Beden eğitimi ve spor öğretmenlerinin örgütsel sizinme ilişkin algılarının örgütsel bağlılıkları üzerindeki etkisi
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Cilt Başlığı
International Journal of Science Culture and Sport (IntJSCS)
Erişim Hakkı
The study was done with the aim of determining the effects of physical education and sport teachers’ perceptions about the organizational cynism on their organizational commıtment. The research was performed with a relational screening model. The scope of the research consisted of 162 physical education and sport teachers working at the secondary and high schools in the city center and the district centers of Siirt. To find out the teachers’ organizational cynism levels within the research, the organizational cynism scale developed by Sağır and Oğuz (2012) and to find out their organizational commıtment levels, the organizational commıtment scale developed by Balay (2000) were used. As a result of the study, it was clear that had dependency for their schools in the internalization dimension at most (at better levels), the identification based dimension followed this (at medium level) and the adaptation dimension became at the lowest level (I slightly agree). It is determined that the physical education and sport teachers at medium levels experienced the organizational cynism. A negative relation was found between the internalization sub-dimension of organizational commıtment and the factors reducing organizational cynism performance, the alienation sub-dimension from working institution and the sub-dimension of negative attributes to the school at the low level, a positive relation was also found between the internalization sub-dimension of organizational commıtment and the participation sub-dimension in practices of working institution at the medium level. No significant relation was observed between the identification sub-dimension of organizational commıtment and the factors reducing organizational cynism performance, and there was a negative relation between the identification sub-dimension of organizational commıtment and the alienation sub-dimension from working institution at the medium level, a negative relation between the identification sub-dimension of organizational commıtment and the sub-dimension of negative attributes to the school at the low level, a positive relation between the identification sub-dimension of organizational commıtment and the participation sub-dimension in practices of working institution at the low level. On the other hand, there was a positive relation between the adaptation sub-dimension of organizational commıtment and the factors reducing organizational cynism performance, the alienation sub-dimension from working institution and the sub-dimension of negative attributes to the school at the low level while there was not any relation between the adaptation sub-dimension of organizational commıtment and the participation sub-dimension in practices of working institution. So the results of regression analysis showed that the physical education and sport teachers’ perceptions about the organizational cynism predicted their organizational commıtment significantly. Towards these results, the suggestions were made when considering the purpose of the study.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Physical Education and Sport, Organizational Cynism, Organizational commitment
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