Taktiksel oyun modeli yaklaşımının öğrencilerde dikkat, çoklu zekâgelişimi ve bazı antropometrik özelliklere etkisinin incelenmesi
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Siirt Üniversitesi
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Bu çalışma; taktiksel oyun modeli modelinin ortaokulda öğrenim gören öğrencilerin dikkat, çoklu zekâ gelişimi ve bazı antropometrik özellikler üzerine etkisini incelemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırma; yaşları 12-13 yaş aralığında olan 20 deney, 20 kontrol grubu olmak üzere 40 gönüllü öğrenci üzerinde uygulanarak yapılmıştır. Katılımcılara ''Kişisel Bilgi Formu'', ''d2 Dikkat testi'', ''Çoklu Zekâ Değerlendirme Ölçeği'' uygulanmış olup, antropometrik ölçümler ''In body 120'' cihazı kullanılarak ölçülmüştür. SPSS 22 programında anlamlılık düzeyi p<0.005 kriteri temel alınarak yapılan analizler sonucunda, dikkat düzeyleri bakımından gruplar arası sontest- öntest farkı deney grubu lehine anlamlı farklılıklar tespit edilmiştir (p<0.005). Deney ve kontrol grupları arasındaki çoklu zekâ alt boyutları incelendiğinde ise; görsel, müziksel, doğa ve içsel zekâ öntest-sontest farkı bakımından anlamlı bir fark bulunmamıştır. Sözel, mantıksal, bedensel, sosyal zekâ öntest-son-test farkı bakımından deney grubu lehine anlamlı bir fark bulunmuştur (p<0.005). Antropometrik ölçümler sonrasında gruplar arası istatistiksel açıdan anlamlı bir fark bulunmamıştır. Sonuç olarak planlanmış bir spor öğretim modelinin, spor yapan öğrencilerin öğrenmenin en önemli faktörlerinden olduğu düşünülen dikkat düzeyini arttırdığı ve çoklu zekâ gelişimi sağladığı tespit edilmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Antropometri, Dikkat, Çoklu Zekâ, Oyun, Taktiksel Oyun Modeli.
This study was conducted to investigate the impact of the tactical game approach model on the attention, multiple intelligences development, and certain anthropometric characteristics of middle school students. The study involved 40 voluntary students, with 20 in the experimental group and 20 in the control group, aged between 12-13 years old. The participants were administered a "Personal Information Form," the "d2 Attention Test," and the "Multiple Intelligence Assessment Scale," while anthrop metric measurementswere taken using the "In body 120" device. Analyses conducted in the SPSS 22 program,with a significance level of p<0.005, revealed significant diffrences in attention levels infavor of the experimental group (p<0.005). When examining the multiple intelligence subdimensions between the experimental and control groups, no noteworthy differences were found in visual, musical, naturalistic, and intrapersonal intelligence pre-test to post-test. Nonetheless, a significant difference in favor of the experimental group was found in verbal, logical, bodily, and social intelligence pre-test to post-test (p<0.005). No statistically noteworthy differences were found in anthropometric measurements between the groups. As a consequence, a planned sports teaching model was determined to improve attention levels and promote multiple intelligence development, emphasizing the significance of learning among students engaged in sports. Keywords: Anthropometry, Attention, Game, Multiple Intelligence, Tactical Game Model
This study was conducted to investigate the impact of the tactical game approach model on the attention, multiple intelligences development, and certain anthropometric characteristics of middle school students. The study involved 40 voluntary students, with 20 in the experimental group and 20 in the control group, aged between 12-13 years old. The participants were administered a "Personal Information Form," the "d2 Attention Test," and the "Multiple Intelligence Assessment Scale," while anthrop metric measurementswere taken using the "In body 120" device. Analyses conducted in the SPSS 22 program,with a significance level of p<0.005, revealed significant diffrences in attention levels infavor of the experimental group (p<0.005). When examining the multiple intelligence subdimensions between the experimental and control groups, no noteworthy differences were found in visual, musical, naturalistic, and intrapersonal intelligence pre-test to post-test. Nonetheless, a significant difference in favor of the experimental group was found in verbal, logical, bodily, and social intelligence pre-test to post-test (p<0.005). No statistically noteworthy differences were found in anthropometric measurements between the groups. As a consequence, a planned sports teaching model was determined to improve attention levels and promote multiple intelligence development, emphasizing the significance of learning among students engaged in sports. Keywords: Anthropometry, Attention, Game, Multiple Intelligence, Tactical Game Model
Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Eğitim ve Öğretim, Education and Training, Spor