Magnezyum uygulamalarının pamukta verim, lif kalite kriterleri ve klorofil içeriğine etkisinin belirlenmesi
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Siirt Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu araştırma farklı magnezyum (Mg) uygulamalarının pamukta verim, verim bileşenleri, lif kalite kriterleri ve klorofil içeriğine etkilerini belirlemek amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Araştırma, 2021 yılında Siirt Üniversitesi Kezer Kampüsünde tesadüf blokları deneme desenine göre 4 tekrarlamalı olarak yürütülmüştür. Denemede 7 farklı magnezyum uygulaması (Kontrol, Taraklanma Dönemi 200 cc/da, Taraklanma Dönemi 400 cc/da, Taraklanma Dönemi 600 cc/da, Çiçeklenme Dönemi 200 cc/da, Çiçeklenme Dönemi 400 cc/da, Çiçeklenme Dönemi 600 cc/da) yer almıştır. Denemede materyal olarak MAY 455 pamuk çeşidi ile magnezyum kaynağı olarak Magnezyum Sülfat çözeltisi (MG) kullanılmıştır. Çalışmada magnezyum uygulamalarının incelenen özelliklerden odun dalı sayısı, ilk meyve dalı boğum sayısı, boy/nod oranı, koza sayısı, koza ağırlığı, kütlü pamuk verimi, lif kopma dayanıklılığı, lif kopma uzaması, lif üniformite oranı ve iplik olabilirlik indeksine önemli etkisinin olduğu saptanmış ve uygulamalar arasında önemli istatistiki farklılıkların bulunduğu belirlenmiştir. İncelenen diğer özelliklerden bitki boyu, meyve dalı sayısı, boğum sayısı, koza kütlü ağırlığı, kozada tohum sayısı, ilk el kütlü oranı, çırçır randımanı, yaprakta klorofil içeriği (SPAD değeri), normalize edilmiş vejetasyon farklılık indeksi (NDVI değeri), lif pamuk verimi, lif inceliği, lif uzunluğu, kısa lif indeksi, lif sarılık değeri (+b) ve lif parlaklık (Rd) değerlerinin magnezyum uygulamalarından etkilenmediği saptanmıştır. Araştırmada en yüksek koza sayısı, odun dalı sayısı ve boy/nod oranı değerleri taraklanma döneminde 200 cc/da Mg uygulaması ile elde edilmiştir. İlk meyve dalı boğum sayısı, lif üniformite oranı ve iplik olabilirlik indeksi değerleri bakımından en yüksek değerler taraklanma döneminde 600 cc/da Mg uygulamasından, en yüksek lif kopma uzaması değerleri ise taraklanma döneminde 400 cc/da Mg uygulamasından elde edilmiştir. Çiçeklenme döneminde 400 cc/da Mg uygulaması ile koza ağırlığında en yüksek değer elde edilirken, çiçeklenme döneminde 600 cc/da dozu ile en yüksek lif kopma dayanıklılığı değeri elde edilmiştir. Çalışmada kütlü pamuk veriminin 378,57 ile 446,74 kg/da arasında değiştiği, en yüksek kütlü pamuk veriminin 446,74 kg/da ile çiçeklenme döneminde 200 cc/da dozunda uygulanan magnezyumdan elde edildiği belirlenmiştir. Magnezyumun pamuk bitkisinin verim ve bazı lif kalite kriterlerini olumlu yönde etkilediği bu nedenle pamuk üretiminde taraklanma veya çiçeklenme döneminde yeşil aksama uygulanmasının yararlı olabileceği sonucuna varılmıştır.
