Sodyum bor hidrürlü bir hidrojen üretim sisteminde farklı kil bazlı katalizörlerin hidrojen üretimine etkileri
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Bu çalışmada, destek malzemesi olarak farklı asitlerle modifiye edilmiş sepiyolit ve montmorillonit killeri üzerine Co-B, Co-Fe-B ve Co-Mg-B katalizörleri kimyasal indirgenme yöntemi ile sentezlenmiş ve aktiviteleri sodyum bor hidrürün hidroliz reaksiyonundan hidrojen elde etme ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Sepiyolit ve montmorillonit killerinin modifikasyonu için asetik asit, hidroklorik asit, borik asit ve fosforık asit kullanılmıştır. Aynı zamanda, kil numunelerinin optimizasyonu için optimum asit konsantrasyonu ve optimum emdirme süreleri belirlenmiştir. Hidrojen üretim deneylerinde, metal miktarı, sodyum borhidrür konsantrasyonu ve sıcaklık parametreleri incelenmiştir. Her iki destek materyali ile asitlerin etkileşimi farklı olmakla birlikte en uygun hidrojen üretim hızları fosforik asitle elde edilmiştir. Aynı zamanda, destek materyali üzerine Co metali yanında Mg ya da Fe metal ilavesi ile de maksimum hidrojen üretiminde artışlar tespit edilmiştir. Gerçekleştirilen işlemler sonucunda elde edilen destekli katalizör numuneleri, X-ışınları kırınımı spektroskopisi (XRD), taramalı elektron mikroskobu, infrared spektroskopisi ve BET yüzey alanı cihazı ile karakterize edilmiş ve yorumlanmıştır. Karakterizasyon çalışmalarında, destekli katalizörlerin yüzeyinde anlamlı değişiklikler gözlemlenmiştir. Seçilen bazı katalizörler üzerinde, kinetik verilerin elde edilebilmesi için 30, 40, 50 ve 60 °C sıcaklıklarında hidroliz işlemleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. Kil destekli katalizörler kullanılarak sodyum borhidrürün hidrolizinden hidrojen üretimine ait aktivasyon enerjileri hesaplanmıştır. Montmorillonit destekli Co-B, Co-Fe-B ve Co-Mg-B katalizörleri ile elde edilen aktivasyon enerjileri sırasıyla 49.5, 38.90 ve 52.3 kJ/mol olarak bulunmuştur. Aynı zamanda, sepiyolit destekli Co-B, Co-Fe-B ve Co-Mg-B katalizörleri ile elde edilen aktivasyon enerjileri sırasıyla 21.4, 43.83 ve 38.21 kJ/mol olarak bulunmuştur. Anahtar Kelimeler: Co-B, Co-Fe-B. Co-Mg-B, destek materyal, hidrojen, modifikasyon
In this study, Co-B, Co-Fe-B and Co-Mg-B catalysts were synthesized by chemical reduction on sepiolite and montmorillonite clays modified with different acids as support material and their activities were performed by obtaining hydrogen from the hydrolysis reaction of sodium borohydride. Acetic acid, hydrochloric acid, boric acid and phosphoric acid were used for the modification of sepiolite and montmorillonite clays. At the same time, optimum acid concentration and optimum impregnation times were determined for the optimization of clay samples. In the hydrogen production experiments, the metal content, sodium borohydride concentration and temperature parameters were examined. Although the interaction of acids with both support materials is different, the most suitable hydrogen production rates are obtained with phosphoric acid. At the same time, significant increases in maximum hydrogen production were detected by addition of Mg or Fe beside Co on the support material. The supported catalyst samples obtained as a result of the processes performed were characterized and interpreted by X-ray diffraction spectroscopy (XRD), scanning electron microscope, infrared spectroscopy and BET surface area device. Characterization studies showed significant changes in the surface of the supported catalysts. On some selected catalysts, hydrolysis was carried out at 30, 40, 50 and 60 ° C to obtain kinetic data. Activation energies of hydrogen production were calculated from hydrolysis of sodium borohydride using clay supported catalysts. The activation energies obtained with montmorillonite-supported Co-B, Co-Fe-B and Co-Mg-B catalysts were found as 49.5, 38.90 and 52.3 kJ / mol, respectively. At the same time, the activation energies obtained with sepiolite-supported Co-B, Co-Fe-B and Co-Mg-B catalysts were found to be 21.4, 43.83 and 38.21 kJ / mol, respectively. Keywords: Co-B, Co-Fe-B. Co-Mg-B, support material, hydrogen, modification
In this study, Co-B, Co-Fe-B and Co-Mg-B catalysts were synthesized by chemical reduction on sepiolite and montmorillonite clays modified with different acids as support material and their activities were performed by obtaining hydrogen from the hydrolysis reaction of sodium borohydride. Acetic acid, hydrochloric acid, boric acid and phosphoric acid were used for the modification of sepiolite and montmorillonite clays. At the same time, optimum acid concentration and optimum impregnation times were determined for the optimization of clay samples. In the hydrogen production experiments, the metal content, sodium borohydride concentration and temperature parameters were examined. Although the interaction of acids with both support materials is different, the most suitable hydrogen production rates are obtained with phosphoric acid. At the same time, significant increases in maximum hydrogen production were detected by addition of Mg or Fe beside Co on the support material. The supported catalyst samples obtained as a result of the processes performed were characterized and interpreted by X-ray diffraction spectroscopy (XRD), scanning electron microscope, infrared spectroscopy and BET surface area device. Characterization studies showed significant changes in the surface of the supported catalysts. On some selected catalysts, hydrolysis was carried out at 30, 40, 50 and 60 ° C to obtain kinetic data. Activation energies of hydrogen production were calculated from hydrolysis of sodium borohydride using clay supported catalysts. The activation energies obtained with montmorillonite-supported Co-B, Co-Fe-B and Co-Mg-B catalysts were found as 49.5, 38.90 and 52.3 kJ / mol, respectively. At the same time, the activation energies obtained with sepiolite-supported Co-B, Co-Fe-B and Co-Mg-B catalysts were found to be 21.4, 43.83 and 38.21 kJ / mol, respectively. Keywords: Co-B, Co-Fe-B. Co-Mg-B, support material, hydrogen, modification
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Kimya Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kimya Mühendisliği, Chemical Engineering