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  • Öğe
    Associations between leptin gene polymorphism and some reproductive traits in Holstein-Friesian dairy cattle
    (Journal of the Hellenic Veterinary Medical Society, 2024) Mustafa Kibar; Aytekin İ.
    The aim of this study was to determine the effect of leptin gene polymorphism and other environmental factors on age at first breeding (AFB; day), age at first calving (AFC; day), service period (SP; day), number of inseminations per conception (NIPC; count), gestation period (GP; day) and calving interval (CI; day). For this purpose, whole blood samples were obtained from the Vena coccygea of 212 Holstein-Friesian dairy cattle reared on a private farm in Türkiye. The Sau3AI restriction enzyme with the PCR-RFLP method was used to determine the polymorphism of 422 base pairs (bp) in the intron 2 region of the leptin gene. The frequencies of the A and B alleles and the AA, AB and BB genotypes were determined to be 0.8821 and 0.1179, and 0.764, 0.236 and 0.000, respectively. There were no animals with the BB genotype in the population. The population of Holstein-Friesian was also at the level of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium with regard to the leptin gene (P>0.05). The study found the highest direct heritability in the GP trait (0.33±0.268), while the lowest was observed in the NIPC trait (0.01±0.118). For the traits SP (P<0.10), NIPC (P<0.05), and CI (P<0.05), higher values were recorded in cattle with genotype AA compared to those with genotype AB. However, no significant association was found between genotypes and AFB, AFC, GP, and estimated breeding values (EBVs). This suggests that the heritability of these traits may not be strongly affected by the genotypes emphasized. As a result, the AB genotype or B allele could be used in selection for SP, NIPC, and CI, but the allele or genotype did not suggest marker-assisted selection (MAS) for AFB, AFC, and GP. Copyright
  • Öğe
    Strong associations between the FGF-2 gene and productivity traits of Holstein-Friesian dairy cattle
    (Elsevier BV, 2025-03) Mustafa Kibar; İbrahim Aytekin
    Sustainability in dairy cattle farms depends on the efficiency of milk yield and reproductive traits. Thus, this study aimed to investigate the effect of the FGF-2/Csp6I gene and major environmental factors on these traits in Holstein-Friesian cattle. A total of 212 whole blood samples were collected from the Vena coccygea of cattle and the data obtained from these samples were used in all statistical analyses. Then, the restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) method (determination of genotypes) was conducted and programs including PopGene (allele and genotype frequencies), Minitab (association analyses) and MTDFREML (variance components and genetic parameters) were used. Alleles A (0.4269) and G (0.5731) as well as genotypes AA (0.174), AG (0.505) and GG (0.321) were found, indicating that the population is polymorphic and in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (P > 0.05). The effect of the Csp6I polymorphism of FGF-2 gene on peak milk yield (PMY) (P < 0.01); lactation milk yield (LMY), milking time (MT), 305-day and 200-day lactation milk yield (LMY305 and LMY200), average daily milk yield (ADMY) (P < 0.05); 100-day lactation milk yield (LMY100), age of using in first breeding (AUFB) and number of inseminations per conception (NIPC) (P < 0.10) were significant. The heritability of milk yield traits and the correlation between direct and maternal heritability for reproductive traits were high. Furthermore, the breeding value of PMY was higher for the AA genotype (0.745 ± 0.292) than for the AG genotype (−0.268 ± 0.171) (P < 0.05). As a result, the A allele and AA genotype for the FGF-2/Csp6I gene had an increasing effect on milk yield without compromising reproductive performance in Holstein-Friesian dairy cattle.