This study was carried out to determine the effects of different magnesium (Mg) applications on yield, yield components, fiber quality criteria and chlorophyll content in cotton. The research was conducted in Siirt University Kezer Campus in 2021 according to the randomized complete blocks design with 4 replications. In the experiment 7 different Mg applications (Control, Squaring Period 200 cc/da, Squaring Period 400 cc/da, Squaring Period 600 cc/da, Flowering Period 200 cc/da, Flowering Period 400 cc/da, Flowering Period 600 cc/da) have been taken place. In the experiment, MAY 455 cotton variety was used as material and Magnesium Sulphate solution (MG) was used as magnesium source. In the study, there were statistically significant differences among magnesium applications in terms of the number of monopodial branches, seed cotton yield, node number of first fruit branch, height/node ratio, number of bolls, boll weight, fiber strength, fiber elongation, fiber uniformity and spinning consistency index. The other examined characteristics such as plant height, number of fruiting branches, fiber yield, number of nodes, boll seed weight, number of seeds per boll, first harvesting rate, ginning percentage, leaf chlorophyll content (SPAD value), normalized difference vegetative index (NDVI value), fiber fineness, fiber length, short fiber index, fiber yellowness (+b) and fiber brightness (Rd) value were not affected by magnesium applications. In the research the highest number of bolls, number of monopodial branches and height/node number values was obtained with 200 cc/da Mg application at squaring period. The highest first fruiting branches node number, fiber uniformity and spinning consistency index values was obtained with 600 cc/da Mg application at flowering period, while the highest fiber strength value obtained with 400 cc/da Mg application at squaring period. The highest fiber strength value was obtained with 600 cc/da dose during the flowering period, while the highest value in boll weight was obtained with 400 cc/da Mg application during the flowering period. In the study, it was determined that the seed cotton yield ranged between 378.57 and 446.74 kg/da, and the highest seed cotton yield was 446.74 kg/da at a dose of 200 cc/da during the flowering period. It has been concluded that magnesium affects the yield and some fiber quality criteria of cotton plants positively, therefore, it may be beneficial to apply green parts during squaring or flowering period in cotton production.
This study was carried out to determine the effects of different magnesium (Mg) applications on yield, yield components, fiber quality criteria and chlorophyll content in cotton. The research was conducted in Siirt University Kezer Campus in 2021 according to the randomized complete blocks design with 4 replications. In the experiment 7 different Mg applications (Control, Squaring Period 200 cc/da, Squaring Period 400 cc/da, Squaring Period 600 cc/da, Flowering Period 200 cc/da, Flowering Period 400 cc/da, Flowering Period 600 cc/da) have been taken place. In the experiment, MAY 455 cotton variety was used as material and Magnesium Sulphate solution (MG) was used as magnesium source. In the study, there were statistically significant differences among magnesium applications in terms of the number of monopodial branches, seed cotton yield, node number of first fruit branch, height/node ratio, number of bolls, boll weight, fiber strength, fiber elongation, fiber uniformity and spinning consistency index. The other examined characteristics such as plant height, number of fruiting branches, fiber yield, number of nodes, boll seed weight, number of seeds per boll, first harvesting rate, ginning percentage, leaf chlorophyll content (SPAD value), normalized difference vegetative index (NDVI value), fiber fineness, fiber length, short fiber index, fiber yellowness (+b) and fiber brightness (Rd) value were not affected by magnesium applications. In the research the highest number of bolls, number of monopodial branches and height/node number values was obtained with 200 cc/da Mg application at squaring period. The highest first fruiting branches node number, fiber uniformity and spinning consistency index values was obtained with 600 cc/da Mg application at flowering period, while the highest fiber strength value obtained with 400 cc/da Mg application at squaring period. The highest fiber strength value was obtained with 600 cc/da dose during the flowering period, while the highest value in boll weight was obtained with 400 cc/da Mg application during the flowering period. In the study, it was determined that the seed cotton yield ranged between 378.57 and 446.74 kg/da, and the highest seed cotton yield was 446.74 kg/da at a dose of 200 cc/da during the flowering period. It has been concluded that magnesium affects the yield and some fiber quality criteria of cotton plants positively, therefore, it may be beneficial to apply green parts during squaring or flowering period in cotton production.
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Tarla Bitkileri Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture