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  • Öğe
    Synthesis and Catalytic Activity of Supported Co (II) Schiff Base Complex for Hydrogen Production
    (IMESET'17, 2017)
    Between the chemical hydrides, sodium borohydride is given a big concern due to its hydrogen storage capacity, stablity in alkaline solution, non-flammable, non-toxic in nature [1]. Schlesinger et al. made a detailed study on the hydrolysis reaction of NaBH4 for hydrogen generation [2]. Catalyst plays very important role in increasing the generation rate of hydrogen. Ni, Co, Ni-B, Co-B based catalysts and noble metals are common catalysts for the hydrogen pro-duction from NaBH4. In this research, we used the Schiff base-Co complex which we previously synthesized [3] to support on the polymer and it was used as a catalyst for H2 production. In addition the catalyst and products were characterized with some analysis technique.
  • Öğe
    Pharmacophore Modelling and 4D-QSAR Study Of Ruthenium(II) Arene Complexes As Anticancer Agents
    OBJECTIVE: The EC-GA method was employed in this study as a 4D-QSAR method, for the identification of the pharmacophore (Pha) of ruthenium(II) arene complex derivatives and quantitative prediction of activity. METHODS: The arrangement of the computed geometric and electronic parameters for atoms and bonds of each compound occurring in a matrix is known as the electron-conformational matrix of congruity (ECMC). It contains the data from HF/3-21G level calculations. Compounds were represented by a group of conformers for each compound rather than a single conformation, known as fourth dimension to generate the model. ECMCs were compared within a certain range of tolerance values by using the EMRE program and the responsible pharmacophore group for ruthenium(II) arene complex derivatives was found. For selecting the sub-parameter which had the most effect on activity in the series and the calculation of theoretical activity values, the non-linear least square method and genetic algorithm which are included in the EMRE program were used. In addition, compounds were classified as the training and test set and the accuracy of the models was tested by cross-validation statistically. RESULTS: The model for training and test sets attained by the optimum 10 parameters gave highly satisfactory results with R2 training= 0.817, q 2=0.718 and SEtraining=0.066, q2 ext1 = 0.867, q2 ext2 = 0.849, q2 ext3 =0.895, ccctr = 0.895, ccctest = 0.930 and cccall = 0.905. CONCLUSION: Since there is no 4D-QSAR research on metal based organic complexes in the literature, this study is original and gives a powerful tool to the design of novel and selective ruthenium(II) arene complexes.
  • Öğe
    4D-QSAR Study of Some Pyrazole Pyridine Carboxylic Acid Derivatives By Electron Conformational-Genetic Algorithm Method
    Introduction: In the present work, pharmacophore identification and biological activity prediction for 86 pyrazole pyridine carboxylic acid derivatives were made using the electron conformational genetic algorithm approach which was introduced as a 4D-QSAR analysis by us in recent years. In the light of the data obtained from quantum chemical calculations at HF/6-311 G** level, the Electron Conformational Matrices of Congruity (ECMC) were constructed by EMRE software. Comparing the matrices, electron conformational submatrix of activity (ECSA, Pha) was revealed that are common for these compounds within a minimum tolerance. A parameter pool was generated considering the obtained pharmacophore. Methods: To determine the theoretical biological activity of molecules and identify the best subset of variables affecting bioactivities, we used the nonlinear least square regression method and genetic algorithm. Results: The results obtained in this study are in good agreement with the experimental data presented in the literature. The model for training and test sets attained by the optimum 12 parameters gave highly satisfactory results with R2 training= 0.889, q2=0.839 and SEtraining=0.066, q2 ext1 = 0.770, q2 ext2 = 0.750, q2 ext3=0.824, ccctr = 0.941, ccctest = 0.869 and cccall = 0.927.
  • Öğe
    DNA Cleavage Properties, Antimicrobial and Cytotoxic Activity, and 4D-QSAR Analysis of Some Pyrazole Derivatives
    Background: An extensive study of 19 pyrazole derivatives were carried out based on the evaluation of DNA cleavage properties, antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities and 4D-QSAR analysis including pharmacophore modelling and bioactivity prediction by the Electron Conformational-Genetic Algorithm (EC-GA) method. Methods: The pyrazole derivatives were tested for their antimicrobial activity against certain human pathogenic organisms using the agar diffusion procedure. Binding of compounds with DNA was studied by gel electrophoresis using plasmid pBR322 DNA. The compounds were investigated for their properties as cytotoxic agents by brine shrimp lethality bioassay. To identify the pharmacophoric elements and find out the most important molecular properties which govern cytotoxic activity, multiple conformations of the compounds were used. Results: The urea derivatives of pyrazole had higher antibacterial activities against Gram-negative bacteria than against Gram-positive bacteria. Many of the compounds were found to cleave plasmid pBR322 DNA from the supercoiled form to the nicked circular. The cytotoxicity values of the compounds ranged from 13.87 to 84.1 µg/mL. The generated QSAR model was evaluated through the use of the Leave-One-Out Cross Validation (LOO-CV) method. A statistically significant and considerably predictive QSAR model was obtained with 4- descriptors resulting in R2 training =0.8223, R2 test =0.9346, q2=0.6201, q2 ext1=0.8672, q2 ext2= 0.8662 and q2 ext3=0.9511. Discussion: The generated model demonstrates that geometrical parameters are more correlated with cytotoxic activity. The resulting EC-GA model would provide benefits to design novel bioactive pyrazole derivatives which are more potent and have less side effects. Conclusion: It is believed that the generated QSAR model gives insight into developing new more potent pyrazole derivative drugs.
