Diyarbakır ili Kulp ilçesi koşullarında ipekböceği yetiştiriciliği yapan işletmelerde kimi çevre faktörlerinin koza kalite özelliklerine etkisi
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Bu tez araştırmasında Diyarbakır'a 130 km mesafede bulunan Kulp'a bağlı mahallelerde faaliyet gösteren farklı işletme büyüklüğüne sahip ipekböceği işletmelerinde bazı çevresel ve üretim özelliklerininin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmanın yürütüldüğü Kulp ilçesinde bu üretim kolundan faaliyet gösteren işletmelerden 20'si işletme içi çevre faktörlerinin (sıcaklık, nem, ışık CO2) ve bu işletmelerde üretilmiş yaş kozaların örnekleneceği işletmeler olarak seçilmişlerdir. Bu işletmeler aldıkları kutu sayısı dikkate alınarak küçük, orta ve büyük kapasiteli işletmeler şeklinde sınıflandırılmıştır. Araştırmada kullanılan ipekböcekleri, Kozabirlik tarafından 2018 yılında damızlık amaçlı yetiştiriciliği yapılan Çin (M) ve Japon (N) saf hatlarından elde edilen MxN hibritleri oluşturmuştur. Araştırmanın yürütüldüğü işletmelerde sıcaklık(°C), nem (%) ışık (luks) ve karbondioksit (ppm) ortalamalarına ilişkin değerler sırasıyla 28,4±0,4; 60,7±2,3, 41±12,2 ve 1467±150 olarak saptanmıştır. Ölçülen çevresel özelliklerden sıcaklık ve nem bakımından küçük, orta ve büyük ölçekli işletmeler arasındaki farklılıklar istatistik olarak önemli bulunmuştur (P<0.05). Araştırmada koza verimi 31,6±1,5 kg olarak bulunmuştur. Koza kalite özelliklerinden yaş koza ağırlığı (g), yaş koza gömlek ağırlığı (g), kuru koza ağırlığı (g), kuru koza gömlek ağırlığı (g), koza uzunluğu (cm), koza genişliği (cm), ipek zenginliği (%), filament uzunluğu (m), filament denyesi (den), tek kozadan çekilebilen iplik ağırlığı (gr), kozadan çekilemeyen kısım ağırlığı (g), reza (%), litredeki koza sayısı (adet), kilo'da koza sayısı (adet) ve hatalı koza oranı (%) sırasıyla 1,92±0,06, 0,41±0,02, 0,73±0,03, 0,37±0,02, 3,41±0,05, 1,89±0,03, 21,3±0,6, 1222±35, 2,76±0,08, 0,365±0,014, 0,03±0,005, 38,5±1,7; 67±3, 547,15±22, 18,7±1,6 olarak saptanmıştır. İşletme büyüklüklerine göre koza verimi ve kalite özelliklerinden sadece koza verimi bakımından büyük ölçekli işletme grubu istatistik olarak daha yüksek koza verimine sahip olmuştur. Ölçülen çevresel özellikler ile koza verimi ve kalite özelikleri arasındaki ilişkiler koza kalite özelliğine göre farklılık göstermiştir. Karbondioksit oranı ile ipek zenginliği (r= -0,560) arasında negatif bir ilişki saptanmıştır (P<0.05). Sonuç olarak araştırmanın yürütüldüğü bölgede geleneksel bir üretim biçiminin devam ettirildiği ve incelenen çevresel özellikler bakımından yeterli düzenlemelere yer verilmediği ve araştırılan koza kalite özelliklerinin bundan etkilendiği gözlenmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Diyarbakır, çevresel ölçümler, koza, koza kalitesi, ipekböceği
In this thesis study, we objectived to determine some environmental and production traits in silkworm farms with different production capacity operating in the districts of Kulp which is 130 km away from Diyarbakır. 20 of the silkworm farms in which the research was conducted were selected as the farms where environmental measurements (temperature, humidity, light CO2) and the wet cocoons produced in these farms were sampled. These farms selected are divided into based on capasity as small, medium and large capacity farms, taking into account the number of boxes they buy. The silkworms used in the study consisted of MxN hybrids obtained from Chinese (M) and Japanese (N) pure lines raised by Kozabirlik for breeding aims in 2018. In the silkworm farms where the study was conducted, the values for temperature (oC), humidity (%), light (lux) and carbondioxide (ppm) mean values were 28,4±0,4; 60,7±2,3, 41±12,2 ve 1467±150, respectively. The differences between small, medium and large sized silkworm farms for temperature and humidity among the studied environmental properties were found to be statistically significant (P <0.05). In the study, cocoon yield was 31,6±1,5 kg. From cocoon quality