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Öğe Analysis of the Spiritual Orientations and the Hopelessness Levels of the Patients Diagnosed with COVID-19: A Cross-Sectional Study(Aves, 2022) Buyukbayram, Zeliha; Aksoy, Meyreme; Sayan, GulsenAIM: This study aims to identify the spiritual orientations and hopelessness levels of the patients diagnosed with COVID-19. METHOD: In this study designed as cross-sectional and correlational research, the sample was comprised of 199 patients diagnosed with COVID-19 at a research hospital located in eastern Turkey. Data were collected between December 2020 and January 2021. The research data were collected online by using survey form, the Spiritual Orientation Scale, and Beck Hopelessness Scale to reduce face-to-face interaction due to the isolation policy. The collected data were analyzed via descriptive statistics, the t-test, the Kruskal-Wallis test, and the Mann-Whitney U test. RESULTS: The mean scores obtained by the participant COVID-19 patients from the Spiritual Orientations Scale and the Beck Hopelessness Scale were found, respectively, as 96.13 +/- 20.16 and 6.15 +/- 4.59 points. It was determined that the participants of the study had a high-level of spiritual orientations and low-level hopelessness, and there was a negative correlation between them (p<.05). CONCLUSION: In this study, it was identified that the participant patients diagnosed with COVID-19 had high-level spiritual orientations and low-level hopelessness. It was found that as the participant COVID-19 patients had higher spiritual orientation levels, their hopelessness levels fell. Spirituality can reduce hopelessness by strengthening the coping mechanisms of COVID-19 patients. It can increase the psychological resistance of patients by increasing positive thoughts.Öğe Difficult lives: A descriptive and relational study on the coping with stress and care burden of caregivers of patients with epilepsy(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2023) Buyukbayram, Zeliha; Aksoy, Meyreme; Yilmaz, RidvanAim: This study was conducted to examine the relationship between coping with stress status and the burden of care of the caregivers of patients with epilepsy. Materials and methods: This descriptive correlational study was carried out with a total of 230 voluntary caregivers of patients with epilepsy who visited the neurology clinics and outpatient clinics of a training and research hospital in the southeastern part of Turkiye between March 2022 and February 2023. Study data were collected through the Personal Information Form, the Zarit Caregiver Burden Assessment and the Ways of Coping Scale. Descriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis were used for the evaluation of the data. Findings: While the mean score of the caregivers from the Zarit Caregiver Burden Assessment was 41.20 & PLUSMN; 12.44, they had mean scores of 12.12 & PLUSMN; 3.25, 8.93 & PLUSMN; 1.93, 12.24 & PLUSMN; 3.61, 8.77 & PLUSMN; 3.17, and 7.89 & PLUSMN; 1.95, respectively, from the self-confident approach, optimistic approach, helpless approach, submissive approach, and social support-seeking approach sub-dimensions. In the study, a moderate positive statistically significant relationship was found between the caregivers' burden of care and the mean scores of the helpless and submissive approach sub-dimensions(p < 0.05). Conclusion: The caregivers' burden of care and coping with stress were at moderate levels. The helpless approach, which is one of the ineffective methods of coping with stress, was found to be higher. The helpless and submissive approaches were found to increase in this study as the caregivers' burden of care increased. Implications: The use of effective coping skills to reduce the level of personal burden of care would improve the caregiver's physical health and psychological well-being. & COPY; 2023 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Öğe Effects of lavender oil intervention before endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography on patients' vital signs, pain and anxiety: A randomized controlled study(Elsevier Science Inc, 2021) Saritas, Seyhan Citlik; Buyukbayram, Zeliha; Serin, Emine Kaplan; Bilgic, YilmazBackground: This study was carried out to determine the effects of lavender oil intervention before endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) on patients' vital signs, pain and anxiety. Materials and methods: This study was designed as a randomized controlled study. The population of the study consisted of adult patients who were going to receive ERCP at the gastroenterology clinic of a university hospital. Ninety patients participated in the study. The data were collected using a Patient Information Form, a Pre-Post Test Record Form, VAS and the State Anxiety Scale. Results: After lavender oil intervention, the pulse rate, systolic-diastolic blood pressure, pain and anxiety levels of the patients in the experiment group were reduced, their oxygen saturation levels were increased, and the difference between the groups was statistically significant (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Lavender oil applied on the patients before the ERCP procedure reduced their pulse rate, systolic diastolic blood pressure, pain and anxiety levels, while it increased their oxygen saturation levels. (c) 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Öğe Evaluating the knowledge of and attitudes toward epilepsy among Turkish undergraduate nursing students: A cross-sectional study(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2022) Aksoy, Meyreme; Buyukbayram, ZelihaAim: This study was conducted to examine the knowledge of and attitudes toward epilepsy among nursing students. Method: This descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted with 369 nursing students. Data were collected through an anonymous online questionnaire prepared using the Introductory Information Form, Epilepsy Knowledge Scale (EKS), and Epilepsy Attitude Scale (EAS). Descriptive statistics, the Mann-Whitney U test, Student's t test, one-way ANOVA, and Pearson correlation test were used in the data analysis. A p value of 0.05 was considered the threshold for statistical significance. Findings: The sample of the study consisted of nursing students, and more than half of the students (63.4%) were females. 32.2% of the students were third-year students, and the mean age was 21.36 +/- 2.12 years. The mean scores obtained on the EKS and the EAS were 10.03 +/- 33.21 and 56.39 +/- 5.40, respectively. A significant positive correlation was found between the knowledge and attitude scores of the students regarding epilepsy (p < 0.05), and students' attitude scores toward epilepsy increased with increased knowledge of the subject matter. Overall, female students had better knowledge levels and a more positive attitude toward epilepsy than male students (p < 0.05). Further, the students who had witnessed an epileptic seizure, knew someone with epilepsy, or provided care for patients with epilepsy, had higher scores on the EKS, and displayed better knowledge toward epilepsy (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Nursing students were found to have moderate knowledge of and a positive attitude toward epilepsy. The positive attitude toward epilepsy increased with the increasing knowledge of epilepsy. (c) 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Öğe HEMŞİRELİK ÖĞRENCİLERİNİN ÖZ-ETKİLİLİK-YETERLİK DÜZEYLERİ İLE AKADEMİK BAŞARILARI ARASINDAKİ İLİŞKİNİN İNCELENMESİ(2020) Sarıtaş, Seyhan Çıtlık; Buyukbayram, Zeliha; Topdemir, Esra AnuşBu tanımlayıcı nitelikte araştırmada, hemşirelik öğrencilerinin öz-etkililik-yeterlik düzeyleri ile akademikbaşarıları arasındaki ilişki incelendi. Araştırmanın evrenini, Siirt Üniversitesi Sağlık Yüksekokulu HemşirelikBölümü öğrencileri (N=550) oluşturdu. Araştırma örneklemi, katılmayı kabul eden 342 öğrenci ile tamamlandı.Verilerin toplanmasında, birey tanıtıcı formu ve Öz-etkililik-yeterlik Ölçeği kullanıldı. Verilerindeğerlendirilmesinde tanımlayıcı istatistik, t testi, ANOVA ve Pearson korelasyon analizi kullanıldı.Araştırmada, öğrencilerin yaş ortalaması 21.20±2.46 olduğu, %50’si kız olduğu, % 36’sı I . s ınıfta ö ğrenimgördüğü, %61.7’si hemşirelik mesleğini isteyerek seçtiği, %36’sı teorik derslerini yeterli bulmadığı, %74.6’sıuygulamalı dersleri yeterli bulmadığı, %45.9’u not ortalamasının 71-80 aralığında olduğu, %40.6’sı kendinikısmen başarılı bulduğu, %34.5’i çevresinin başarılarını etkilediğini, %58.8’i rahat, sakin disiplinli vesorumluluk almayı sevmeyen kişilik yapısına sahip olduğu tespit edildi. Öz-etkililik-yeterlik toplam puanortalaması 84.64±11.95 olarak tespit edilirken, Öz-etkililik-yeterlik ölçeği alt boyutlarında puan ortalamaları;davranışa başlamada 30.47±5.55, davranışı sürdürmede 26.07±4.58, davranışı tamamlamada 18.80±3.94,engellerle mücadelede 9.29±2.41 olarak saptandı. 2. sınıf öğrencilerinin Öz-etkililik-yeterlik toplam puanortalamaları, diğer sınıftaki öğrencilerden daha yüksekti. Araştırmada öğrencilerin öz-etkililik-yeterlikdüzeylerinin (Öz-etkililik-yeterlik toplam ve Engellerle Mücadele dışında) puan ortalaması, ortalamanınüzerinde olduğu tespit edildi. Öz-Etkililik-Yeterlik toplamı ve davranışı tamamlama alt boyut puanı ile derslerinnot ortalaması arasında pozitif yönde bir ilişki olduğu saptandı.