Antrenörlerin iş doyumu, sürekli öfke ve öfke ifade tarzları arasındaki ilişki (Güneydoğu anadolu bölgesi örneği)
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Siirt Üniversitesi
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Bu çalışmanın amacı; Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesinde bulunan Gençlik Spor İl Müdürlüğü kadrosunda çalışan antrenörlerin iş doyumlarının sürekli öfke ve öfke ifade tarzları arasındaki ilişkinin belirlenmesidir. Araştırmamıza gönüllü olarak 56 kadın, 187 erkek toplam 243 antrenör katılmıştır. Araştırmaya katılan antrenörlerin iş doyum seviyelerini ölçmek için Minnesota İş Doyum Ölçeği, öfke seviyelerini ölçmek için Spielberger Sürekli Öfke ve Öfke İfade Tarzı ve araştırmacı tarafından oluşturulan Kişisel Bilgi Formu kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın hipotezlerini test etmek için il olarak, aritmetik ortalama, standart sapma, frekans/yüzde, normal dağılım testi, (Kolmogorov-Smirnov test) gibi betimsel istatistikler yapılmıştır. Veriler normal dağılım varsayımını karşılamadığı için, ikili karşılaştırmalarda t-testi (Mann-Withney U test), çoklu karşılaştırmalarda varyans analizi (Kruskal Wallis-H test) ve değişkenler arasındaki ilişkiyi saptamak için korelasyon testi (Spearman Correlation Test) uygulanmıştır. Sonuç olarak cinsiyetin, medeni durumu, branş, antrenörlük kademesi ve haftalık çalışma süresinin iş doyumu ile; yaşın, medeni durumun, eğitim durumunun, görev yapılan yerin, branşın, çalışma şeklinin, görev süresinin, haftalık çalışma süresinin sürekli öfke ve öfke ifade tarzları ile aralarında anlamlı farklılığa rastlanılmamıştır. Yapılan araştırmamızda iş doyumunu yaş, eğitim durumu, görev yapılan yer, çalışma şekli ve görev süresi etkilediği; Sürekli öfke ve öfke ifade tarzını ise cinsiyet ve antrenörlük kademesinin etkilediği anlaşılmıştır.
The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between the job satisfaction of the trainers working in the Provincial Directorate of Youth and Sports in the South-eastern Anatolia Region and their anger and trait anger expression styles. A total of 243 trainers, 56 women, and 187 men, voluntarily participated in our research. The Minnesota Job Satisfaction Scale was used to measure the job satisfaction levels of the trainers participating in the study, and the Spielberger Trait Anger and Anger Expression Style and the Personal Information Form created by the researcher were used to measure the anger levels. To test the hypotheses of the research, descriptive statistics such as arithmetic mean, standard deviation, frequency/percentage, and normal distribution test, (Kolmogorov-Smirnov test) were made. Since the data did not meet the assumption of normal distribution, t-test (Mann-Whitney U test) in paired comparisons, analysis of variance in multiple comparisons (Kruskal Wallis-H test), and correlation test in determining the relationship between variables (Spearman Correlation Test) were used. As a result, no significant difference was found between gender, marital status, branch, coaching level, and weekly working time with job satisfaction; no significant difference was found between the trait anger and anger expression styles with age, marital status, education status, place of work, branch, working style, tenure, weekly working time. In our research, it has been determined that job satisfaction is affected by age, educational status, place of employment, working style, and tenure; the anger and trait anger expression style was understood to be affected by gender and coaching level.
The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between the job satisfaction of the trainers working in the Provincial Directorate of Youth and Sports in the South-eastern Anatolia Region and their anger and trait anger expression styles. A total of 243 trainers, 56 women, and 187 men, voluntarily participated in our research. The Minnesota Job Satisfaction Scale was used to measure the job satisfaction levels of the trainers participating in the study, and the Spielberger Trait Anger and Anger Expression Style and the Personal Information Form created by the researcher were used to measure the anger levels. To test the hypotheses of the research, descriptive statistics such as arithmetic mean, standard deviation, frequency/percentage, and normal distribution test, (Kolmogorov-Smirnov test) were made. Since the data did not meet the assumption of normal distribution, t-test (Mann-Whitney U test) in paired comparisons, analysis of variance in multiple comparisons (Kruskal Wallis-H test), and correlation test in determining the relationship between variables (Spearman Correlation Test) were used. As a result, no significant difference was found between gender, marital status, branch, coaching level, and weekly working time with job satisfaction; no significant difference was found between the trait anger and anger expression styles with age, marital status, education status, place of work, branch, working style, tenure, weekly working time. In our research, it has been determined that job satisfaction is affected by age, educational status, place of employment, working style, and tenure; the anger and trait anger expression style was understood to be affected by gender and coaching level.
Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Spor, Sports