properties fresh cocoon weight (g), fresh cocoon weight without pupa (g), dry cocoon weight (gr), dry cocoon weight without pupa (g), cocoon length (cm), cocoon width (cm), cocoon shell ratio (%), filament length, filament denier (den), single cocoon weight (g), the cocoon weight of the part that cannot be withdrawn from the cocoon (g), dry cocoon yield compared to wet boll (%), cocoon quantity per liter ; cocoon amount in kg, the rate of faulty cocoon (%) were 1,92±0,06, 0,41±0,02, 0,73±0,03, 0,37±0,02, 3,41±0,05, 1,89±0,03, 21,3±0,6, 1222±35, 2,76±0,08, 0,365±0,014, 0,03±0,005, 38,5±1,7; 67±3, 547,15±22 and 18,7±1,6, respectively. The correlations between the environmental factors measured in the current study and the quality properties of the cocoon differed according to the environmental measurement and the quality of the cocoon. It was observed that there was only a negative correlation between the carbon dioxide ratio and silk richness (r = -0,560) (p<0.05). As a result, it was stated that a traditional production method was maintained in the region where the research was carried out and that sufficient regulations were not included in terms of the environmental properties examined and that the researched cocoon quality traits were affected. Keywords: Cocoon, cocoon quality, silkworm, Diyarbakır, environmental measurements,
In this thesis study, we objectived to determine some environmental and production traits in silkworm farms with different production capacity operating in the districts of Kulp which is 130 km away from Diyarbakır. 20 of the silkworm farms in which the research was conducted were selected as the farms where environmental measurements (temperature, humidity, light CO2) and the wet cocoons produced in these farms were sampled. These farms selected are divided into based on capasity as small, medium and large capacity farms, taking into account the number of boxes they buy. The silkworms used in the study consisted of MxN hybrids obtained from Chinese (M) and Japanese (N) pure lines raised by Kozabirlik for breeding aims in 2018. In the silkworm farms where the study was conducted, the values for temperature (oC), humidity (%), light (lux) and carbondioxide (ppm) mean values were 28,4±0,4; 60,7±2,3, 41±12,2 ve 1467±150, respectively. The differences between small, medium and large sized silkworm farms for temperature and humidity among the studied environmental properties were found to be statistically significant (P <0.05). In the study, cocoon yield was 31,6±1,5 kg. From cocoon quality properties fresh cocoon weight (g), fresh cocoon weight without pupa (g), dry cocoon weight (gr), dry cocoon weight without pupa (g), cocoon length (cm), cocoon width (cm), cocoon shell ratio (%), filament length, filament denier (den), single cocoon weight (g), the cocoon weight of the part that cannot be withdrawn from the cocoon (g), dry cocoon yield compared to wet boll (%), cocoon quantity per liter ; cocoon amount in kg, the rate of faulty cocoon (%) were 1,92±0,06, 0,41±0,02, 0,73±0,03, 0,37±0,02, 3,41±0,05, 1,89±0,03, 21,3±0,6, 1222±35, 2,76±0,08, 0,365±0,014, 0,03±0,005, 38,5±1,7; 67±3, 547,15±22 and 18,7±1,6, respectively. The correlations between the environmental factors measured in the current study and the quality properties of the cocoon differed according to the environmental measurement and the quality of the cocoon. It was observed that there was only a negative correlation between the carbon dioxide ratio and silk richness (r = -0,560) (p<0.05). As a result, it was stated that a traditional production method was maintained in the region where the research was carried out and that sufficient regulations were not included in terms of the environmental properties examined and that the researched cocoon quality traits were affected. Keywords: Cocoon, cocoon quality, silkworm, Diyarbakır, environmental measurements,
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Zootekni Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture