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Öğe 3D Geometric Morphometric Analysis of Calcaneal Morphology in Domestic Caprinae: Sheep (Ovis aries) and Goat (Capra hircus)(MDPI AG, 2025-02-14) Barış Can Güzel; Tomasz Szara; Burak Ünal; Sokol Duro; Fatma İşbilir; Funda Yiğit; Mihaela-Claudia Spataru; Karolina Goździewska-Harłajczuk; Ozan GündemirThe calcaneus plays a critical role in balance, locomotion, and muscle attachment, making it a key structure for biomechanical adaptations. This study examined interspecies differences between sheep and goats, as well as intraspecies variations among different sheep breeds, in calcaneus morphology. A total of 128 right calcanei were analyzed using 3D geometric morphometric methods to allow detailed assessments of calcaneus shape and size. Among sheep, the Hamdani sheep displayed the largest calcaneus among the breeds, distinguishing them significantly from the others. In contrast, goats had a bilaterally narrower calcaneal body, while sheep featured a more pronounced distal portion that articulates with the talus and a deeper articular surface. Additionally, the sustentaculum tali were more developed in sheep. The bilaterally compressed calcaneal body in goats likely reflects their agility and ability to navigate steep, rocky terrains. In contrast, sheep's broader and more robust calcaneus may support their grazing lifestyle on flatter terrains, emphasizing their stability and weight-bearing capacity. These findings highlight the functional significance of calcaneal morphology in the locomotor strategies and physical capabilities of goats and sheep, providing valuable insights for comparative anatomy and veterinary science.Öğe Effects of propolis supplementation during cryopreservation of ram semen.(2024) Güngör, I H; Özer Kaya, Ş; Dayan Cinkara, S; Çakır Cihangiroğlu, A; Kaya, E; Acısu, T C; Erdem Erişir, F; Yılmaz, Ö; Yılmaz, S; Gür, S; Sönmez, M; Türk, GBackground: Cryopreservation of ram semen is a very challenging process. Loss of motility during freezing does not allow artificial insemination of rams. Aims: This study aimed to determine whether the inclusion of liquid propolis extract in semen diluents affects the cryopreservation efficiency of ram semen. Methods: Six Akkaraman breed rams were considered for semen study. Semens were combined with Tris+egg yolk extender containing and without (control) propolis at different concentrations (0.25%, 0.50%, 1%, 2%, and 4%). Semen was frozen using routine ram semen freezing procedures. After thawing, motility and kinematic parameters were analyzed by computer assisted semen analysis (CASA), and viability, acrosomal damage level and mitochondrial membrane potential were analyzed by flow-cytometer in all groups. Additionally, fatty acid levels in total semen were analyzed using gas chromatography (GC), and vitamin and cholesterol levels were analyzed using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). In addition, oxidative stress, HOS test, and morphological analyzes were performed after freezing and thawing. Results: The 0.5% propolis group showed a significant increase in total and rapid motility, LIN, membrane integrity, and antioxidant levels compared to the control, and a significant decrease in malondialdehyde (MDA) and low mitochondrial membrane potential (LMMP) levels. Compared to the control, the group containing 4% propolis damaged spermatozoa and caused a significant decrease in total, progressive and rapid motility and high mitochondrial membrane potential (HMMP), Glutathione S-transferase (GST), and catalase (CAT) levels. Conclusion: We showed that adding 0.5% propolis to semen extenders to increase the freezability level of ram semen increases the survival of spermatozoa after freeze-thaw and ensures the success of freezing.Öğe Laparoscopic Duodenojejunostomy for the Treatment of Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome: Analysis of 91 Patients(Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2025-02-14) Fahri Yetişir; Muhammet Emin Çelik; Yunus Emre Taşkın; Oguzhan Özdemir; Ömer Kurt; Ramazan Tiken; Osman YükselSuperior mesenteric artery syndrome (SMAS) is a rare condition caused by the compression of the third portion of the duodenum between the aorta and the superior mesenteric artery (SMA). Laparoscopic duodenojejunostomy has emerged as a safe and effective surgical treatment, particularly when conservative measures fail. We analyzed the clinical and surgical outcomes of 91 patients who underwent laparoscopic duodenojejunostomy for SMAS between February 2016 and July 2023. Preoperative clinical characteristics, surgical data, postoperative symptom improvement rates, and weight regain were evaluated. Diagnosis was confirmed through computed tomographic angiography (CTA), demonstrating an aortomesenteric angle < 20 degrees and distance < 10 mm. Conservative treatment was initially applied in all cases prior to surgical intervention. Among the 91 patients, 58.2% were female, and the mean age was 29.2 SD 11 years. All surgeries were completed laparoscopically with no intraoperative complications. After an average follow-up of 42.5 SD 26.7 months, 93.4% of patients showed significant symptom improvement, with a mean postoperative weight gain of 4.5 SD 2.5 kg. Postoperative complications included delayed gastric emptying in 8 patients (resolved conservatively) and low-output chylous fistulas in 4 patients (resolved spontaneously). There was no mortality. Laparoscopic duodenojejunostomy is a safe and effective treatment for SMAS, offering high success rates and minimal complications. While this study highlights the benefits of a multidisciplinary approach and standardized surgical techniques, further prospective studies are needed to optimize management protocols for this rare condition.Öğe New Records of Pest and Beneficial Insect Species Determined in Pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) Orchards in Türkiye(Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2025-02) Uğur Çelebi; Mehmet KaplanThis study was carried out in 2021-2022 to determine the harmful and beneficial insect species in pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) orchards in the Be & scedil;iri district of Batman province, which has important potential in pistachio production. To determine the insect species, the branch counting method, sexual attractant and visual traps, impact method, visual inspection and culturing methods were used. In this study, 23 harmful insect species belonging to 16 families in three orders and 23 beneficial insect species belonging to nine families in five orders were identified. Among the insect species identified, the following harmful species were found: Kermania pistaciella Amsel, Agonoscena pistaciae Burck. and Laut., Lepidosaphes pistaciae Arch, Psallus (Psallus) flavellus Stichel, Smaragdina scutellaris Lefevre, Pseudocoeliodes rubricus Gyllenhal, Ahasverus advena Waltl, Hylesinus vestitus Mulsant & Rey, Capnodis cariosa Pallas and Anapulvinaria pistaciae Bodenheimer; among the useful species, Chrysoperla carnea Step, Scymnus subvillosus Goeze, Stethorus gilvifrons Mulsant, Nephus nigricans Weise, Coccinella septempunctata L., Oenopia conglobata Lin., and Hippodamia variegata Goeze were considered important in terms of prevalence and density. Pistachio pests: Phloeosinus aubei Perris, Tychius pusillus Germar, Anthocomus equestris Fabricius, Ahasverus advena Waltl, Psallus (Psallus) flavellus Stichel, and Tingis (Tropidocheila) reticulata Herrich-Sch & auml;ffer, and benefical species: Centistidea (Paracentistidea) pistaciella van Achterberg & Mehrnejad, Microchelonus (Microchelonus) karakumicus Tobias (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), and Cremastus lineatus Gravenhorst (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) were the first recorded species of pistachio in T & uuml;rkiye. In addition, based on laboratory studies, adult Centistidea (Paracentistidea) pistaciella van Achterberg & Mehrnejad (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), Microchelonus (Microchelonus) karakumicus Tobias (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), and Cremastus lineatus Gravenhorst (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) parasitoid insects were obtained. The insect Cremastus lineatus Gravenhorst was identified for the first time as a pupa parasitoid of the Kermania pistacella species in T & uuml;rkiye, which causes significant damage to pistachio orchards.Öğe Voltage Distribution on Transformer Windings Subjected to Lightning Strike Using State-Space Method(MDPI AG, 2025-02-04) İlker Arı; Mehmet Salih MamişTransient analysis in power systems is essential for identifying deficiencies in the system, as well as for the protection and design of equipment. Transients can arise from natural events or network operations; in either case, they have the potential to cause significant damage to transmission lines, protection devices, generators, or transformers. This study examines a 20 kA, 1.2/50 mu s lightning strike on a distributed-parameter transmission line connected to a power transformer. The voltage distributions across the winding sections on the neutral grounded high-voltage side of a disc-structured power transformer were obtained using the state-space method. An equivalent circuit for the state-space model was also developed in the Alternative Transients Program-Electromagnetic Transients Program (ATP-EMTP), and the results from both methods were compared. Both approaches revealed that the voltage waveforms in the transformer's winding sections were consistent, with the voltage distribution decreasing linearly. Additionally, the voltage-current waves reached the transformer with a specific delay, depending on the characteristics of the transmission line and the location of the lightning strike. The impact of an increase in the grounding resistance value on the high-voltage side of the transformer on voltage distribution and peak voltage levels was examined. The proposed method effectively captures the voltage-current behavior of the transmission line and transformer windings during transient conditions. It is concluded that the state-space method serves as a viable alternative for transient analysis in power systems and can enhance the design of protection equipment and winding insulation studies.Öğe Shape and Size Variations in the Astragalus of Large and Small Bovids(MDPI AG, 2025-02-03) Burak Ünal; Barış Can Güzel; Buket Çakar; Yeşim Aslan Kanmaz; Funda Yiğit; Ozan Gündemir; Mihaela-Claudia SpataruThe astragalus acts as a crucial intermediary in the tarsal joint, facilitating the transfer of body weight to the lower extremities while also ensuring both stability and mobility through its articulation with adjacent bones, enabling efficient movement. This study investigates the morphological diversity of the astragalus in three modern cattle breeds, one goat breed, and three sheep breeds using three-dimensional geometric morphometric methods. A total of 225 specimens were analyzed in this study. Large bovids, such as the Holstein and Simmental cattle breeds, had a more developed lateral edge of the proximal trochlea and a more rounded astragalus. In small bovids, the Akkaraman and Morkaraman sheep breeds displayed a more prominent medial edge and a rounded astragalus form, while the Hair goat breed exhibited a rectangular structure with a well-developed lateral projection. The results of this study demonstrate that the astragalus serves as a reliable morphological marker for differentiating between large and small bovids, as well as between closely related taxa such as sheep and goats. These shape variations, particularly observed in the proximal trochlea, reflect functional adaptations to size, body mass, and locomotor demands, making the astragalus a critical element for taxonomic identification and biomechanical analysis.Öğe Development of Trivariate Multiscalar–Standardized Drought Index (TMSDI) for assessing drought characteristics(Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2025-02-11) Aamina Batool; Veysi KARTAL; Zulfiqar AliDrought is an extensive natural hazard influenced by human activities. Drought has a substantial impact on environmental systems and socioeconomic activities globally, posing serious challenges to water resources, agriculture, and ecosystems. Drought as a complicated natural occurrence is difficult to monitor and anticipate. However, to address the detrimental issues of drought, this study examined the innovative Trivariate Multiscalar-Standardized Drought Index (TMSDI). The climatic factors of precipitation, temperature, and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) are components in the development of TMSDI. To check the association of the innovative index with the another drought indices, this study evaluated correlations between the proposed index (TMSDI) and traditional drought indices, i.e., the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) and the Standardized Precipitation Temperature Index (SPTI) at 1-, 3-, 6-, 9-, 12-, 24-, and 48-month time scales. The outcomes demonstrate that there is a consistent relationship between the TMSDI and SPI due to higher values of correlation. The lower correlation between TMSDI and SPTI shows that there is a substantial and consistent relationship between TMSDI and SPI than TMSDI and SPTI. Moreover, the long-term behavior of different drought conditions indicates that extreme drought is more likely than extreme wet across the Markov chain's Steady States Probabilities (SSPs). Consequently, the proposed index (TMSDI) is recommended as an effective tool to precisely and accurately monitor drought conditions over different time scales within different climate factors.Öğe The moderating role of mindfulness in the relationship between threat appraisal and negative emotions in male elite footballers(MRE Press, 2025) Solmaz, Serdar; Yarayan, Yunus EmreBackground: The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between perceived threat appraisal before competition and negative emotions in elite football players, and to analyze the moderating role of mindfulness in this relationship. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted with 299 elite male football players from Turkish football leagues. Data were collected using the Mindfulness Inventory for Sport, Emotions Inventory for Sport, and Challenge and Threat Scale. The data were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Results: The results revealed a positive correlation between threat appraisal and negative emotions, indicating that higher threat appraisal is associated with increased negative emotions. Mindfulness was found to have a negative relationship with both threat appraisal and negative emotions. Additionally, mindfulness was found to mitigate the relationship between threat appraisal and negative emotions, suggesting that mindfulness can help manage the emotional impact of threat appraisal. Conclusions: These findings imply that athletes’ emotional states can be better regulated in high-pressure situations through mindfulness. The study provides practical implications for athletes and coaches, and emphasizes the need for further longitudinal and experimental research to explore the effects of threat appraisal and mindfulness in greater detail.Öğe Clinical Outcomes of Standard vs. Extended Heller Myotomy with Nissen and Dor Fundoplication: A Comprehensive Study in the Surgical Management of Achalasia(Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2025-01-25) Fahri Yetişir; Muhammet Emin Çelik; Yunus Emre Taşkın; Ömer Kurt; Ramazan TikenAchalasia is a rare esophageal motility disorder characterized by impaired relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter and loss of peristalsis. Laparoscopic Heller myotomy (LHM) combined with anti-reflux surgery is considered the gold standard for long-term treatment. However, there is ongoing debate regarding the optimal myotomy length and choice of anti-reflux procedure. This retrospective study analyzed 49 achalasia patients treated between 2016 and 2023 using two Heller myotomy techniques (standard vs. extended) combined with two anti-reflux procedures (Nissen vs. Dor fundoplication). Data on demographic characteristics, surgical details, complications, and postoperative outcomes were collected. Patients were followed up to assess dysphagia, Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) symptoms, recurrence rates, and satisfaction levels. Extended myotomy significantly reduced recurrence rates compared to standard myotomy (0% vs. 22.2%, p = 0.014). Nissen fundoplication was associated with fewer GERD symptoms than Dor fundoplication (p = 0.01). Patient satisfaction was highest in the extended myotomy with the Nissen fundoplication group (p = 0.009). No mortality occurred, and complications were minimal. Postoperative timed water-soluble contrast esophagograms showed effective esophageal emptying in 91.8% of patients. Relapse cases were successfully managed with additional interventions. Extended myotomy with Nissen fundoplication provides superior outcomes in achalasia treatment, including lower recurrence rates, fewer GERD symptoms, and higher patient satisfaction. These findings highlight the importance of myotomy length and anti-reflux procedure selection for optimizing treatment outcomes. Further studies are needed to validate these results and establish standardized protocols.Öğe Dose-Dependent Application of Silver Nanoparticles Modulates Growth, Physiochemicals, and Antioxidants in Chickpeas (Cicer arietinum) Exposed to Cadmium Stress(American Chemical Society (ACS), 2025-02-05) Abeer Elhakem; Jiahao Tian; Hilal Yilmaz; Wenjing Mao; Lisong Shao; Sipan Soysal; Mohammad Faizan; Jian Gao; Pravej AlamThe present study was intended to investigate the effects of silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) on chickpea plants grown in cadmium (Cd)-contaminated soil. Chickpea seeds sown in earthen pots (filled with soil) were subjected to Cd stress (100 μM) in the form of CdCl2 (10 mL) 10 days after sowing (DAS). Exogenous applications with Ag NP concentrations 50, 100, and 200 μM were used to observe their effects on Cd-stressed plants. Growth, biochemical, and stress parameters were studied. Results showed that Ag NPs positively affected plant growth and ameliorated the toxic effects of Cd stress. Plant height, fresh weight, dry weight, total carotenoid content, rubisco activity, and net photosynthetic rate (PN) were significantly decreased by Cd stress but enhanced by 28, 29, 31, 30, 33, and 35%, respectively, by foliar application of Ag NPs. Similarly, Ag NPs increased the activity of superoxide dismutase (61%), catalase (58%), and peroxidase (68%) and reduced the malondialdehyde (28%) and hydrogen peroxide (23%) in chickpea plants. Protein content was also increased by the application of Ag NPs (16%). Furthermore, the addition of Ag NPs decreased the plant Cd content. According to the current study, adding Ag NPs to plants under Cd stress improved their growth and photosynthesis by reducing Cd absorption and improving plant stress tolerance. © 2025 The Authors. Published by American Chemical Society.