Öğe Identification of women's breast cancer prevention behaviors and the associated factors: The case of the southeastern Anatolia Region(Taylor & Francis Inc, 2024) Gul, Sidar; Buyukbayram, ZelihaIn this study, the researchers investigated the factors that affect women's breast cancer prevention behaviors. The sample of this cross-sectional and descriptive study consisted of 406 participants aged 20 and older. The study was conducted in February-March 2021 within the administrative borders of a province located in the Southeastern Anatolia Region of Turkey. The data were collected via an online platform using Personal Information Form and the Scale of Factors Affecting Women's Breast Cancer Prevention Behaviors. The mean Scale of Factors Affecting Women's Breast Cancer Prevention Behaviors score of the participants was moderate as 107.20 +/- 17.86. The frequency of breast cancer prevention behaviors was found to be lower in the participants with low literacy, those who were unemployed, those with low income, those living in villages and those who did not perform breast self-examination (p < 0.05). It is recommended to plan educational studies on breast cancer screening behaviors by considering regional differences.Öğe Negative impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on health workers: a cross-sectional study on emotional labor and burnout(Kare Publ, 2022) Buyukbayram, Zeliha; Gul, SidarObjectives: This research aimed to examine the relationship between emotional labor and burnout levels of health-care workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.Methods: It was aimed to examine healthcare workers' emotional labor and burnout levels during the COVID-19 pan-demic in this cross-sectional descriptive and relationship-seeking study. Data were obtained from 315 healthcare work-ers who worked at a hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic between February 1 and 26, 2021, using a Descriptive Information Form, the Emotional Labor Inventory, and Maslach Burnout Inventory. The data collection tools were sent online to health workers. The data were analyzed through descriptive statistics, independent t-tests, One-Way Variance (ANOVA), Kruskal-Wallis tests, and Pearson analysis.Results: The mean scores of the participants' total Emotional Labor Inventory, surface acting, deep-acting, and natu-rally felt emotions subdimensions were 39.18 +/- 6.79, 15.71 +/- 5.21, 12.58 +/- 3.58, and 10.88 +/- 2.62, respectively. The mean scores of the participants' total Maslach Burnout Inventory, emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and personal accomplishment subdimensions were 40.61 +/- 10.95, 20.68 +/- 7.23, 7.56 +/- 3.73, and 12.36 +/- 4.66, respectively. It was found that there was a positive significant relationship between the participants' total emotional labor and burnout point av-erages (p<0.05). The analysis showed that in the COVID-19 pandemic, emotional labor behavior increases in healthcare workers, and this leads to burnout.Conclusion: Participants' mean scores of emotional exhaustion and depersonalization from burnout subdimensions were found to be moderate, and their personal accomplishment subdimension mean score was found to be high. Emo-tional labor behavior has a determining role in the burnout of the participants.Öğe Palyatif Bakım Kliniğinde Tedavi Gören Kanser Hastalarının Hemşirelik Bakımından Memnuniyet Düzeylerinin Belirlenmesi(2019) Aydın, Leyla Zengin; Buyukbayram, ZelihaAmaç: Araştırma, palyatif bakım kliniğinde tedavi gören kanser hastalarının hemşirelikbakımı açısından memnuniyet düzeylerinin belirlenmesi amacıyla kesitsel, tanımlayıcı ve ilişkiarayıcı olarak yapıldı. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Araştırmanın evrenini, Diyarbakır Gazi Yaşargil Eğitimve Araştırma Hastanesi Palyatif Bakım Kliniğinde yatışı yapılan kanser hastaları oluşturdu.Araştırma, Nisan-Ekim 2018 tarihleri arasında yürütüldü. Araştırmada, örneklem seçimine gidilmedenaraştırmaya katılmayı kabul eden 96 hasta ile çalışma tamamlandı. Veriler, araştırmacılartarafından hazırlanan kişisel bilgi formu, Newcastle Hemşirelikten MemnuniyetÖlçekleri (NHMÖ), Hemşirelik Bakımından Memnuniyet Ölçeği (HBMÖ) ve Hemşirelik Bakımıile İlgili Yaşananlar Ölçeği (HBYÖ) kullanılarak toplandı. Verilerin analizinde yüzdelik,minimum, maksimum, Shapiro Wilk testi, Spearman korelasyon testi, Mann-Whitney U testi veKruskal Wallis testi kullanıldı. Tüm bulgular 0,05 anlamlılık düzeyinde sınandı. Bulgular: Araştırmakapsamına alınan hastaların %47,9’unun 46 yaş ve üzeri olduğu; %58,3’ünün kadın,%67,7’sinin gelirinin giderinden az olduğu, %81,2’sinin yatış süresinin 3-7 gün olduğu,%26’sının akciğer-larenks kanseri olduğu belirlendi. Hastaların HBYÖ puan ortalaması 81,31(47,80-98,35), HBMÖ puan ortalaması ise 51,12 (18,67-56,67) olarak belirlendi. Korelasyon analizisonucunda, 0,01 düzeyinde HBYÖ ve HBMÖ arasında pozitif yüksek düzeyde anlamlı ilişkisaptandı. Sonuç: Araştırmamızda, hastaların hemşirelik bakımından memnuniyetlerinin ortalamanınüzerinde olduğu bulundu. Hastaların hemşirelik bakımından memnuniyet düzeylerininbelirlenmesi ve memnuniyetin artırılması için gerekli girişimlerin yapılması önerilebilmektedir.Öğe Reliability and validity of the Diabetic foot self-care questionnaire in Turkish patients(Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2023) Aksoy, Meyreme; Buyukbayram, Zeliha; Ozudogru, OsmanAim: This study was conducted to examine the psychometric, properties of the Turkish version of the Diabetic, Foot Self-Care, Questionnaire. Methods: This was a descriptive- methodological study conducted on 193 diabetes patients. Data were collected, using Descriptive, Information Form and Diabetic Foot Self-Care Questionnaire. Data were analyzed using exploratory factor analysis, item-total score correlation, Cronbach's alpha, and test-retest analysis. Results: The Diabetic, Foot Self-Care, Questionnaire consists of 16 items and three sub-dimensions. The three subdimensions recorded a variance of 58.137%. The total Cronbach's alpha coefficient of the Turkish version of the Diabetic, Foot Self-Care, Questionnaire was 0.87, and Cronbach's alpha values of its sub-dimensions were 0.71 and 0.88. The two-month test-retest credibility interpreted with intra-class correlation was 0.97. Conclusions: It has been shown that the questionnaire is a valid and reliable tool for assessing foot self-care behavior in diabetic patients.Öğe The effect of Reiki and guided imagery intervention on pain and fatigue in oncology patients: A non-randomized controlled study(Elsevier Science Inc, 2021) Buyukbayram, Zeliha; Saritas, Seyhan CitlikThis study was conducted to investigate the effects of Reiki and guided imagery on pain and fatigue in oncology patients. This quasi-experimental study with a pretest and posttest design was conducted with 180 oncology patients at the oncology clinic of Dicle University Hospital in Turkey, between July 2017 and February 2018. The patients were divided into three groups: Reiki, guided imagery and control, with 60 patients in each group. The Reiki and guided imagery group patients underwent their respective interventions for three consecutive days separately (25-30 min; mean: 15.53 min). The interventions of Reiki and guided imagery reduced pain and fatigue in the oncology patients. It is recommended that oncology nurses use Reiki and guided imagery in patient care. (c) 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Öğe The effects of concealment of epilepsy on medication adherence in people with epilepsy: A cross-sectional study(Elsevier, 2023) Buyukbayram, Zeliha; Aksoy, Meyreme; Yilmaz, RidvanAim: Adherence to antiseizure medication is of great importance in achieving seizure control and maintaining well-being for people with epilepsy. Therefore, it is important to assess medication adherence and factors affecting medication adherence in this patient group. This study aims to examine the effects of concealment of epilepsy on medication adherence in people with epilepsy.Method: This cross-sectional study was conducted with 220 people with epilepsy. Data were collected using a patient information form, the Morisky Medication Adherence Scale-8 (MMAS-8), and the Concealment of Epilepsy Scale (CES) and analyzed using descriptive statistics and multiple linear regression analysis.Results: The mean age of the participants was 49.84 +/- 9.43 years, and 53.6% of them were male. Their mean MMAS-8 score was 4.25 +/- 1.99%, and 72.3% had low medication adherence. Additionally, their mean CES score was 49.84 +/- 9.43. The CES scores of the participants negatively predicted their MMAS-8 scores (p < 0.05), and medication adherence was positively predicted by female gender, the duration of diagnosis, the single administration of drugs per day, and employment status, whereas it was negatively predicted by the annual number of seizures (F=19.256, p < 0.001).Conclusion: In this study, people with epilepsy were found to have low medication adherence and a high tendency to conceal epilepsy. Furthermore, the tendency to conceal epilepsy had a negative effect on medication adherence.Implications: Psychosocial interventions aimed at reducing the tendency to conceal epilepsy can contribute to medication adherence in people with the condition.