Divan şiirinde İsrâiliyat
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Türklerin İslamiyet'i kabulleriyle birlikte XI ve XII. asırdan itibaren Türk edebî faaliyetlerinde ciddi farklılıklar görülmüş, ilk dönemlerde Arap ve özellikle Fars edebiyatının etkisinde gelişen ve adına "Divan edebiyatı" denilen edebî hareket meydana gelmiştir. Divan şiiri, temeli İslam dini olan bir edebiyat olması hasebiyle İslamiyet'in içine giren ve adına İsrâiliyat dediğimiz başka din ve kültürlerin etkisi, ister istemez bu edebiyatta kendini hissettirmiştir. Divan şiirinde İsrâiliyat'ın konu edildiği bu çalışma, bir giriş, iki bölüm ve sonuçtan kısmından oluşmaktadır. Çalışmanın birinci bölümünde İsrâiliyat kelimesinin etimolojisi hakkında bilgi verilmiş, kelimenin anlam yolculuğu açıklanmıştır. Ardından İsrâiliyat'ın tarihsel süreci ve yayılışı hakkında genel bir bilgilendirme yapılmıştır. İkinci bölümde ise ele alınan konu Divan şiirinde görülen İsrâiliyat unsurları olmuştur. Bu bölüm beş kısımdan müteşekkildir. Birinci kısımda Divan şiirinde melekler bağlamında tespit edilen İsrâilî rivayetler açıklanmış, beyitlerle örneklendirilmiştir. İkinci kısımda Divan şiirinde peygamberlerle ilgili kullanılan malzemeler tespit edilmiş, çalışmanın konusunu teşkil etmesi üzerine bu malzemelerden İsrâiliyat referanslı olanları araştırmaya konu edilmiştir. Ardından bu malzemelerin Divan şiirindeki izleri örnek beyitler ile sunulmuştur. Üçüncü kısımda tarihî ve efsanevî şahsiyetler üzerinde çalışılmıştır. Divan şiirinde ismi geçen şahsiyetlerin arka planı araştırılmış, bu kişilerin kutsal kitaplarla ilişkileri incelenmiştir. Divan şiirinde yer alan tarihî ve efsanevî şahsiyetler, İsrâiliyat'la ilişkili olan isimlerle sınırlandırılarak çalışmaya konu edilmiştir. Bu kişilerin Divan şiirindeki izleri tespit edilerek beyitlerle örneklendirilmiştir. Altıncı bölümde hayvanlara dair Divan şiirine yansıyan İsrâiliyat unsurları incelenerek beyitlerle örneklendirilmiştir. Dördüncü bölümde tasavvufun etimolojisi, ortaya çıkış sebepleri, oluşumu ve İslâm'a yabancı din ve kültürlerin tasavvufa etkileri hakkında genel bir bilgi verilmiştir. Ardından içinde birçok yabancı unsur barındırdığı tespit edilen tasavvufî terimlerin açıklamaları yapılmış, Divan şiirindeki yansımaları verilmeye çalışılmıştır. Çalışmada, XIV ve XIX. yüzyılları arasını kapsayan Divan edebiyatı mahsulü doksan eserin taranması sonucu İsrâiliyat'la ilgisi tespit edilen beyitler değerlendirilmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Divan şiiri, İsrâiliyat, peygamberler kıssaları, tasavvuf
With the acceptance of Islam by the Turks, as of 11th century and 12th century significant changes has been observed in Turkish literary activity and in the beginning a literary movement denominated "Diwan literature", which developed under the influence of Arabic and especially Persian literature emerged. Since Diwan poetry is a literature based on Islam, the elements of other religions and cultures that have been incorporated into Islam, which is defined as Israiliyyat, have naturally had an impact on mentioned literature. Present study, which deals with Israiliyyat in Diwan poetry, composes of introduction, two chapters and conclusion. The first chapter of the study includes the information about the etymology of Israiliyyat and the meaning of the mentioned word throughout history. This is followed by a general information on the historical process and spread of Israiliyyat. In the second chapter the elements of Israiliyyat in Diwan poetry are discussed. This chapter consists of five parts. In the first part the Israiliyyat narratives identified in the context of angels are explained and exemplified with couplets. In the second part the elements used in divan poetry related to the prophets has been determined, and then the ones related to Israiliyyat included in the research. Afterwards, the traces of these elements in Diwan poetry are presented with sample couplets. In the third part, historical and legendary figures have been studied. The background of the personalities mentioned in Diwan poetry has been researched and their relations with the holy books examined. Historical and legendary figures in Diwan poetry have been the subject of the study by being limited to the names associated with Israilliyat. The traces of these people in Diwan poetry have been determined and exemplified with couplets. In the fourth chapter the elements of Isrâiliyat reflected in Diwan poetry about animals analyzed and exemplified with couplets. In the fifth chapter, general information is given about the etymology of Sufism, the reasons for its emergence, its formation and the effects of non-Islamic religions and cultures on Sufism.It has been determined that Sufi culture contains many foreign elements and the reflections of these elements in Diwan poetry are explained. In the study, by examine ninety works of Diwan literature covering the period between the 14th and 19th centuries, the couplets found to be related to Israiliyyat has been evaluated. Keywords: Diwan poetry, Israiliyyat, parables of prophets, Sufism
With the acceptance of Islam by the Turks, as of 11th century and 12th century significant changes has been observed in Turkish literary activity and in the beginning a literary movement denominated "Diwan literature", which developed under the influence of Arabic and especially Persian literature emerged. Since Diwan poetry is a literature based on Islam, the elements of other religions and cultures that have been incorporated into Islam, which is defined as Israiliyyat, have naturally had an impact on mentioned literature. Present study, which deals with Israiliyyat in Diwan poetry, composes of introduction, two chapters and conclusion. The first chapter of the study includes the information about the etymology of Israiliyyat and the meaning of the mentioned word throughout history. This is followed by a general information on the historical process and spread of Israiliyyat. In the second chapter the elements of Israiliyyat in Diwan poetry are discussed. This chapter consists of five parts. In the first part the Israiliyyat narratives identified in the context of angels are explained and exemplified with couplets. In the second part the elements used in divan poetry related to the prophets has been determined, and then the ones related to Israiliyyat included in the research. Afterwards, the traces of these elements in Diwan poetry are presented with sample couplets. In the third part, historical and legendary figures have been studied. The background of the personalities mentioned in Diwan poetry has been researched and their relations with the holy books examined. Historical and legendary figures in Diwan poetry have been the subject of the study by being limited to the names associated with Israilliyat. The traces of these people in Diwan poetry have been determined and exemplified with couplets. In the fourth chapter the elements of Isrâiliyat reflected in Diwan poetry about animals analyzed and exemplified with couplets. In the fifth chapter, general information is given about the etymology of Sufism, the reasons for its emergence, its formation and the effects of non-Islamic religions and cultures on Sufism.It has been determined that Sufi culture contains many foreign elements and the reflections of these elements in Diwan poetry are explained. In the study, by examine ninety works of Diwan literature covering the period between the 14th and 19th centuries, the couplets found to be related to Israiliyyat has been evaluated. Keywords: Diwan poetry, Israiliyyat, parables of prophets, Sufism
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Eski Türk Edebiyatı Ana Bilim Dalı, Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı, Turkish Language and Literature