mn (7.5%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Ni (0.75%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Fe (2.5%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Co (1%):Sb2S3 semiconductor nanocrystals were determined. The obtained EDX results were accepted as an indicator of successful synthesis of Mn, Ni, Fe and Co doped Zn2SnO4-Sb2S3 semiconductor nanocrystals using CBD technique. As a result of experimental studies, it has been observed that the doping process has an important role in increasing the efficiency of semiconductor nanocrystalline based solar cells.
In this project, Zn2SnO4-Sb2S3 and Zn2SnO4-Mn:Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Ni:Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Fe:Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Co:Sb2S3 semiconductor nanocrystals with different Mn, Ni, Fe and Co concentrations were synthesized by chemical bath deposition (CBD) technique. Our study consists of two parts. In the first part of the study, photon-current conversion efficiency ( ) and current density-voltage ( ) measurements were performed to investigate the photovoltaic properties of synthesized semiconductor nanocrystals. The main objective in making these measurements is to see the effect of different dopants such as Mn, Ni, Fe and Co on the photovoltaic properties of Sb2S3 semiconductor nanocrystals and to determine the optimum Mn, Ni Fe and Co concentration using the obtained (%) and power conversion efficiency ( (%)) values. As a result of the measurements, the spectra were obtained for Zn2SnO4-Sb2S3 and Zn2SnO4-Mn:Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Ni:Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Fe:Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Co:Sb2S3 semiconductor nanocrystals with different Mn, Ni, Fe and Co concentrations. When the (%) values at 600 nm were compared, it was observed that the (%) value of Sb2S3 semiconductor nanocrystals increased significantly in the presence of the dopants. Based on (%) values at 600 nm, Zn2SnO4-Mn (7.5%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Ni (0.75%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Fe (2.5%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Co (1%):Sb2S3 semiconductor nanocrystals were found to have the highest (%) values in their group compared to other concentrations. Thus, optimum concentration values for Mn, Ni, Fe and Co were determined as 7.5%, 0.75%, 2.5% and 1%, respectively. curves were obtained for semiconductor nanocrystals synthesized by measurements. The short circuit current density ( ) and open circuit voltage ( ) values were determined for each synthesized semiconductor nanocrystals using these curves. Then, (%) values for Zn2SnO4-Sb2S3 and Zn2SnO4-Mn: Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Ni: Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Fe: Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Co: Sb2S3 semiconductor nanocrystals with different Mn, Ni, Fe and Co concentrations were calculated using these values. The (%) values of the Mn, Ni, Fe and Co doped Sb2S3 semiconductor nanocrystals were found to be higher than the pure Sb2S3 semiconductor nanocrystals. Based on the calculated (%) values, It was determined that Zn2SnO4-Mn (7.5%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Ni (0.75%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Fe (2.5%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Co (1%):Sb2S3 semiconductor nanocrystals have the highest (%) values compared to other concentrations in the own group. Thus, optimum concentration values for Mn, Ni, Fe and Co were determined as 7.5%, 0.75%, 2.5% and 1%, respectively. The and measurements obtained in the first part of our study showed that (%) and (%) values are consistent with each other. In the second part of our study, structural, optical and morphological properties of Zn2SnO4-Mn (7.5%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Ni (0.75%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Fe (2.5%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Co (1%):Sb2S3 semiconductor nanocrystals were examined. XRD diffraction patterns were obtained for Zn2SnO4-Mn (7.5%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Ni (0.75%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Fe (2.5%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Co (1%):Sb2S3 semiconductor nanocrystals using the XRD device. It was determined that the synthesized semiconductor nanocrystals have an orthorhombic structure using the obtained diffraction patterns. The optical properties of Zn2SnO4-Mn (7.5%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Ni (0.75%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Fe (2.5%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Co (1%):Sb2S3 semiconductor nanocrystals were investigated using the UV-Vis spectroscopy. The energy band gap (Eg) of Zn2SnO4-Mn (7.5%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Ni (0.75%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Fe (2.5%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Co (1%):Sb2S3 semiconductor nanocrystals were determined as 1.98 eV, 1.94 eV, 1.96 eV, 2.00 eV and 2.02 eV, respectively. Clearly, there was a significant change in the energy band gap when the pure Sb2S3 semiconductor nanocrystals doped with different elements such, Mn, Ni, Fe and Co. The morphological properties of Zn2SnO4-Mn (7.5%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Ni (0.75%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Fe (2.5%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Co (1%):Sb2S3 semiconductor nanocrystals were investigated by SEM device. Considering the recorded SEM images, it was observed that the synthesized semiconductor nanocrystals have the spherical particle form. With the help of EDX analysis, the actual concentrations of Mn, Ni, Fe and Co in Zn2SnO4-Mn (7.5%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Ni (0.75%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Fe (2.5%):Sb2S3, Zn2SnO4-Co (1%):Sb2S3 semiconductor nanocrystals were determined. The obtained EDX results were accepted as an indicator of successful synthesis of Mn, Ni, Fe and Co doped Zn2SnO4-Sb2S3 semiconductor nanocrystals using CBD technique. As a result of experimental studies, it has been observed that the doping process has an important role in increasing the efficiency of semiconductor nanocrystalline based solar cells.
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Kimya Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı, Kimya Mühendisliği Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Fizik ve Fizik Mühendisliği, Physics and Physics Engineering, Kimya Mühendisliği