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Öğe Molecular screening of diverse Tomato germplasm for root-knot nematode resistance using the Mi23 marker(Elsevier BV, 2025-03) Parnaz Mortazavi; Amjad Ali; Muhammed Tatar; Fatih Ölmez; Muhammad Tanveer Altaf; Muhammad Azhar Nadeem; Hayriye Yildiz Dasgan; Boran Ikiz; Tuğçe Temtek; Ömer Faruk Bilgin; Ayşe Mücahitoğlu; Mahmut Bayram; Ahmad Alsaleh; Faheem Shehzad BalochTomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.), an important vegetable and horticultural crop, provides significant health benefits. The quality and yield of tomato plants are drastically impacted by root-knot nematode (RKN) a group of obligate parasites. In the current study, 212 tomato genotypes collected from diverse geographical regions, including Türkiye, France, Taiwan, and others, were molecularly screened using the Mi23 primer pair (Mi23-F/Mi23-R) to detect the presence of the Mi-1.2 resistance gene. The results of the molecular screening revealed that a total of six genotypes: three homozygous genotypes, Romitel-RHT 3 (France), AVTO0102-CLN2366B, and AVTO0101-CLN2413D (Taiwan), and three heterozygous genotypes, Aysbars-F1, Italian Field (To-23), and Red Pole (To-25) (Türkiye) amplified with a required band size of 380 bp. Notably, 206 genotypes including those from the USA Germany, and Kyrgyzstan, lacked the Mi-1.2 resistance gene, exhibiting susceptibility to RKN. These findings highlight the significance role of molecular markers in identifying and utilizing nematode-resistant genes to enhance tomato breeding programs for robust and disease-resistant cultivars.Öğe Assessing the impact of salinity on Viola × wittrockiana: exploring morphological, physiological, and anatomical parameters(International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS), 2025-01) S. Yasemin; S. Karabiyik; Y. BektasIt is critical to explore the responses of bedding plants, often planted outdoors, in light of increasing salt concerns. The potential use of these plants in salty areas and the feasibility of irrigation with alternative water sources having high salt content should be investigated. Among these bedding plants, the pansy from the Violaceae family stands out as an ornamental flower with versatile applications, particularly during winter. Pansies are commonly used in landscaping, outdoor decoration, or potted arrangements, displaying a variety of flower colors. In this study, the morphological, anatomical, and physiological responses of pansies (Viola × wittrockiana ‘Pansy Inspire Plus F1’) under salt-stressed conditions were investigated. The pansy plants were irrigated with solutions containing four different salt concentrations (0 (control), 50, 100, and 150 mM). At the end of the study, there was a noticeable decrease in several parameters, including the number of flowers, flower diameter, flower stalk length, root, and shoot growth, as well as the fresh and dry weights of flowers. Additionally, both total and mean leaf area decreased. The visual score also sharply declined. Ion leakage remained stable until the third week after it increased in groups subjected to salt application. Additionally, relative water content decreased with increasing salinity. According to SPAD measurements and photosynthetic pigment analysis, leaf chlorophyll content increased in the presence of 50 mM NaCl. This study revealed that epidermis cells and sponge parenchyma sizes increased under salinity, while leaf palisade parenchyma size decreased. Epidermis, xylem, phloem areas, and stem diameter also decreased in the stem by salinity. As a result, V. wittrockiana ‘Pansy Inspire Plus F1’ was identified as sensitive to salinity.Öğe New Approaches in Viticulture: Different Rates of Net Shadow Applications to Yield, Must, Color and Wine Quality(MDPI AG, 2025-01-01) Tuba Uzun BayraktarThis study was conducted on the Sinceri grape variety in 2023. Three applications (35%, 55% and 75% net shadows) and a control were applied in the experiment. The shading materials were covered over the vines when the grapes were at veraison. The effects of the applied net shadows on the grape yield, color parameters of the berry skin and physicochemical analyses in the must were examined. In addition, some chemical analyses [such as pH, ethyl alcohol (%), volatile acidity (mg/L), reducing sugar (g/L), density and total acidity (g/L)], secondary metabolites, color parameters and sensory analyses were performed in wines produced spontaneously by the microvinification method. In terms of the yield parameters, the 55% net shadow application provided a 61.93% increase in grape yield, 37.83% increase in cluster weight and 35.76% increase in 100-berries weight compared to the control. While the L* value and Hue angle increased, the a* value, b* value and Chroma value decreased as the proportion of shading material increased. In the must, the must yield and total acidity increased while the TSSC, maturity index and density decreased. In terms of the physicochemical wine analysis (ethyl alcohol, density, total phenolic compound and antioxidant amount) and sensory evaluations, the best result was given by 75% net shadow and, in terms of wine color parameters, by 55% net shadow application.Öğe The Effect Lead Stress on the Early-Stage Development of Solanum melongena L. Seedling(Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024) M. Zeki Karipçin; Fatih Çiğ; Laman Majidova; Munavvar SafarovaThe effects of plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPB) application on shoot and root lengths, root thickness and root lateral numbers of aubergine (Solanum melongena) seedlings in a lead stress environment were investigated. Also a control group was formed in addition to lead and bacteria conditions. In this study Stenotrophomonas maltophilia (TV14B) was used. Pb [Pb(NO3)2] (control, 50 and 100 ppm) was used for created abiotic stress for this experiment. Random bloks were designed for this research with 3 repetitions. 10 Solanum melongena seeds were used in each replication. While no value was obtained in root lateral measurements, no difference was detected at the level of statistical significance between shoot length values. Statistically significant differences were detected between root length values at the 1% significance level and between root thickness values at the 5% significance level. It was noted that root thickness increased under lead stress conditions, root lengths increased with the first dose of lead application, giving the expected results under stress conditions, but elongation increased less than the control group plants with the second dose of lead application.Öğe Ornamental Plants: With Their Features and Usage Principles(İksad Publishing House, 2020 Aralık) Çığ, ArzuOrnamental Plants are plants that affect both the eye and the soul, and are always present in our lives with their unknown aspects. We love and use some of them for the color of their leaves changing according to the seasons, some for its distinctive visual stem, some for its fragrant and colorful flowers, some for its refreshing body and other ingredients that concern our health. We have always had contact with these plants without realizing it. Because we are always intertwined with ornamental plants in daily life, especially in landscaping. As in every subject, new research results are revealed and continuous information updates are also made in ornamental plants every day, and as a result, different perspectives are brought to applications and subjects. In this book, there are studies that give information about the growing techniques of ornamental plants and especially their use in landscape.Öğe Ornamental Plants in Different Approaches(İksad Publishing House, 2020 Aralık) Çığ, ArzuOrnamental Plants, which have a different place among plant groups, have started to take their deserved place in our lives. The ornamental plants we use to soften the increasingly stressful living conditions, except for their cultivation and benefit in food, textile, medicine, cosmetics, industry fields, bring us closer to nature, especially in this technological-digital age. In fact, we can say that there are many unknown aspects of these beautiful ornamental plants that we see at home and indoors, on our balconies, parks and gardens, and they touch us in areas we have never known in our lives. In this book, these areas are tried to be addressed from different ways. These studies cover the botanical and phenological characteristics of some ornamental plants, their phyto-chemical content, ecological characteristics, fertilization, disease-pest-weed control, growing conditions, production techniques, usage areas, health benefits and the place of this sector in our country.