Öğe ANALYSIS AND DYNAMICS OF CHOLERA EPIDEMIC SYSTEM IN SOCIETY VIA FRACTAL-FRACTIONAL OPERATOR(2025-01-01) Abbas, Fakhar; Ghaffar, Abdul; Akgül, Ali; Ahmad, Aqeel; Mustafa, Ghulam; Hendy A.S.; Abdallah, Suhad Ali Osman; El-Gawaad, N.S. AbdTo comprehend the dynamics of disease propagation within a society, mathematical formulation is a crucial tool to understand the complex dynamics. In order to transform the mathematical model with the objective of bolstering the immune system into a fractional-order model, we use the definition of Fractal-Fractional with Mittag-Leffler kernel. For an assessment of the stable position of a recently modified system, qualitative as well as quantitative assessments are carried out. We validate the property positivity and reliability of the developed system by evaluating its boundedness and uniqueness, which are important features of an epidemic model. The positive solutions with linear growth have been verified by the global derivative, and the level of effects of different parameters in each sub-section is determined through employing Lipschitz criteria. By employing Lyapunov’s first and second derivatives of the function, the framework is examined on a global scale to evaluate the overall effect with symptomatic and asymptomatic measures. Bifurcation analysis was performed to check the behavior of each sub-compartment under different parameters effects. The Mittag-Leffler kernel is used to obtain a robust solution via Fractal-Fractional operator for continuous monitoring of spread and control of cholera disease under different dimensions. Simulations are carried out to observe both the symptomatic and asymptomatic consequences of cholera globally, also to observe the actual behavior of cholera disease for control measures, and it has been confirmed that those with strong immune systems individuals recover early due to early detection measures. The actual state of cholera disease can be controlled by taking the following measures: early detection of disease for both individuals receiving medication and those who do not require medication because of their robust immune systems. This kind of research will be beneficial in determining how diseases spread and in developing effective control plans based on our validated findings.Öğe Utilisation of Cu2O/CuO@N, O doped catalysts on activated carbon particles derived from biological wastes for highly active hydrogen production with sodium borohydride methanolysis(Elsevier BV, 2025-05) Cafer SakaDespite the significant advantages of hydrogen (H2) production via sodium borohydride (SB, NaBH4) methanolysis, it is important to further develop this reaction with more efficient and cost-effective catalysts. Here, in the first stage, pomegranate peels, which are widely consumed in the world and Turkey, were evaluated in the production of activated carbon as biowaste (PPAC). In the second stage, the obtained PPAC was hydrothermally treated with nitric acid for O atom doping on the surface (O-doped PAC). In the third stage, Cu2O/CuO and N atoms particles were doped on the O-doped PPAC by hydrothermal method (Cu2O/CuO@N, O-doped PPAC). These Cu2O/CuO@N, O doped PPAC nanoparticles were used for the first time for effective H2 production from NaBH4 methanolysis(SB/ H2P). The active regions obtained based on Cu2O, CuO, N, and O particles on the carbon support exhibited HGR values of 4775 and 40622 mL/min/gcat for PPAC and Cu2O/CuO@N, O-doped PPAC, respectively. A significant increase of approximately eight times was achieved in the hydrogen generation rate (HGR) value. The XPS, EDS, and FTIR analyses successfully confirmed both CuO particles and O, N atoms doping into the PPAC structure. The activation energy for this reaction was 29.45 kJ/mol.Öğe Evaluating variogram models and kriging approaches for analyzing spatial trends in precipitation simulations from global climate models(Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2025-02-07) Aamina Batool; Sufian Ahmad; Ayesha Waseem; Veysi Kartal; Zulfiqar Ali; Muhammad MohsinClimate change has heightened the irregularity and unpredictability of weather patterns, influencing precipitation patterns. Accurate geographical projections of precipitation and other climatic variables are critical to sustainable water resource management and disaster preparedness. Variogram models are geostatistical techniques used to examine spatial correlation. Therefore, selecting the optimum variogram model for spatial interpolation is challenging. This study used six variogram models to assess spatial trends. Leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV) and K-fold cross-validation approaches are