  • Öğe
    Unsupervised Discretization of Continuous Variables in a Chicken Egg Quality Traits Dataset
    (Figen Yıldız, 2017) Cebeci, Zeynel; Yıldız, Figen; Cebeci, Zeynel
    Discretization is a data pre-processing task transforming continuous variables into discrete ones in order to apply some data mining algorithms such as association rules extraction and classification trees. In this study we empirically compared the performances of equal width intervals (EWI), equal frequency intervals (EFI) and Kmeans clustering (KMC) methods to discretize 14 continuous variables in a chicken egg quality traits dataset. We revealed that these unsupervised discretization methods can decrease the training error rates and increase the test accuracies of the classification tree models. By comparing the training errors and test accuracies of the model applied with C5.0 classification tree algorithm we also found that EWI, EFI and KMC methods produced the more or less similar results. Among the rules used for estimating the number of intervals, the Rice rule gave the best result with EWI but not with EFI. It was also found that Freedman-Diaconis rule with EFI and Doane rule with EFI and EWI slightly performed better than the other rules
  • Öğe
    Siirt ili Merkez ilçede kırmızı et tüketim alışkanlıkları ve tüketimi etkileyen faktörler
    (Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi, 2019) Kibar, Mustafa; Mikail, Nazire; Yılmaz, Ayhan
    Kırmızı et tüketimi insanların sağlıklı beslenmesinde ve ülkelerin gelişmişlik düzeyinin belirlenmesinde önemli bir faktördür. Bu çalışma Siirt ili Merkez ilçede kırmızı et tüketim alışkanlığını ve tüketimi etkileyen faktörleri incelemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Veriler tesadüfi örnekleme metoduyla belirlenen 161 kişi ile yüzyüze anket yapılarak elde edilmiştir. Deneklerin yaklaşık olarak yarısı kadınlardan oluşmakta ve çoğunluğu Siirt ilinde sadece ikamet ettiklerini belirtmiştir. Araştırmaya katılanların çoğunluğu lise-lisans derecesine sahip, evli ve orta yaşlı insanlardan oluşmaktadır. Katılımcılar genellikle koyun etini, orta fiyatlı etleri ve alım yeri olarak da kasabı tercih etmektedirler. Katılımcıların kırmızı eti tercih etmesinde alışkanlık başta olmak üzere lezzetli ve sağlıklı olması gibi faktörler de etkili olmuştur. Tüketiciler kırmızı et satın alırken alım yerinin hijyenik olmasına ve ürünlerin etiketli olmasına daha çok dikkat etmişlerdir. Tüketicilerin et tüketim miktarları üzerine ailedeki birey sayısı, aylık ortalama gelir ve aylık ortalama gıda harcaması etkili olmuştur. Sonuç olarak Siirt ilinde daha çok koyun etinin tüketildiği ve bu durumun bölgede küçükbaş hayvancılığın yaygın olmasından ve dolayısıyla alışkanlıktan kaynaklandığı düşünülmektedir.
  • Öğe
    A Bayesian approach for describing the growth of Chukar partridges
    (European Poultry Science, 2019) İqbal, F.; Eyduran, E.; Mikail, N.; Sarıyel, V.; Huma, Z.E.; Aygün, A.; Keskin, İ.
    In this article, a Bayesian approach was employed for estimating the body growth of Chukar partridge (Alectoris chukar). Nonlinear growth models commonly used to estimate the growth curve of birds were fitted to weight-age data and estimates of model parameters and their credible intervals were obtained via a formal Bayesian framework. More specifically, the Gompertz, Brody, Logistic and von Bertalanffy growth models were fitted to weekly body weight data of 108 female and 72 male partridge chicks from hatch to 20 weeks of age. Deviance Information Criteria (DIC) and the coefficient of determination (R2) were employed as the goodness of fit for comparing the fitted models. The DIC and R2 values of the models ranged from 172.9 to 204.2 and 0.9765 to 0.9913, respectively. The von Bertalanffy model was found to provide the best fit in terms of lower DIC and higher R2 values, followed by the Gompertz model for both male and female partridge data. The Bayesian approach was found to be adequate for fitting complex nonlinear functions to weight-age data of Chukar partridges.
  • Öğe
    (Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2019) Saltuk, Burak; Mikail, Nazire
    Greenhouses are agricultural structures which allow indoor conditions to be controlled. Food demand is increasing as the population increases. Therefore, creating new areas for food production and making perpetual agricultural production without interruption is a key-stone necessity to meet demands. Increasing the crop production could only be possible with constant cultivation period. Green- houses are the capital ships of feeding the population and fighting poverty. Due to the climate changes and increasing population, greenhouses will gain more and more significance in the years to come. However, greenhouses will cause harms instead of benefits if they are applied in wrong climatic conditions. In this study, in a greenhouse having floor area of 11220 m2, indoor and outdoor temperatures are quantified for two years, after modelling and simulating the energy efficiency, indoor temperature values are estimated by artificial neural networks. This study shows that artificial neural networks could accurately estimate the indoor temperature of greenhouses and relative hu- midity 6 hours in advance, and the temperature could be estimated 3 days in advance.