Öğe Production and market value of ornamental plantsin Turkey in recent years(2020 Kasım) Çığ, Arzu; Aksu, Zeynel AbidinOrnamental plants that are distinguished from the visuality of other plants with their flower, leaf or stem beauty, used as a design element in the landscape with their fragrance, color and forms, and serve different purposes of use besides their aesthetic features. It is a fact that the purchasing behaviors of the consumers in this group are not as demanding as other plants in this group, when considered in socio-cultural and socio-economic terms. However, the importance of ornamental plants in the horticultural sector, where fruits, vegetables and vineyard plants are produced and consumed for nutritional purposes, has started to be understood compared to the past years. A healthy and happy life depends on both the correct, balanced and good nutrition and the mental and psychical states of the people. Ornamental plants have been understood in this sense in recent years. In this study, ornamental plant production areas, production quantities, import and export values, which are increasing year by year in our country, have been revealed. Data of TSI (2014-2019) (Turkey Statistical Institute) has been used to determine what kind of a graphic the ornamental plants grouped as outdoor ornamental plants, indoor ornamental plants, cut flowers and flower bulbs in our country in recent years. According to the most significant results obtained, the total area where ornamental plants were produced in 2019 was 52.477, and the largest portion in this area was outdoor ornamental plants with 71.84%. The agricultural land used for the production of ornamental plants had the lowest rate (0.02%) among the agricultural areas used in 2019 compared to others (cereals and other vegetable crops; vegetable gardens; fruit, beverage and spice plants). Among these areas, Eastern Marmara (36.25%), Aegean (34.73%) and Mediterranean (17.43%) regions had the highest production. On the basis of provinces, İzmir (31.19%), Sakarya (20.51%) and Antalya (11.34%) took the first three places. Total production amount of ornamental plants is 1.718.098.240 units. The highest portion among this amount is in the cut flowers group with 63.63%. When foreign trade (1000 $) is evaluated for product groups; Cut flowers had the highest portion in exports (44.60%), while live plants had the highest portion in imports (71.99%).Öğe Classification of ornamental plant species with artifical intelligence applications(İksad Publishing House, 2020 Aralık) Mikail, Nazire; Çığ, ArzuThe aim of this study is to examine some artificial intelligence methods used in the classification of ornamental plants and to compile the researches on this subject and bring them to the attention of subject experts.Öğe Investigation of the effects of some bacterial isolates and fertilizer applications on nutrient contents of hyacinth(Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 2020) Arıca Bintaş, Pınar; Çığ, Arzu; Türkoğlu, NalanThis study was conducted to determine the effect of NPK fertilization and some bacterial species on the macro and micro nutrient element contents of Hyacinthus orientalis cv. ‘Delft Blue’ leaves and bulbs. In the study carried out under laboratory conditions, according to randomized plot experiment design, full and 50% dose of 20:20:20 NPK commercial fertilizer was applied to hyacinth bulbs as inorganic fertilizer. Nitrogenfixing bacteria: Cellulomonas turbata (TV54A), phosphate solibilizing bacteria: Bacillus-GC Group (TV119E), nitrogen-fixing and phosphate solibilizing bacteria: Kluyvera cryocrescens (TV113C)were used as biological fertilizers. In this study, the highest mean values of nutrients were obtained as nitrogen (N) 3.866%; phosphorus (P) 334.790 mgkg-1;potassium (K) 4.534%; iron (Fe) 152.453 mgkg-1; manganese (Mn) 26.739 mgkg-1; zinc (Zn) 46.517 mgkg-1and copper (Cu) 8.902 mgkg-1 (P <0.01) in hyacinth leaves, while calcium (Ca) was 1064.95 mgkg-1 and magnesium (Mg) was found 1992.92 mgkg-1, and the difference between the mean values for these two elements was not statistically significant. The highest N, P, Zn and Cu contents of the leaf were obtained by using full dose NPK. The highest mean values of nutrient elements in hyacinth bulbs were 4.382%; P 278.496 mgkg-1; K, 2.203%; Ca 2322.045 mgkg-1; Mg 1884.164 mgkg-1; Mn 39.640 mgkg-1; Zn was obtained as 40.861 mgkg-1 and Cu 7.683 mgkg-1, whereas Fe was found to have an average value of 140.545 mgkg-1. In the process of bacteria inoculation K, Ca and Mg content of inoculation; N, P, Mn, Zn and Cu content of ½ NPK fertilization was determined to be effective.Öğe Artan vermikompost ve azot-Fosfor (NP) uygulamalarının sümbülün (hyacinthus orientalis L. “purple star”) Co, Ni, Cd ve Mo içeriklerine etkisi(Uluslararası Tarım ve Yaban Hayatı Bilimleri Dergisi, 2019) Sönmez, Ferit; Çığ, ArzuBu çalışma son yıllarda kullanımı oldukça yaygınlaşan vermikompostun sümbülün Co, Ni, Mo ve Cd içeriklerine etkisini araştırmak için arazi çalışması olarak yürütülmüştür. Deneme Siirt Üniversitesi Kezer Yerleşkesi içinde yer alan Bahçe Bitkileri Bölümüne ait deneme alanında 3 tekerrürlü olarak tesadüf blokları deneme desenine göre kurulmuştur. Denemede vermikompostun 4 dozu (0, 25, 50 ve 100 g/soğan) ve azot-fosfor (NP) olarak 20-20-0 (N-P-K) gübresinden 4 doz (0, 2, 4, 8 kg da-1) uygulanmıştır. Deneme sonunda hasat edile sümbülün yaprak ve soğanında elementel analizler yapılmıştır. İstatistiksel analiz sonucunda vermikompost ve NP uygulamalarının sümbülün nikel, molibden ve kadmiyum içerikleri üzerine P<0.01 düzeyinde önemli etki yaptığı, kobalt içeriği üzerine etkisinin olmadığı belirlenmiştir. Soğan ve yaprağın element içeriklerinin birbirlerine göre önemli düzeyde farklılık gösterdiği (p<0.01) belirlenmiştir. Vermikompost uygulamaları ile kontrole göre sümbülün yaprak nikel ve kadmiyum içerikleri artarken, kobalt ve molibden içerikleri önce artmış sonra azalmıştır. Artan NP uygulamaları ile kontrole göre yaprak kobalt ve nikel içerikleri artmış, molibden ve kadmiyum içerikleri azalmıştır. Vermikompost ve NP uygulamaları ile sümbül soğanının nikel, molibden, kobalt ve kadmiyum içeriklerinde kontrole kıyasla değişimler belirlenmiş, en belirgin değişimler kobalt, kadmiyum ve molibden içeriklerinde ortaya çıkmıştır.Öğe Tolerance of hyacinth (hyacinthus orientalis L. c.v. “blue star”) to lead contaminated media(ISPEC Journal of Agr. Sciences, 2020) Gülser, Füsun; Çığ, ArzuThe objective of this study was to determine the tolerance of hyacinth (Hyacinthus orientalis L. c.v. “Blue Star”) as a hyper accumulator plant to lead contaminated media. This research was carried out in a completely randomized experimental design with three replications in green house conditions. Four doses of lead (control, 20 mg kg-, 40 mg kg-1, 80 mg kg-1) were applied to each growing media having 500 g soil: sand mixture in 2:1 ratio. The distillate water was used in irrigation and Hoagland solution was applied for fertilization. At the end of the experiment, effects of lead applications on all of plant growth criteria and flowering were found significant (P<0.01) except leaf number and stem diameter. The lowest first flowering time, full flowering time and first floret withering time were obtained as 77.00 day, 79.20 day and 82.39 day in control, respectively. The highest plant length and flower length were obtained as 229.91 mm and 146.36 mm in 20 mg Pb kg-1 application. The highest flower diameter and floret number were found as 63.03 mm and 42.42 in 40 mg Pb kg-1 application. Generally, while the lead doses increased flowering time, leaf length, plant length, flower length, flower diameter and floret number increased.Öğe Tolerance of daffodil (narcissus poeticus L. c.v. “ice folies”) to nickel contaminated media(ISPEC Journal of Agr. Sciences, 2020) Çığ, ArzuThe objective of this study was to determine the tolerance of daffodil (Narcissus poeticus L. c.v. “Ice Folies”) as a hyperaccumulator plant to nickel contaminated media. This research was carried out in a completely randomized plot experimental design with three replications in green house conditions. Four doses of nickel (control, 25 mg kg-1, 50 mg kg-1, 75 mg kg-1) were applied to each growing media having 500 g soil:sand mixture in 2:1 ratio. The distillate water was used in irrigation and Hoagland solution was applied for fertilization. At the end of the experiment, effects of nickel applications on leaf length, plant length, flower length (P<0.01) and flower diameter, stem diameter (P<0.05) were found significant, except leaf number and leaf length. The lowest first flowering time, full flowering time and first floret withering time were obtained in control and 75 mg kg-1 nickel application. The highest leaf length (341.60 mm), plant length (418.24 mm), flower length (70.74 mm) and stem diameter (7.63 mm) were obtained in 75 mg kg-1 nickel application. The highest flower diameter was found as 78.35 mm in 25 mg kg-1 nickel application. Generally, while the nickel doses increased flowering time, leaf length, plant length, flower length and flower diameter increased.Öğe Effects of salicylic asic application on WRKY gene in pepper (capsicum annum l.) seedling(Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2020) Karipçin, M. Zeki; Ahmed Ahmed, Mohammed; Yaşar, FikretThis project was developed to investigate the contribution of salicylic acid to development of pepper seedlings grown in low temperature (0 0C) conditions. The research was carried out in the controlled plant growing cabinet in the re-search- investigation area of the Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Siirt Uni-versity. As a vegetable material, Urartu F1 pep-per type (capia) which is used in greenhouse cultivation has been used. As a dose of different salicylic acid; 0.01 and 0.05 mmol doses were applied. The dose of 0 mmol salicylic acid was used as control group. Application frequency; It was applied 1 time, 2 times and 3 times.3 different cold application times were also investigated; 24 hours, 48 hours and 72 hours. The experiment was designed in randomized plots and 3 replications. In the pepper seedlings the effect of the seedlings on the WRKY genes were investigated. Considering the administra-tion of both salicylic acids, it was found that 0.05 mmol dose had a clearer and more under-standing response to the expression of WRKY gene.Öğe Physiological and gene-expression variation in watermelon (citrullus lanatus l.) cultivars exposed to drought stress(Polish Botanical Society., 2020) Erez, Emre; İnal, Behcet; Karipçin, M. Zeki; Altıntaş, SerdarDrought conditions may have direct or indirect effects on plant physiology, biochemistry, and molecular characteristics. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of drought stress on the physiological, biochemical, and molecular responses of three different watermelon cultivars with varying levels of drought tolerance (24: drought resistant, CS: moderately tolerant, and 98: drought sensitive). The cultivars exhibited different responses to cope with water stress according to their tolerance level. Drought induced significant reductions in chlorophyll a, total chlorophyll and carotenoid content and glutation reductase and ascorbate peroxidase activity in the sensitive cultivar unlike in the moderately tolerant and drought resistant cultivars. Additionally, the expression levels of NAC1, NAC2, ORE1, WRKY24, SAG12, SAG13, KCS2, CER1, DREB2A, LTP3, SWEET15, and PYL9 genes were measured using qRT-PCR. The expression ratios of the genes significantly varied depending on the gene location and on the tolerance of the cultivars. Results showed that the physiology and biochemical and molecular pathways of tolerant cultivars change to adapt to drought conditions. Therefore, the drought-resistant cultivar copes with drought stress by increasing proline content and antioxidant enzyme activities, as well as by increasing the expression of specific genes.Öğe Siirt yöresinde sebze olarak tüketilen bazı yabancı otlar(EJONS, 2019) Tuncay, Emrah; Karipçin, M. ZekiSiirt ili yenilebilir otlar bakımından oldukça zengindir. Kış ve İlkbahar mevsiminde bol yağış alan Siirt ilinde yenilebilir otlardan oluşan yemek kültürü zengindir. Yılanyastığından (Arum maculatum) kenger otuna (Gundelia tournefortii), peynir otundan ısırgan otuna kadar çeşitli türlerde yenilebilir otlar mevsiminde toplanarak gerek çiğ gerekse pişirilerek veya salamura yapılarak tüketilmektedir. Tamamen “doğal” ortamında toplanan, çeşitli işleme tekniklerinden ve insan müdahalelerinden uzak şekilde yetişen ancak mevsiminde bulabildiğimiz ve tükettiğimiz, en önemlisi de tarımı yapılmayan ve sebze niyetine kullanılan otlardır çalışmamızın konusu. Bu otların birçoğu başka yörelerde bulunabilmektedir. Doğal sebze olarak nitelenen bu otlar, farklı metotlarla günlük gıda gereksinimlerimizi karşılayan yiyecekler arasında bulunmaktadır. Bazıları için yılda en az bir kere yenmeli dusturundan yola çıkılarak gerçekleştirdiğimiz bu çalışmamızda Siirt bölgesinde sebze olarak tüketilen bazı otlar bölge insanı ile görüşülerek tespit edilmiştir. Tespit edilen yenilebilir otlar arasında; Korpit (Rışvat veya Dêjnik de denir), Kenger, Ahbandır, Strizek (Altındiken), Kardi (Yılanyastığı), Isırgan otu, Sırdim (Yabani sarımsak), Ebegümeci (Tolık), Kuzukulağı, Işgın otu bunların başlıcaları arasındadır. Özellikle etken maddelerinin sağlığımız açısından önemine dair yapılan araştırmaların sonuçlarına göre bu otlara talep her geçen gün artmaktadır. Gerek şekilleri ve gerekse isimlerinden dolayı bu otlar ekzotik (exotic) sebzeler grubuna da girebilecek türlerdir. Kültüre alınmamaları ve kayıtlı pazarlama piyasalarında ticarete konu olmamalarından dolayı da minör sebzeler grubuna girebilmektedirler. Her birinin yüksek tecrübelerle aktarılmış hikâyeleri vardır. Her bir yenilebilir otun sağlığımız açısından çok değerli ve telafi edilemeyecek değerde önemi bulunmaktadır. Erken ilkbaharda başlayan yenilebilir otların toplanmasına mevsim koşullarına bağlı olarak Mayıs ayının sonuna kadar devam edilmektedir. Bu otlardan bazıları toplandığı gibi çiğ olarak veya pişirilerek tüketilmektedir. Bazı otlar ise salamura halinde işlenerek tüketilmektedir.Öğe Drying and drying systems in vegetables(EJONS, 2020) Malakaşlı, Salih; Karipçin, M. ZekiVegetable or fruit to be dried to remove the water is called drying process. Since the moisture content of vegetables or fruits will be very low, the shelf life is increased parallel to the reduced moisture content. Because the microorganism activities in food is minimized. As a result, the shape and color of the food change. With the removal of the water forming the weight, the weight of the food in unit weight is reduced. Again, the amount of dry matter of the same food increases with the removal of water. The main purpose of drying is to ensure that the food is delivered to human nutrition in a healthy way outside the season. Therefore, drying methods are important for health. In the drying stage, the risk of transmission of the disease pathogen and the risk of virus transport by the effect of different insects and rodents indicate that this sector should not be randomized. An infected plant with an alpha toxin or a dried apple dried under high radiation, or any food infected by mice and other animals, will have a very negative impact on our health. Drying for the helping of the family economy or for the taste of the palate has become a big sector today. It is said that vegetables and fruits grown outside of the season are not hormone. A food to be consumed outside the season is more desirable than dried. Figs and grapes in fruits and tomato and pepper in vegetables are the essential foods can be dried. But how are our drying methods and storage conditions correct in terms of health? We can demonstrate the feasibility of this sector by using old technology, using new technology and taking into account new demands. Only dried tomato vegetables have an export potential of approximately $ 70 million. The sector which will be formed by drying various vegetables in Siirt province which has natural drying sources (Sun, wind) will contribute to the economy of the province.Öğe Geothermal resources in Siirt and their opportunities for greenhouse(EJONS, 2019) Malakaşlı, Salih; Karipçin, M. ZekiIt is known that hot water resources of Siirt province which is filled with various natural resources, have high potential. In order to determine the usage possibilities of Siirt thermal resources (hot water) and greenhouse cultivation, geothermal potential of Siirt province and the use of this resource especially in greenhouse cultivation have been determined by using the data of other related institutions (DSİ, Siirt Il Özel İdaresi), especially the Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü (MTA). The geothermal resources of Siirt province; total number, distance to center, flow rate, water temperatures, depth properties were investigated. Siirt province geothermal resources are known in total 2, one of them is Lif and the other is Bilores which is the closet to center. Biloris water temperature of the geothermal source has 34.5 °C degree and the temperature of the Lif geothermal source is 33.1 °C. In terms of flow rate, which is as important as water temperature in greenhouse cultivation, the highest flow rate (90 L/second) belongs to Biloris source, Lif source was found to be the lowest flow rate (10 L/second). In addition, it was found that the well of the MTA, which is 696 m in depth, has a water temperature of 45 ° C and 7 L/second flow rate. It has been determined that these geothermal resources can be used in greenhouse cultivation in terms of number, area and water temperature and flow potential.