used to find the best variogram model based on metrics such as mean absolute error (MAE), root mean square error (RMSE), and mean bias. In this study, correlation data of 22 GCMs within observed data are predicted over 94 locations in Pakistan from 1950 to 2014. For evaluation, ordinary kriging (OK) and universal kriging (UK) are utilized as geostatistical approaches. The study highlights the suitability of the variogram models. Pentaspherical variogram (Pen) model is suggested as suitable model due to its minimum error metrics as well as the Hol effect (Hol) model has been considered beneficial for dealing with complicated data. From the geostatistical approaches, ordinary kriging (OK) yields the best prediction. Moreover, ordinary kriging (OK) and universal kriging (UK) both yield similar outcomes across some correlation-based data of 22 GCMs within observed data. Consequently, the implication of correlation analysis, optimum variogram models, and interpolation techniques enables the precise and accurate approach in the prediction of GCM performance. The efficiency of variogram models and interpolation approaches in managing data variability helps to enhance the consistency and interpretability of climate data.Öğe New exact soliton wave solutions appear in optical fibers with Sardar sub equation and new auxiliary equation techniques(Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2025-02-05) Umair Asghar; Muhammad Imran Asjad; Yasser Salah Hamed; Ali Akgul; Murad Khan HassaniThis paper comprehensively analyzes exact solutions for the nonlinear long-short wave interaction system within the optical field. Consider two general techniques in this field, the Sardar sub-equation method, and a new auxiliary-equation technique. These methods are applied to derive a wide range of soliton solutions for nonlinear partial differential equations. By transforming the original partial differential equation into an ordinary differential equation using an appropriate transformation, various types of solitary wave solutions are obtained. The novelty of this work lies in the application of two powerful analytical methods. The study significantly broadens the scope of these techniques and their applications, providing a diverse set of exact solutions. To enhance comprehension, the obtained solutions are visualized through 3D, 2D, contour, and density plots, offering clear insights into the dynamics of solitary waves. Long-short-wave interaction model has many applications in different kinds of areas such as in optical fiber communication, to understand the interaction between different wave components that can influence the transmission of signals. This model is used to study the interaction between ion-acoustic waves and electron plasma waves. This helps in understanding energy transfer and wave stability in plasma, which is essential for applications like fusion energy research and space plasma. This is important in coastal engineering for predicting wave behaviors that affect coastal structures, sediment transport, and tsunami dynamics.Öğe Optical hausdorff quantum energy of spherical magnetic particles(Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2025-02-04) Talat Körpinar; Zeliha Körpinar; Hatice özdemir; ALi Akgül; Murad Khan HassaniIn this article, a new approach for spherical magnetic curves under the spherical system in spherical space is given. Firstly, the Hausdorff derivative of the Lorentz spherical magnetic fields [Formula: see text] [Formula: see text] [Formula: see text] of spherical magnetic curves is constructed. On the other hand, the Lorentz spherical magnetic fields, by considering the Hausdorff derivative definition, are presented. Eventually, the Hausdorff energies of these spherical Lorentz fields according to the spherical system in [Formula: see text] spherical space are computed.Öğe Mitigating drought stress in fenugreek through synergistic effects of alanine and potassium-enriched biochar(Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2025-02-03) Wanzheng Ma; Xinyu Fang; Mengru Qiu; Misbah Hareem; Zeki Erden; Çağdaş Can Toprak; Abdullah A. AlarfajDrought stress adversely affects plant growth, development, and yield. It can decrease seed germination, biomass accumulation, root proliferation, chlorophyll contents, and stomatal conductance. To overcome this critical issue, researchers suggest employing environmentally friendly approaches. The exogenous application of alanine (AL) acts as an osmolyte, which helps balance the cellular water under drought stress. It can also improve root architecture, biomass accumulation, and plant fertilizer use efficiency. Applying biochar can improve soil structure, water, and nutrient retention in soil, which are allied factors in enhancing plant growth under