  • Öğe
    İmmobilize Coriolus versicolor kullanılarak Pb (II) iyonlarının biyosorpsiyonu ve önderiştirilmesi
    (İKSAD ULUSLARARASI YAYINEVİ, 2018) Okumuş, Veysi; Akcan, Nurullah; Canpolat, Gurbet
    Ağır metaller gıda sektörünün başlıca kirleticileri arasında yer alır ve özellikle bizim gibi gelişmekte olan ülkelerde en önemli sorunlardan biri olarak düşünülebilir. Gıdalardaki ağır metallerin aşırı içeriği, özellikle kardiyovasküler, böbrek, sinir ve diğer hastalıklarla birlikte bir dizi hastalığın etiyolojisi ile ilişkilidir. Kurşun, ciddi bir kümülatif vücut zehiridir ve vücut sistemimize hava, su ve yiyecek yoluyla girer. Bazı ülkelerde insanlar, içme suyunun kurşun borulardan kaynaklanan kirlenmeleri nedeniyle önemli ölçüde bu metale maruz kalabilir. Kurşun kirliliğinin çoğu kümülatif etki gösterir ve insanlar kurşun ile uzun süre teması sonucunda, küçük konsantrasyonlarda bile sağlığa zararlı olabilir. Gıda ve su örneklerinde kurşun gibi metal iyonlarının aletli analizle doğrudan belirlenmesi, düşük miktarda olmaları nedeniyle çoğu zaman zordur. Bu nedenle, kantitatif olarak belirlenmeden önce genellikle bir ayırma ve önderiştirme tekniği gereklidir. Bu çalışmada Katı faz ekstraksiyonu (SPE) yöntemi ile Pb iyonlarının önderiştirilmesi için alternatif bir yöntem geliştirilmiştir., Pb'nin indüktif eşleşmiş plazma optik emisyon spektrometrisi (ICP-OES) ile belirlenmesinden önce önderiştirilmesi için immobilize Coriolus versicolor fungal biyosorbent olarak kullanıldı. Geliştirilen SPE yöntemindeki bazı parametreler (pH, akış hızı, biyosorbent miktarı, kolonun tekrar kullanılabilirliği) optimize edildi. Yöntemin doğruluğu sertifikalı referans çay numunelerinin analizi ile doğrulandı. Geliştirilen kolonun 30 kullanımdan sonra bile oldukça stabil olduğu belirlendi.
  • Öğe
    Siirt Bayraktepe (Çöl) tuzlu alanda dağılım gösteren Crypsis schoenoides (L.) Lam'ın antioksidan kapasitesi ve toplam fenolik içeriğinin belirlenmesi
    (İKSAD YAYINEVİ, 2018) Teğin, İbrahim; Canpolat, Gurbet; Fidan, Mehmet
    Crypsis schoenoides (L.) Lam. Bozkır bölgesinden meşe ormanlarına kadar sporadik olarak bulunabilen tek yıllık bir halofid türdür. Bataklık alanlar, yüzülebilir alanlar, tuzlu topraklar, geçici olarak su altında kalan alanlar, humus içeriği çok düşük alanlarda yetişir (Simeanu, 2003). Eragrostis aegyptiaca (Willd.) Delile, Fimbristylisbis umbellata (Forsk.) Bub. ve Crypsis schoenoides gibi çimler, su baskını sonrası Nasser Gölü'nün kıyısındaki hayvancılık için ana otlatma kaynağıdır (Badri ve Hamed, 2000). Crypsis Poaceae familyasının bir cinsi olup Türkiye’de 7 taksonu bulunmaktadır (Güner ve ark., 2012). Bu çalışmada, Crypsis schoenoides'in metanol ile hazırlanan ekstraksiyonlarının analizi sonucunda; % DPPH 60,50, toplam fenolik içerik 12,16 mg Gallik/mLekstre olarak tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca fenolik bileşiklerin kimyasal bileşimi LC-MS / MS cihazı ile belirlenmiştir Analiz edilen 27 fenolik bileşik arasında 14 fenolik bileşik kalitatif ve kantitatif olarak belirlenmiştir. Bunlar; Quinic asit (21156,22 ± 1015,50 μg g-1), Malik asit (13266,00 ± 703,10 μg g-1), tr-Aconitic asit (11,10 ± 0,54 μg g-1), Gallik asit (10,95 ± 0,56 μg g-1), Protocatekuik asit (529,29 ± 26,99 μg g-1), Tannik asit (330,61 ± 16,86 μg g-1), tr-Coffeik asit (1,85 ± 0,10 μg g-1), Vanilin (2,19 ± 0,11 μg g-1), p-Coumarikacid (112,85 ± 5,76 μg g-1), Hiperosid (241,00 ± 11,81 μg g-1), Quercetin (193,42 ± 13,73 μg g-1), Kaempferol (1,72 ± 0,09 μg g-1), Hesperetin (10,00 ± 0,53 μg g-1) ve Rhamnetin (68,26 ± 4,16 μg g-1) olarak tespit edilmiştir.
