Siirt ilinde bağ alanlarında zararlı asma ağustosböceği (Klapperichicen (=Chloropsalta) viridissima (Hemiptera: Cicadidae)] üzerinde araştırmalar
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Siirt Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışma 2022 yılında Siirt ili bağ alanlarında zararlı Asma ağustosböceği (Klapperichicen viridissima Walk)'nin yayılışı, populasyon yoğunluğu, zarar durumu ve mücadeleye esas kritik dönemlerini belirlemek amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Çalışmalar 6 ilçede (Merkez, Baykan, Kurtalan, Pervari, Şirvan ve Tillo ilçeleri), 15 köyde ve 57 bağda yürütülmüştür. Çalışmalarda göz ile inceleme metodu kullanılmıştır. Yayılış alanını belirlemek için survey yapılan bağlarda genel bir gözlem yapılmış ve bağı temsil edecek sayıda omca göz ile kontrol edilmiştir. Asma ağutosböceği ergini, nimfi, nimf gömleği, çıkış deliği ve yumurta koyma zararı görülen bağlar bulaşık kabul edilmiştir. Dört ilçede ve her ilçede bir bağda haftalık yapılan kontrollerle nimf çıkış delikleri ve son dönem nimf gömlekleri sayılarak ergin çıkış seyri ve yoğunluğu belirlenmiştir. Zarar durumunu belirlemek için nimf zararı görülen bağlardaki omca gelişimleri ve yumurta bırakılan bir yıllık sürgünlerdeki bulaşıklık oranı belirlenmiştir. Erginlerin ilk çıkışı, en fazla çıkış dönemi, doğada bulunma süreleri, ilk yumurta bırakma ve ilk yumurtaların açılış dönemleri yapılan kontrollerle saptanmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda Siirt ilindeki tüm ilçe ve köylerde yapılan gözlemler sonucunda bağların %82'sinin Asma ağustosböceği ile bulaşık olduğu saptanmıştır. Zararlının populasyon yoğunluğunun ilçeden ilçeye ve bağdan bağa farklılık gösterdiği belirlenmiştir. Zararlının populasyon yoğunluğu en yüksek Tillo ilçesindeki bağda (29 nimf gömleği/omca) en düşük yoğunluk ise Kurtalan ilçesindeki bağda (5 nimf gömleği/omca) saptanmıştır. Sürgünlerdeki yumurta bırakma zararı ve sürgün bulaşıklığı %3-8 arasında değiştiği tespit edilmiştir. Nimf zararı görülen asmalarda gelişme geriliği, bodurlaşma, çalılaşma boğum aralarında kısalma, yaprakta küçülme ve verim düşüklüğü görülmüştür. Nimf zararının sulanmayan goble şeklinde yetiştiricilik yapılan ve pekmezlik çeşit olan Sinceri çeşidinde daha fazla olduğu belirlenmiştir. Erginlerin haziran ayı başından itibaren çıkış yaptıkları en fazla ergin çıkışının temmuz sonu ağustos başında olduğu ve erginlerin ağustos ayının üçüncü haftasına kadar bağ alanlarında bulunduğu görülmüştür. İlk yumurta açılımının temmuz ayı ortalarında başladığı ve ağustos sonuna kadar yumurta açılımının sürdüğü saptanmıştır. Bağlarda sulama, gübreleme, budama ve sürüm gibi işlemlerin zamanında yapılarak omcaların kuvvetli bulundurulması, mayıs sonunda nimf populasyonun düşürülmesi amacıyla 10-15 cm derinlikte bağın sürülmesi, temmuz ortasından itibaren yumurta bırakılan sürgünlerin kesilip güneşe maruz bırakılması ya da bağdan uzaklaştırılması Asma ağustosböceğinin zararını ve yoğunluğunu düşürmede etkili olacağı kanaatine varılmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Bağ, bulaşıklık oranı, Klapperichicen viridissima Walk, populasyon yoğunluğu, yayılışı, zarar durumu
This study was carried out in the vineyard areas of Siirt province in 2022 to determine the distribution, population density, damage status and critical periods for control of the harmful Grape Cicada (Klapperichicen viridissima Walk) in the vineyard areas of Siirt province. The studies were carried out in 6 districts (Center, Baykan, Kurtalan, Pervari, Şirvan and Tillo districts), 15 villages and 57 vineyards. Visual inspection method was used in the studies. In order to determine the distribution area, a general observation was made in the surveyed vineyards and a representative number of vineyards were visually inspected. Vineyards damaged by grapevine cicada adults, nymphs, nymph coats, exit holes and egg laying are considered as infected. The course and density of adult emergence were determined by counting nymph emergence holes and last-stage nymph liners during weekly checks in four districts and one vineyard in each district. To determine the damage status, vine development in vineyards with nymph damage and the infestation rate in developing vines and one-year shoots where eggs were laid were determined. The first emergence of adults, the period of maximum emergence, the swarms found in nature, the first egg and the opening periods of the first eggs were determined by the controls. As a result of the study observations in all districts and villages in Siirt province, 82% of the vineyards were found to be infected