drought stress. Furthermore, the enrichment of potassium (K) in biochar also increases its availability to plants, directly regulating the stomatal conductance to alleviate drought stress. That's why the current study aims to explore the combined effect of AL and potassium-enriched biochar (KBC) on fenugreek cultivated under drought stress. Four levels of AL (control, 2mM, 4mM, and 6mM) were applied with 0%, 1%, and 2% KBC in three replicates. Results showed that 2mM AL + 2%KBC showed significant improvement in plant length (5.24%), plant fresh weight (25.36%), plant dry weight (16.23%), chlorophyll a (7.80%), chlorophyll b (15.83%), total chlorophyll (10.65%) over the control under drought stress. A significant increase in shoot N, P, and K concentration compared to control under drought stress also validated the effectiveness of 2mM AL + 2%KBC. In conclusion, 2mM AL + 2%KBC is an effective amendment for alleviating drought stress in fenugreeks. Under drought stress, growers are recommended to apply 2mM AL + 2%KBC to achieve better fenugreek growth.Öğe Distribution of Heat Shock Proteins 27, 60, 70, 90 in Testis and Epididymis of the Domestic Cats (Felis catus) and Dogs (Canis lupus familiaris).(Wiley, 2025-02) Banu Kandil; Alev Gürol BayraktarogluThis study aimed to examine the immunoexpression of HSP27, HSP60, HSP70, and HSP90 in the testis and epididymis of domestic cats (Felis catus) and dogs (Canis lupus familiaris). Testis and epididymis tissues from 6 adult cats and 6 adult dogs were used in this study. Immunohistochemical staining was done to determine the expression of HSPs. In cats and dogs, while HSP60 was detected only in Leydig cells, HSP90 was determined only in spermatogonia. HSP27 was observed only in smooth muscle cells of blood vessels. HSP70 was not detected in spermatocytes, spermatids, Leydig cells, or Sertoli cells, whereas HSP70 was determined in peritubular myoid cells. In addition, unlike cats, HSP70 was observed in spermatogonia of dog testes. HSP27 was determined in basal cells of the epididymal epithelium and smooth muscle cells of the ductal wall in all sections of the epididymis. However, no HSP60 was observed in the epididymis. While HSP70 was not detected in the epididymis of the cats, HSP70 was observed in basal cells of all sections of the epididymis of the dogs. While the epididymal epithelial cells showed HSP90 immunoreactivity in all parts of the epididymis, the smooth muscle cells of the ductal wall exhibited HSP90 immunoreactivity only in the cauda epididymidis. The findings of this study indicate that HSP27, HSP60, HSP70, and HSP90 exhibit different immunoexpression patterns in the testis and epididymis of cats and dogs and that these proteins play important roles in maintaining the reproductive functions of cats and dogs.Öğe Evaluation of the Accuracy and Performance of Two Commercial Pregnancy‐Associated Glycoprotein Tests for Early Pregnancy Detection in Cows(Wiley, 2025-01-28) Tarik Safak; Kenan Çağrı Tümer; Yağmur İpek Alp; Taha Yasin Özen; Oznur Yilmaz‐KocThe aim of this study was to determine and compare the diagnostic accuracies of two commercial pregnancy-associated glycoprotein tests, Alertys OnFarm Pregnancy Test (AOPT) and Alertys Milk Pregnancy Test (AMPT), for early pregnancy diagnosis in dairy cattle. Holstein cows (n = 124) were used in the study. Whole blood samples were collected from the jugular vein 28 days after fixed-time artificial insemination (FTAI). In addition, teats of these cows were swabbed and milk samples were collected into sterile Falcon tubes. AOPT was performed on the farm within 2 h after whole blood collection. Milk samples for AMPT analysis were taken to the laboratory and analysed within 2 h. Transrectal ultrasonography was performed on the 32nd day after FTAI as a reference test. Comparative evaluation was made according to the AOPT and AMPT results, 28 days after FTAI. The sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) for the AOPT were 92.4%, 80.0%, 87.9%, 89.0% and 85.7% and for AMPT were 97.5%, 82.2%, 91.9%, 90.6% and 94.9% respectively. Cohen's kappa statistic showed a 91.9% agreement (kappa = 0.820, p < 0.001) between the reference test and AMPT, and an 87.9% agreement (kappa = 0.735, p < 0.001) between the reference test and AOPT. AOPT and AMPT offers a reliable, non-invasive (in milk) and practical approach to pregnancy diagnosis in cows. These methods enable early pregnancy detection and can be easily integrated into farm routines, enhancing reproductive management and overall herd productivity.