  • Öğe
    Regression Tree Analysis of Factors Affecting First Lactation Milk Yield of Dairy Cattle
    (Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 2019) Mikail, Nazire; Bakır, Galip
    The objective of this study was to examine the effects of management and environmental effects on first lactation milk yield by means of regression tree method. Regression tree method is useful to determine the effects of several factors on specified depended variables. The independent variables used in the model were factors such as farm, breed, year of calving, season of calving, age at calving and days in milk. Data used in this study were obtained from three state farms. The resulting data set consisted of 754 records from 1st farm, 1120 records from 2nd farm and 324 records from 3rd farm. The average total milk yield and days in milk were 5413.11 ± 2033.18 kg and 324 ± 64 days, respectively. Year of calving and days in milk were important variables affecting first lactation milk yield of dairy cattle, followed by farm and breed (p < 0.01). The determination coefficient of the prediction was found as 78.9%. As a result of the study 14 distinct paths from the root node to the leaves were presented.
  • Öğe
    Fuzzy logic applications in horticulture and a sample design for juice volume prediction in pomegranate (Punica Granatuml.)
    (Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 2019) Pakyürek, Mine; Aydın, Yusuf; Mikail, Nazire
    Fuzzy expert systems search for a solution based on the expertise of people who are experts in a particular field. This could be described as a kind of advisory system edited on computer. The use of natural language on the basis of fuzzy logic and easier understanding of system logs provide this technique to resolve many daily and current problems. In this study, a sample expert system to estimate juice volume in pomegranate was designed, using the fuzzy logic method, which closest to the logic of the human mindset. Recording of data was performed on the private farm of the province of Siirt, Turkey. The Fuzzy Logic Interface of MATLAB Program was used in the designing phase of the system. The evaluation of the model was carried out according to coefficient of determination and coefficient of correlation. The model revealed R2 = 80% coefficient of determination, and r = 0.89 coefficient of correlation. With more informative parameters, the error rate can be decreased. Fuzzy logic seems one of the useful tools with prediction purposes in horticulture.
  • Öğe
    Most probable producing ability as a within-herd management and culling tool
    (The Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences, 2019) Mikail, Nazire; Cue, Roger; Bakır, Galip
    The objectives of this study were to examine the effects of management and environmental effects on milk yield (factors such as herd, year of calving, parity and age at calving), total and 305-dayand to examine the magnitude of the variability amongst cows. Data were obtained from three state farms. Data set consisted of records from 1004 Holstein-Friesian and 6690Brown Swiss cows. The average total milk yield, days in milk and 305 day milk yield were 5760 kg, 316 days and 5420 kg, respectively. Repeatability of total milk yield, 305 day milk yield and most probable producing ability of each cow were calculated. Repeatability of total and 305 day milk yield was estimated to be 0.31. The results of this study suggest positive trends for lactation milk yield and the significant repeatability shows that it is possible to rank cows, on a within-herd basis, on the basis of their Most Probable Producing Ability, and hence use this as a phenotypic selection and culling criteria for herd management.
  • Öğe
    Characterization of phytophthora capsici leonian resistance in some pepper genotypes by principal component analysis
    (Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 2018) Karipçin, Zeki; Seyidoğlu, Gülşah; Mikail, Nazire
    In the study, resistance analyses were performed on pepper lines and genotypes (60 genotypes) of mainly common local genotypes found in the gene pool by classical testing methods. Classical tests were first applied in seedling stage. Second inoculation (the last) was carried out (in the stage of fruit retention) on resistant genotypes determined in the first inoculation. Varieties resistant to phytophthora capsici (CM 334 and partially resistant P1, P2 and P4) were also included in the study. Peroxidase and catalase enzyme contents of plant materials have been determined. Scale of 0-5 was applied to inoculated plants. Five pepper properties were measured and used as original variables. The first two principal components accounted for 74% of total variance. Score plots of the first two principal components were used to map genotypes according to their morphological properties. Some relationships between genotypes and their morphological traits were obtained. The results revealed that genotypes of P1, 13 (Urfa), 25 (UKST), 38 (UI), 48 (UKDT), 57 (ANKSB) were partial resistant genotypes while CM334 was fully resistant. To conclude, principal component analysis was shown to be a useful tool for mapping the pepper genotypes in terms of phytophthora capsici resistance.
  • Öğe
    Live body weight prediction in hair goats by application of fuzzy logic
    (Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 2018) Mikail, Nazire; Ameen Aras Ayoob
    The aim of this study is to try to develop fuzzy expert system for predicting live body weight in hair goats. As material, 81 hair goats grown in Siirt Province, Turkey were used. A fuzzy expert system was designed using heart girth, body depth and body length measurements of the animals. Fuzzy Logic Toolbox of MATLAB Software was used for fuzzy expert system development. The Mamdani inference method was used as inference method and the Centroid method was chosen as the defuzzification method. A correlation r = 0.95 was found between the live body weight predicted by the developed system and the live body weight data obtained by actual weighing. The determination coefficient of the model was calculated as R2 = 0.90. As a result, we can say that fuzzy expert systems have better results in livestock with uncertainties and incomplete data and the development of these kinds of systems in the future is recommended.
  • Öğe
    Effect of Dietary Supplementation with Different Levels of Creatine Monohydrate on Productive and Carcass Performance of Broiler chicks
    (Journal of Zankoy Sulaimani, 2018) Ahmed, Nma Hassan; Rashid, Saman Abdulmajid; Kara, Muhammet Ali
    The study was conducted to investigate the effects of dietary supplementation with different levels of Creatine Monohydrate on productive and carcass performance of broiler chickens. Day old Ross 308 broiler chicks, divided into three periods with 4 treatments for each 3 replicates based on completely randomized design for 42 days. Feed and water were provided as ad libitum. Chicks were divided into four treatments for 3 periods (1-42, 28-42 and 35-42) days, control was 30 birds and for each treatment 90 birds; each treatment for one period contained three replicates of 10 birds. Dietary Creatine Monohydrate was added to the diet from the first day to the end of experimental which lasted 42 days at levels of 0% (Control), for each period 0.05%(T1),0.075%(T2) and 0.1%(T3). The body weight was significantly (P<0.05) there was effect to crea ne Monohydrate supplementa on at period (1-42) on body weight also was effect to crea ne Monohydrate supplementa on at period (1- 42) on weight gain, it was not significantly (P<0.05), effect on breast meat yield at period (1-42). However, Creatine monohydrate had no significant effect on feed intake at the period (1-42, 28-42 and 35-42), there was no significant effect on feed conservation ratio, mortality and Thigh meat yield at periods (1-41, 28-42 and 35-42). Creatine monohydrate had no significant effect on (body weight, weight gain, and breast meat yield) at periods (28-42 and 35-42).
  • Öğe
    Impact of Enzymes Supplementation (?- Amylase and Xylanase) in Diets Contains Corn and Wheat on Performance of Broiler Chickens
    (Journal of Zankoy Sulaimani, 2018) AL-Jaf, Hardi Ahmed Karim; Kara, Muhammet Ali; Rashid, Saman Abdulmajid
    Birds are naturally output enzymes for digesting nutrients. However, birds does not have enzymes to moulder fiber perfectly and that enzymes secretion by salivary glands is very limited, especially to digesting high ratio of starch. So we need to add enzymes (?- Amylase and Xylanase) in the feed to aid digestion. The influence of enzyme supplementation on performance and digestibility in broiler chicks was examined for the diet containing corn and wheat with different levels of enzymes, while the diet containing corn and wheat, and adding enzymes of broiler chickes resulted significant (P?0.05) increases in live body weight, weight gain, feed conversion and carcass weight, The best results for the traits included in this study were recorded by supplementing diet of broiler chicks with enzymes at the level of 0.04 % (T3, T6, and T9).