with grapevine cicada. It was determined that the population density of the pest varied from district to district and from vineyard to vineyard. The highest population density of the pest was found in the vineyard in Tillo district (29 nymph shells/shoot) and the lowest density was found in the vineyard in Kurtalan district (5 nymph shells/shoot). Egg-laying damage on shoots and shoot contamination were found to vary between 3-8%. Growth retardation, stunting, bushiness, shortening of internodes, leaf shrinkage and low yield were observed in nymph damaged vines. It was determined that nymphal damage was higher in Sinceri variety, which is a non-irrigated goble cultivated and molasses variety. It was observed that the adults emerged from the beginning of June and the maximum number of adults emerged at the end of July and the beginning of August and the adults were found in the vineyard areas until the third week of August. The first egg laying started in mid-July and continued until the end of August. It was concluded that irrigation, fertilisation, pruning and ploughing of the vineyards, ploughing the vineyard at a depth of 10-15 cm at the end of May in order to reduce the nymph population, cutting the shoots where eggs are laid from mid-July and exposing them to the sun or removing them from the vineyard will be effective in reducing the damage and density of grapevine cicada. Keywords: Damage situation, distribution, infection rate, Klapperichicen viridissima Walk, population density, vineyard
This study was carried out in the vineyard areas of Siirt province in 2022 to determine the distribution, population density, damage status and critical periods for control of the harmful Grape Cicada (Klapperichicen viridissima Walk) in the vineyard areas of Siirt province. The studies were carried out in 6 districts (Center, Baykan, Kurtalan, Pervari, Şirvan and Tillo districts), 15 villages and 57 vineyards. Visual inspection method was used in the studies. In order to determine the distribution area, a general observation was made in the surveyed vineyards and a representative number of vineyards were visually inspected. Vineyards damaged by grapevine cicada adults, nymphs, nymph coats, exit holes and egg laying are considered as infected. The course and density of adult emergence were determined by counting nymph emergence holes and last-stage nymph liners during weekly checks in four districts and one vineyard in each district. To determine the damage status, vine development in vineyards with nymph damage and the infestation rate in developing vines and one-year shoots where eggs were laid were determined. The first emergence of adults, the period of maximum emergence, the swarms found in nature, the first egg and the opening periods of the first eggs were determined by the controls. As a result of the study observations in all districts and villages in Siirt province, 82% of the vineyards were found to be infected with grapevine cicada. It was determined that the population density of the pest varied from district to district and from vineyard to vineyard. The highest population density of the pest was found in the vineyard in Tillo district (29 nymph shells/shoot) and the lowest density was found in the vineyard in Kurtalan district (5 nymph shells/shoot). Egg-laying damage on shoots and shoot contamination were found to vary between 3-8%. Growth retardation, stunting, bushiness, shortening of internodes, leaf shrinkage and low yield were observed in nymph damaged vines. It was determined that nymphal damage was higher in Sinceri variety, which is a non-irrigated goble cultivated and molasses variety. It was observed that the adults emerged from the beginning of June and the maximum number of adults emerged at the end of July and the beginning of August and the adults were found in the vineyard areas until the third week of August. The first egg laying started in mid-July and continued until the end of August. It was concluded that irrigation, fertilisation, pruning and ploughing of the vineyards, ploughing the vineyard at a depth of 10-15 cm at the end of May in order to reduce the nymph population, cutting the shoots where eggs are laid from mid-July and exposing them to the sun or removing them from the vineyard will be effective in reducing the damage and density of grapevine cicada. Keywords: Damage situation, distribution, infection rate, Klapperichicen viridissima Walk, population density, vineyard
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Bitki Koruma Ana Bilim Dalı, Entomoloji Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture