Kemalettin Tuğcu'nun romanlarında erdemler ve rol model karakterler
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Çocuklara yönelik hikâye edici metinlerin çocukların kişisel gelişimi ve eğitimi üzerinde önemli katkıları vardır. Türk edebiyatında bu anlamda değerlendirilebilecek çok sayıda hikâye edici metin bulunmaktadır. Kemalettin Tuğcu'nun romanları bu metinler arasında değerlendirilebilecek niteliktedir. Çalışmada Kemalettin Tuğcu'nun çocuk romanlarındaki rol model karakterler, Türkçe Öğretim Programı'nda (2019) yer alan "Erdemler" teması bağlamında incelenmiştir. Yapılan çalışmanın amacı, incelenen romanlardaki karakterlerin rol model olma yönlerini erdemli davranışlar ilişkisiyle ortaya çıkarmaktır. Çalışma toplam beş bölümden oluşmaktadır. Giriş kısmında araştırmanın amacı ve önemi, problem durumu, kapsam ve sınırlılıklar belirtilmiştir. Birinci bölüm, çalışmanın kavramsal çerçevesini içermektedir. İkinci bölümde araştırmanın yöntem ve metodu belirtilmiştir. Üçüncü bölümün ilk kısmı, çalışmanın temel bölümünden oluşan bulgu ve yorumlardan ibarettir. Bu bölümde sınıflandırmaya esas alınan erdemli davranışlar hakkında genel bilgiler yer almaktadır. Romanlardaki rol modellerin karakter özellikleri verilerek erdemli davranışlar sıralanmıştır. Erdemlerin sonunda rol model karakterlerin başlıklara dağılımını gösteren bulgular tabloya dökülmüştür. Üçüncü bölümün ikinci kısmında ise incelenen romanlardaki rol model karakterler, çocuk ve yetişkin olmak üzere özelliklerine göre iki tabloda gösterilmiştir. Son olarak, tezin dördüncü bölümünde sonuç ve öneriler sunularak incelenen romanlar; Türkçe eğitimi, çocuk edebiyatı, karakter eğitimi ve karakterlerin rol model olmaları yönünden değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışmanın sonucunda incelenen romanların çocukların rol model alabilecekleri karakterler üzerinde kurgulandığı tespit edilmiştir. Bu tespite göre Kemalettin Tuğcu'nun romanları Türkçe eğitiminde bir materyal olarak kullanılabilecek niteliktedir.
Narrative texts for children have important contributions to children's personal development and education. There are many narrative texts in Turkish literature that can be evaluated in this sense. Kemalettin Tuğcu's novels can be considered among these texts. In the study, role model characters in Kemalettin Tuğcu's children's novels were examined in the context of the "Virtues" theme in the Turkish Education Program (2019). The aim of the study is to reveal the role model aspects of the characters in the analyzed novels in relation to virtuous behaviors. The study consists of five chapters in total. Introduction part, the purpose and importance of the research, problem situation, scope and limitations are stated. The first part contains the conceptual framework of the study. In the third part, the method and method of researches are specified. The second part of the fourth part consists of the findings and comments that consist of the main part of the study. This section contains general information about virtuous behaviors that are based on classification. Virtuous behaviors are listed by giving the character traits of the role models in the novels. At the end of the virtues, the findings showing the distribution of role model characters into titles are tabulated. In the second part of the third chapter, the role model characters in the analyzed novels are shown in two tables according to their characteristics, child and adult. Finally, in the fourth part of the thesis, the novels examined by presenting the results and suggestions; Turkish education has been evaluated in terms of children's literature, character education and characters being role models. As a result of the study, it was determined that the novels examined were based on characters from which children can take role models. According to this determination, Kemalettin Tuğcu's novels can be used as material in Turkish education.
Narrative texts for children have important contributions to children's personal development and education. There are many narrative texts in Turkish literature that can be evaluated in this sense. Kemalettin Tuğcu's novels can be considered among these texts. In the study, role model characters in Kemalettin Tuğcu's children's novels were examined in the context of the "Virtues" theme in the Turkish Education Program (2019). The aim of the study is to reveal the role model aspects of the characters in the analyzed novels in relation to virtuous behaviors. The study consists of five chapters in total. Introduction part, the purpose and importance of the research, problem situation, scope and limitations are stated. The first part contains the conceptual framework of the study. In the third part, the method and method of researches are specified. The second part of the fourth part consists of the findings and comments that consist of the main part of the study. This section contains general information about virtuous behaviors that are based on classification. Virtuous behaviors are listed by giving the character traits of the role models in the novels. At the end of the virtues, the findings showing the distribution of role model characters into titles are tabulated. In the second part of the third chapter, the role model characters in the analyzed novels are shown in two tables according to their characteristics, child and adult. Finally, in the fourth part of the thesis, the novels examined by presenting the results and suggestions; Turkish education has been evaluated in terms of children's literature, character education and characters being role models. As a result of the study, it was determined that the novels examined were based on characters from which children can take role models. According to this determination, Kemalettin Tuğcu's novels can be used as material in Turkish education.
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Türkçe ve Sosyal Bilimler Eğitimi Ana Bilim Dalı, Türkçe Eğitimi Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Eğitim ve Öğretim, Education and Training