Öğe Different essential oils can inhibit Candida albicans biofilm formation on acrylic resin by suppressing aspartic proteinase: In vitro and in silico approaches(Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2025-01-28) Nurdan Polat Sağsöz; Leyla Güven; Bahri Gür; Canan Vejselova Sezer; Mustafa Cengiz; Figen Orhan; Özlem BarışIntroduction: Cymbopogon martini, Syzygium aromaticum, and Cupressus sempervirens are used for antimicrobial purposes in the worldwide. Both their extracts and essential oil contents are rich in active ingredients. Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the inhibitory effect of Cymbopogon martini essential oil (CMEO), Syzygium aromaticum essential oil (SAEO) and Cupressus sempervirens essential oil (CSEO) on Candida albicans biofilm formation on heat-polymerized polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) samples in vitro and in silico. Materials and methods: Essential oil contents with anticandidal potential were determined by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry. Following C. albicans adhesion, PMMA samples were treated independently with Corega® and each essential oil. The anticandidal activity of the essential oils was determined by spectrophotometric absorbance measurement at 600 nm, taking into account the cultures of each sample. The cytotoxicity evaluation of essential oils was performed by MTT Colorimetric assay. The software package AutoDockTools (1.5.6) was used for the in silico studies. The effect of essential oil content on the inhibition of Secreted aspartic proteinase (SAP2) was evaluated considering the Ligand@SAP2 complex formation. Results: 2% of CMEO and 5% of SAEO exhibited higher anticandidal activity than Corega® (p < 0.05), whereas Corega® had higher anticandidal activity than 2% and 5% of CSEO (p < 0.05). The cytotoxicity of essential oils on NIH/3T3 cells after 24 h was found to be 2.41 for CSEO, 2.84 for CMEO, and 2.85 µg/mL for SAEO. The results of the in silico study showed that citronellol from CMEO, chavibetol (m-eugenol) from SAEO and β-pinene from CSEO each had the highest effect on the inhibition of SAP2. The highest binding affinity value was found for citronellol at -5.3 kcal/mol. Conclusions: The biofilm formation of C. albicans onto acrylic resin was inhibited by CMEO, SAEO and CSEO at a concentration of 2% through in vitro assay. The most effective inhibition was determined to be due to citronellol in CMEO through in silico analysis.Öğe Second order slip micropolar MHD hybrid nanofluid flow over a stretching surface with uniform heat source and activation energy: Numerical computational approach(Elsevier BV, 2025-03) Syed Arshad Abas; Hakeem Ullah; Mehreen Fiza; Ali Akgul; Aasim Ullah Jan; Magda Abd El-Rahman; Seham M. Al-MekhlafiApplications: Micropolar fluids are extensively used in lubrication, polymer processing, and heat transfer applications to enhance performance in systems with suspended microstructures. These fluids find applications in industries such as medical, chemical, and microfluidics. Recent advancements have highlighted the potential of hybrid nanofluids in further improving thermal and flow characteristics. Novelty: Motivated by these developments, this study investigates the heat and mass transfer characteristics of a micropolar hybrid nanofluid comprising titanium dioxide (TiO2) and silver (Ag) nanoparticles suspended in water. The analysis focuses on the effects of slip boundary conditions, Joule heating, thermal radiation, heat sources, magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) effects, activation energy, and binary chemical reactions. Methodology: A mathematical model is formulated based on boundary-layer approximations, leading to a system of partial differential equations (PDEs) that describe the flow, thermal, and concentration fields. These PDEs are subsequently transformed into a set of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) using similarity transformations. The resulting higher-order nonlinear ODEs are solved numerically using the bvp4c technique in MATLAB. Findings: The results reveal that the inclusion of slip boundary conditions significantly influences the flow dynamics, reducing skin friction by 4.9 % and 10.4 % with increasing magnetic and material parameters, respectively, but enhancing it with a higher slip factor by 18.88 %. Additionally, an increased volume fraction of nanoparticles elevates the heat transfer rate by 6.3 % while diminishing the Sherwood number by 2.6 %, showcasing the thermal enhancement capabilities of the hybrid nanofluid. This study contributes to the field by providing new insights into the combined effects of Joule heating, activation energy, and chemical reactions on micropolar hybrid nanofluid flow. The result of bvp4c compared with previous literature and found to be closely aligned with published work. The findings have implications for the optimization of thermal management systems and processes in advanced engineering and industrial applications.