Ahmed Arif'in 'Hasretinden Prangalar Eskittim' adlı şiir kitabının söylem çözümlemesi
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Marksist sanat anlayışı çerçevesinde şiir yazan ve aynı zamanda toplumcu gerçekçi sanat anlayışının en önemli şiir temsilcilerinden biri olan Ahmed Arif (1927-1991) Türk edebiyatında müstesna bir yere sahiptir. Ahmed Arif, şiirlerinde genellikle Doğu ve Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesi'ne ait yerel imgeleri kullanır. Yazdığı tek şiir kitabı olan "Hasretinden Prangalar Eskittim"de toplamda 19 şiir yer almaktadır ve bu eser, Türk edebiyatında en çok satılan şiir kitabı olarak kayıtlara geçmiştir. Yazdığı şiirlerinde mekân olarak seçtiği yerler Van, Bitlis, Şanlıurfa, Elazığ, Diyarbakır ve Ankara'dır. Bu yönüyle diğer toplumcu gerçekçi sanatçılardan ayrılır. Bu çalışmada Ahmed Arif'in "Hasretinden Prangalar Eskittim" adlı şiir kitabında yer alan 19 şiir, birer dil bilimi yöntemi olan sözceleme kuramı çerçevesinde ele alınmıştır. Çalışmanın birinci bölümünde Ahmed Arif'in hayatı, sanat anlayışı ve eserleri hakkında bilgiler verilmiştir. İkinci bölümde söylem, söylem çözümlemesi ve dil bilimine bağlı gelişen yöntemler hakkında açıklamalarda bulunulmuştur. Üçüncü bölümde ise Hasretinden Prangalar Eskittim kitabında yer alan bütün şiirler tek tek ele alınarak bu şiirlerin sözceleme kuramı ile olan ilişkisine değinilmiştir. Şiirler incelenirken sözceleme kuramı ile ortaya çıkan sözceleme öznesi, bağlam, uzam, zaman, alıcı ve gönderici gibi kavramlar detaylı olarak açıklanmıştır. Söylem çözümlemesi yapılan bu şiirlere farklı bir bakış açısı ile yaklaşılmış ve bu alanda görülen bir eksiklik giderilmeye çalışılmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Ahmed Arif, Söylem Çözümlemesi, Sözceleme Kuramı, Dil Bilimi, Toplumcu Gerçekçi Şiir.
Ahmed Arif (1927-1991), who wrote poetry within the framework of the Marxist understanding of art and is also one of the most important poetic representatives of the socialist realist understanding of art, has an exceptional place in Turkish literature. Ahmed Arif generally uses local images from the Eastern and Southeastern Anatolia Regions in his poems. There are 19 poems in total in "Hasretinden Prangalar Eskittim", the only poetry book he wrote, and this work is recorded as the best-selling poetry book in Turkish literature. The places he chose as a setting for his poems are Van, Bitlis, Şanlıurfa, Elazig, Diyarbakir and Ankara. In this respect, it differs from other socialist realist artists. In this study, 19 poems in Ahmed Arif's poetry book named "Hasretinden Prangalar Eskittim" were handled within the framework of enunciation theory, which is a linguistics method. In the first part of the study, information about Ahmed Arif's life, understanding of art and works is given. In the second part, explanations were made about discourse, discourse analysis and methods developed based on linguistics. In the third chapter, all the poems in the book "Hasretinden Prangalar Eskittim" were handled one by one and the relationship of these poems with the enunciation theory was mentioned. While examining the poems, concepts such as enunciation subject, context, space, time, qreceiver and sender, which emerged with the enunciation theory, were explained in detail. These poems, for which discourse analysis was made, were approached from a different perspective and a deficiency in this field was tried to be eliminated. Keywords: Ahmed Arif, Discourse Analysis, Enunciation Theory, Linguistics, Social Realist Poetry.
Ahmed Arif (1927-1991), who wrote poetry within the framework of the Marxist understanding of art and is also one of the most important poetic representatives of the socialist realist understanding of art, has an exceptional place in Turkish literature. Ahmed Arif generally uses local images from the Eastern and Southeastern Anatolia Regions in his poems. There are 19 poems in total in "Hasretinden Prangalar Eskittim", the only poetry book he wrote, and this work is recorded as the best-selling poetry book in Turkish literature. The places he chose as a setting for his poems are Van, Bitlis, Şanlıurfa, Elazig, Diyarbakir and Ankara. In this respect, it differs from other socialist realist artists. In this study, 19 poems in Ahmed Arif's poetry book named "Hasretinden Prangalar Eskittim" were handled within the framework of enunciation theory, which is a linguistics method. In the first part of the study, information about Ahmed Arif's life, understanding of art and works is given. In the second part, explanations were made about discourse, discourse analysis and methods developed based on linguistics. In the third chapter, all the poems in the book "Hasretinden Prangalar Eskittim" were handled one by one and the relationship of these poems with the enunciation theory was mentioned. While examining the poems, concepts such as enunciation subject, context, space, time, qreceiver and sender, which emerged with the enunciation theory, were explained in detail. These poems, for which discourse analysis was made, were approached from a different perspective and a deficiency in this field was tried to be eliminated. Keywords: Ahmed Arif, Discourse Analysis, Enunciation Theory, Linguistics, Social Realist Poetry.
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Ana Bilim Dalı, Yeni Türk Dili Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı, Turkish Language and Literature