  • Öğe
    Norduz erkek kuzularının bazı testis özellikleri
    (Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 2002) Yılmaz, Ayhan; Aygün, Turgut
    Bu çalışma, Akkaraman ırkının bir varyetesi olarak kabul edilen Norduz erkek kuzularının bazı testis özelliklerini belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Norduz erkek kuzularında testis çapı, testis uzunluğu, skrotum çevresi ve skrotum uzunluğunun ortalama değerleri sırasıyla 3.18, 6.26, 17.44 ve 11.76 cm olarak belirlenmiştir. Testis uzunluğu üzerine doğum tipinin etkisi önemlidir (P<0.05). Testis çapı ve testis uzunluğu üzerine canlı ağırlık ve yaş faktörlerinin P<0.01 düzeyinde önemli etkisi gözlenmiştir. Skrotum çevresi üzerine ana yaşının etkisi P<0.05 düzeyinde önemli bulunmuştur. Skrotum uzunluğuna yaş dönemlerinin etkisi çok önemlidir (P<0.01). Skrotum çevresi ve skrotum uzunluğuna yaş ve canlı ağırlığın P<0.01 düzeyinde önemli etkisi görülmüştür.
  • Öğe
    Retinoic Acid Determines the Fate of Spermatogonia
    (Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science, 2013) Yılmaz, Ayhan; Gökdal, Özdal
    In this review, we aim to examine the effect of extrinsic and intrinsic factors on spermatogenesis process taking into account a complex signaling pathway. Primarily, it is suggested that retinoic acid (RA) has a vital function in spermatogenesis process and it is considered to be essential for completion of spermatogo-nia into mature spermatozoa. In the present review, the key effects of retinoic acid (RA) on spermatogenesis process were evaluated in the perspective of studies done, particularly at molecular level. Thus, this review will provide re look the spermatogenesis process in an outlook of new studies.
  • Öğe
    The Effects of supplemental vitamin E on reproductive development of prepubertal Karya male lambs
    (Egyptian Journal of Sheep & Goat Sciences, 2012) Gökdal, Özdal; Atay, Okan; Kum, Ş; Yılmaz, Ayhan; Eren, Vadullah
    The objective of this study was to determine the effect of dietary vitamin E supplementation on testicular and behavioural development, and histological appearance of testes in Karya male lambs. Thirteen lambs weaned at 2.5 months of age were used in the experiment. Experiment was carried out over a period of 70 days and all lambs were fed ad libitum on concentrate and 100 g/day clover hay per lamb. In addition, the experimental group (n=6) received a supplement of 45 mg/day vitamin E (dl-?-tocopherol acetate) per lamb. Testicular measurements and blood testosterone concentrations were recorded every second week. Behavioural tests were carried out four times per animal at three days intervals during the last 12 days of the experiment. After slaughtering, testicular tissue samples of all animals were collected and evaluated for the histological appearances. Except for mount attempts (P<0.05), sexual behaviour and testicular growth characteristics of the lambs were similar. The mounting parameters, testosterone concentrations and testes and epididymides weights were similar between the two groups. However, the mean of mounting weight was found lower (P<0.05) with Vitamin E lambs compared to control (28.78±3.48 vs. 33.98±3.64 kg, respectively). The area of seminiferous tubules was statistically different (P<0.001) between the two groups. However, there were no significant differences between the two groups for most of the reproductive characters. These findings suggest that supplementation of Vitamin E during early prepubertal age of Karya male lambs does not have considerable effects on the reproductive characteristics.
  • Öğe
    Feedlot performance and carcass characteristics of Norduz male kids
    (Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advance, 2006) Daşkıran, İrfan; Bingöl, Mehmet; Kor, Aşkın; Ayşe Özge, Demir; Yılmaz, Ayhan; Karaca, Serhat
    The aim of this study was to determine the feedlot performance and carcass characterşistics of Norduz male kids. The initial and final body weights and average daily weight gain of these animals during the feedlot feeding period were 18.6 kg, 26.1 kg and 133.3 g, respectively. During the fattening period, average daily concentrated feed consumption and feeding efficiency of these animals were 604 g/day per head and 5.6 kg, respectively. At the end of the fattening period, 10 heads of Norduz male kids were slaughtered in order to determine carcass characteristics. Slaughter weight, hot and cold carcass weights and dressing percetage were foun as 25.4 kg, 10.6 kg and 41.5 %, respectively. In this study; bone, muscle, subcutaneous fat and inter-muscular fat contents were found AS 38.9, 46.4, 3.7 AND 6.4 %, respectively.
  • Öğe
    Effects of supplementary feeding levels during mating period on reproductive performance of Karakaş ewes
    (Journal of Biological Sciences, 2004) Demirel, Murat; Kurbal, Ömer Faruk; Aygün, Turgut; Erdoğan, Sibel; Bakıcı, Yunus; Yılmaz, Ayhan; Ülker, Hasan
    A total of 78 Norduz ewes and their lambs were used in the study. Group 1 (control) was grazed only on pasture and Group 2, 3 and 4 were supplied with 200, 300, 600 g-1 head day -1 rolled barley, respectively, in addition to pasture. There were increases in live weights in Norduz ewes in response to supplementary feeding during feeding period (P<0.01). Feed supplementation during mating period did not affect reproductive traits. The effect of ewe age on the twinning rate and litter size (P<0.01) and fecundity (P<0.05) was significant. The mean lamb birth weight, weaning weight, daily live weight gain and survivability at weaning were 4.65 kg, 19.29 kg, 192 g and 96.43%, respectively. In conclusion, supplementary feeding in addition to grazing during breeding season affected live weight in Norduz ewes but not other reproductive traits. Further detailed studies should be carried out in order to determine the effects of supplementary feeding on reproductive traits in this breed.
  • Öğe
    The effect of different levels of teat-end hyperkeratosis on mammary infrared thermograph and mastitis in dairy cows
    (Ankara Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 2019) Juozaitienë, Vida; Juozaitis, Arunas; Zymantiene, Judita; Oberauskas, Vaidas; Aniuliene, Albina; Kajokiene, Lina; Yılmaz, Ayhan; Simokaitiene, Aistė
    The object of this study was to assay different levels of teat hyperkeratosis and to determine the connections between teat thermographic characteristics, somatic cells count (SCC) and mastitis in dairy cows. A total of 920 teats of 230 Lithuanian Black and White cows were evaluated to assess teat-end conditions and the thermographic characteristics were determined before evening milking. Teats of the animals were grouped into four different classes of hyperkeratosis. Additionally, quarters of udder were divided into three different classes based on the California mastitis test (CMT) and clinical signs: group 1 (healthy), group 2 (subclinical mastitis), and group 3 (clinical mastitis). The 44.3% of the teats were given a score of N (No ring), 41.1% of the teats were scored S (smooth ring), 11.8% of teats were given a score R (rough ring) and 2.9% of teats were given a score VR (very rough skin). The N and S groups had more healthy udder quarters than R and VR groups (P<0.001). Analysis of thermographic images at the teat sinuses showed that group 1 had lower teat temperature (0.93-1.32 0C) than group 2 and group 3 (P<0.01). There was a significant positive correlation between milk SCC and temperature of the teats evaluated by hyperkeratosis scores N, S, and R. The results of the present study clearly showed that there was a significant connection between different levels of hyperkeratosis and teat temperature in all groups, indicating a greater risk to mastitis.
  • Öğe
    Effect of some factors on growth of lambs and the determination of growth curve models
    (Indian Journal Animal Research, 2018) Yılmaz, Ayhan; Karakuş, Ferda; Bingöl, Mehmet; Kaki, Barış; Ser, Gazel
    The aims were to identify the body weight of the several age groups in Norduz lambs and its correlations between these traits were to determine the best non-linear growth curve models for the growth performance of the Norduz sheep breed. A total of 91 male and female of Norduz lambs were evaluated under extensive system conditions. The least square means for weights at birth and at 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 105, 120, 135, 150, 165, 180, 195 and 210 days of age periods were 4.51±0.56, 9.28±0.25, 11.14±0.29, 14.99±0.37, 18.21±0.43, 22.54±0.54, 22.33±0.25, 23.59±0.54, 25.58±0.55, 28.07±0.58, 29.45±0.60, 29.98±0.84, 32.44±0.61, 32.03±0.59 and 31.45±0.57 kg, respectively. There were differences in favor of lambs of four-year old dams at 15 days of age and also lambs born single at 90 days of age for the body weight. The effect of weight of dam at birth, 30, 45, 60 days of age was significant (P< 0.05-P<0.01) and the birth weight in lambs importantly effected the weights at 15, 30, and 45 days of age. All correlations between the body weights of several age periods were significant as statistical (P<0.01). As for the growth models, distinguished models were compared using the coefficient of determination and mean square error for both sexes. As a result, we concluded that von Bertalanffy model were the best model in comparison with the other models for biological growth curves in Norduz male and female lambs.