Öğe Kök ortamlarının karpuz kök yapılarına etkileri(EJONS, 2019) Kılınç, Hafif; Karipçin, M. ZekiKuraklığa tolerantlıkları TÜBİTAK (107T613) projesi ile belirlenmiş bazı karpuz genotiplerinin kök yapılarına farklı kök ortamlarının etkilerini incelemek amacıyla yürüttüğümüz bu çalışmada, Kar 24, Kar 98, Kar 39 (Crimson Sweet) karpuz genotipleri kullanılmıştır. Kök ortamı olarak ise kum, toprak ve torf materyalleri kullanılmıştır. Tüm bitkiler aynı tarihte ve 3 tekerrürlü olarak plastik tüplerde yetiştirilmiştir. Kök yapılarının yanı sıra; çıkış zamanları, bitki yaş ağırlığı, bitki kuru ağırlığı, kök yaş ağırlığı, kök kuru ağırlığı, bitki kuru madde oranı, kök kuru madde oranı ölçümleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. Ayrıca bitki yeşil aksam boyu ve bitki yeşil aksam eni (Taç eni) ile Kök eni ve kök boyu Image J programı aracılığıyla taranarak belirlenmiştir. Toprak ortamındaki bitkilerde tam randıman alınamamıştır. Çalışmada kullanılan kök ortamlarından olan kum ortamının en erken çıkışı sağladığı, kum ortamındaki Kar 98 bitkilerinin bitki kuru madde oranı bakımından diğer ortam ve bitkilerden daha üstün olduğu, kök kuru madde oranı açısından ise torf ortamındaki Kar 24 (kuraklığa tolerant) genotbine ait verilerin daha yüksek değerlerde bulunduğu, Kar 98 (kuraklığa hassas) genotibinin torf ortamındaki bitkilerden elde edilen bitki boyu değerlerinin diğer genotiplere ait değerlerden daha üstün olduğu, taç eni değerleri arasında ise torf ortamındaki Kar 39 (Crimson Sweet-tolerant/intolerant) bitkilerine ait taç eni değerlerinin daha yüksek değerler olduğu saptanmıştır. Köklerin derinliğini gösteren kök boyu değerleri açısından ise Torf ortamındaki Kar 24 genotibinin en yüksek kök boyu değerlerine sahip olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Kullanılan her bir genotip farklı genetik yapılara ve kuraklığa tolerantlıklara sahip olduğundan dolayı elde edilen veriler daha önemli olmaktadır. Kum ortamının besin içeriğinin fakir olmasından dolayı besin takviyesine ihtiyaç duyduğu, besin takviyesi ile kum ortamındaki bitkilerin erken çıkış sağlayarak en iyi kök yapılarını oluşturmaya en uygun ortam olduğu saptanmıştır.Öğe Morphological changes of salicylic acid application on pepper (capsicum annuum l.) seedling under cold condition(International Journal of Secondary Metabolite, 2019) Ahmed Ahmed, Mohammed; Karipçin, M. Zeki; Yaşar, FikretThis project was developed to investigate the contribution of salicylic acid (SA) to the development of pepper seedlings grown in low temperature (0 0C) conditions. The research was carried out in the controlled plant growing cabinet in the research- investigation area of the Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Siirt University. As a vegetable material, Urartu F1 pepper type (capia) which is used in greenhouse cultivation has been used. As a dose of different salicylic acid; 0.01 and 0.05 mmol doses were applied. The dose of 0 mmol salicylic acid was used as a control group. Application frequency; It was applied 1 time, 2 times and 3 times.3 different cold application times were also investigated; 24 hours, 48 hours and 72 hours. The experiment was designed in randomized plots and 3 replications. In the pepper seedlings Rate of Lost Seedling Weight (ROLSW) and Rate of Lost Seedling Length (ROLSL) were investigated. At the end of the research; Both SA applications increased the ROLSW rate according to the control. The application of 0.01 ppm was the SA application with the highest ROLSW rate. The application of 0.01 ppm SA also increased the ROLSL rate compared to the control. The highest ROLSW and ROLSL rates were obtained from 24-hour cold application. There was no statistically significant difference between the frequencies of application.Öğe Water deficit tolerance of some pepper inbred lines(TURJAF, 2019) Keleş, Davut; Pınar, Hasan; Ata, Atila; Bircan, Mustafa; Karipçin, M. Zeki; Rastgeldi, Ufuk; Büyükalaca, SaadetWater deficit is one of the main limiting factors affecting plant growth. Selection in water-limited environments can result in populations or species with improved response to drought. Water deficit decreases yield and quality, therefore, it is important to identify genotypes that are tolerant to deficit irrigation conditions. In this study, the water-deficit tolerance of 59 pepper-inbred lines was determined. Experiments were conducted in a growth chamber and under field conditions (Şanlıurfa) with a control (100% full-irrigation) and water-deficit treatment (50% irrigation). Fruit weight, fruit length and number of fruits were recorded. Pepper lines 1900, 896 A-W, 74, 760, 1560-W, 912 A-W, 405-A, 953-W, 226, 1105-W and 441 were identified as the most tolerant to water deficit conditions. Present findings revealed that these pepper lines could be used to develop cultivars that have satisfactory yield under water deficit conditions.