Öğe The Effects of Fear of COVID-19 on Future Expectations in Nursing Students in Turkey(Sage Publications Inc, 2024) Buyukbayram, Zeliha; Saritas, Seyhan CitlikThis study aims to determine the effects of fear of COVID-19 on future expectations among nursing students. The research is a correlational descriptive study. This study was conducted with 310 nursing students of a state university. The COVID-19 fear and future expectation mean scores of the participants were found, respectively, as 17.16 +/- 5.36 and 48.09 +/- 8.77. The COVID-19 fear levels of the participants significantly varied based on their gender, whereas their future expectation levels significantly varied based on their place of residence, status of willingly choosing their department and status of having someone in their surroundings and family who had COVID-19 (p < 0.05). No significant relationship was identified between the COVID-19 fear and future expectation levels of the participants (p > 0.05). In this study, it was determined that the COVID-19 fear and future expectation levels of the nursing students were moderate. It was found that fear of COVID-19 did not significantly affect future expectations.Öğe THE IDENTIFICATION OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ONCOLOGY PATIENTS' CARE DEPENDENCY AND ANXIETY LEVELS(Dokuz Eylul Univ Inst Health Sciences, 2022) Ayik, Derya Bicak; Buyukbayram, ZelihaIntroduction: This study aims to identify the relationship between oncology patients' care dependency and anxiety levels. Material and Methods: The research data were collected by using the individual Identification Form, the Care Dependency Scale, and the Beck Anxiety Inventory via the interviews held with 142 cancer patients hospitalized at the oncology clinic. The independent samples t-test, one-way analysis of variance, and the Pearson correlation test were used in the analysis of research data. Results: In the study, it was discerned that the mean of cancer patients' Care Dependency Scale scores was 37.83 +/- 21.42 points and the patients who had the disease for a longer duration had higher levels of care dependency. Besides, it was found that the mean of cancer patients' Beck Anxiety Inventory scores was 24.27 +/- 11.52 points and the patients had medium-level anxiety. Moreover, it was identified that there was a statistically significant association between the participant cancer patients' care dependency and anxiety levels (p<0.01). Conclusion: The increase in cancer patients' care dependency levels is associated with the rise in their anxiety levels. Therefore, finding out about the patients' care dependency levels by identifying the care needs of the patients to whom the nurses are responsible for offering care plays a significant role in enhancing the quality of nursing care.Öğe The prevalence, characteristics, and related factors of pressure injury in medical staff wearing personal protective equipment against COVID-19 in Turkey: A multicenter cross-sectional study(Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2022) Aksoy, Meyreme; Buyukbayram, ZelihaObjective: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of device-related pressure injury (DRPI) related to the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) among healthcare professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic and the associated risk factors effective in the development of DRPI. Materials and methods: This descriptive, cross-sectional and correlational study was conducted with 1465 healthcare professionals working in healthcare institutions in Eastern Turkey during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study data were collected by means of an online anonymous survey questioning the prevalence, characteristics, and associated factors of DRPI in the first week of April 2021, using the snowball sampling method. Number, percentage, arithmetic mean, Chi-Square, and regression analysis were used for the evaluation of the study data. Results: The prevalence of DRPI due to the use of PPE use among healthcare professionals was calculated to be 60.5%. Of the developed DRPIs, 79.5% were stage 1, and the most frequent anatomical locations of DRPI were the bridge of the nose (30.2%), behind the ears (24.6%), and cheeks (20.8%). The logistic regression analysis revealed that male gender, age <35 years, being a physician and nurse, prolonged duration of PPE use (>4 h), working in a high-risk clinic (COVID-19 clinic and COVID-19 intensive care unit), and sweating during the use of PPE were predictive factors for the development of DRPI (p < 0.05). Conclusions: The prevalence of DRPI due to PPE use among healthcare workers was quite high. Gender, age, occupation, long duration of PPE use, working in a high-risk clinic, and sweating during the use of PPE were found to be risk factors in the development of DRPI.