  • Öğe
    Eruh bölgesinden toplanan Allıum ampeloprasum L. bitkisinin element içeriklerinin ICP-MS ile belirlenmesi
    (İKSAD YAYINEVİ, 2018) Teğin, İbrahim; Canpolat, Gurbet; Fidan, Mehmet
    Allium L. (Soğan) cinsi yeryüzünde yaklaşık 850 taksona sahip olup Türkiye'de 179 (197 takson) Allium türü mevcuttur (Keusgen ve ark., 2011; Güner ve ark., 2012). Birçok etnobotanik çalışmada Allium türlerinin farklı amaçlarla kullanıldığı rapor edilmiştir. Genel olarak, Allium'un tüm bitki kısımları insanlar tarafından tüketilebilmekte (tohumlar hariç) (Fritsch ve Friesen, 2002). Bu çalışma kapsamında, Eruh’un yüksek kesimlerinden toplanan Allium ampeloprasum L. bitkisinin element analizi ICP-MS ile yapılmıştır. Bu bitkide bulunan Li, B, Na, Mg, Al, P, K, Ca, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, As, Se, Sr, Mo, Ag, Cd, Ba, La, Ce, Pb' nun değerleri sırasıyla 0,76±0,09, 17,38±6,16, 59,35±20,35, 1473,81±0,24, 636,67±0,09, 1253,76±0,14, 1554,25±3,24, 4353,59±0,02, 4,68±1,04, 38,58±9,01, 994,06±0,15, 0,90±0,02, 5,03±0,47, 4,22±1,02, 20,53±1,57, 2,97±0,53, 0,48±0,07, 84,53±6,76, 11,92±1,33, 3,83±0,12, 0,40±0,03, 1,51±0,12, 5,44±1,27, 0,50±0,13, 0,94±0,13 ve 0,79±0,16 mg/L olarak bulunurken; In, Sn, Sb, Pt, Tl ve Bi değerleri 80,29±0,02, 63,74±0,01, 194,93±0,04, 13,23±0,00, 11,97±0,00 ve 7,32±0,00 μg/L olarak bulunmuştur.
  • Öğe
    Siirt ilinde toplanan Carlina lanata L. bitkisinin ICP-OES ile element analizi
    (İKSAD YAYINEVİ, 2018) Teğin, İbrahim; Yüksel, Uyan; Canpolat, Gurbet
    Carlina, papatyagiller familyasının bir cinsi olup dünyada yaklaşık 23 türü bulunmaktadır. Carlina cinsinin dünyadaki yayılışı ağırlıklı olarak Avrupa ve Güneydoğu Asya’dır. Ayrıca Doğu Asya ve Kuzey Amerika’da da türleri bulunmaktadır [1, 2]. Türkiye’de Carlina cinsinin bir tanesi endemik olmak üzere toplam 11 taksonu bulunmaktadır [3]. Türkiye’de bulunan türler șunlardır: C. traganthifolia Klatt, C. corymbosa L., C. graeca Heldr. & Sart., C. oligocephala Boiss. & Kotschy, C. involucrata Poiret subsp. libanotica (Boiss.) Meusel & Kästner, C. lanata L., C. vulgaris L., C. intermedia Schur, C. biebersteinii Bernh. ex Hornem [4]. Bu çalışmada, kullanılan bitki, Siirt'teki Akdoğmuş köyünün tuzlu alanından toplanmıştır. Bu bitki gölgede oda sıcaklığında kurutulmuş ve daha sonra öğütülmüştür. Çözünürleştirme işlemi için; ilk olarak, kurutulmuş bitki 0,5 g olarak tartılıp ve basınca dayanıklı PTFE (Politetrafloroetilen) kabına konuldu. Daha sonra, 10 mL nitrik asit ve 2 mL hidrojen peroksit karışımı, tartılan bitki numunesine ilave edildi ve karışım, NO2 dumanları çıkana kadar beklemeye bırakıldı. Akabinde, karışımın çözünmesi, PTFE kaplarda Speedwawe MWS-3 Berghof marka mikrodalga fırınında gerçekleştirildi. Çözünürleştirme sonrası süzülen numuneler son hacimleri destile su ile 25 mL' ye tamamlandı. Element miktarlarını belirlemek için Model Optima ™ 7000 DV ICP-OES (İndüktif Eşleşmiş Plazma Optik Emisyon Spektrometresi) (Perkin Elmer, Inc., Shelton, CT, ABD) kullanılmıştır. Siirt, Akdoğmuş köyü tuzlu alanda yetişen Carlina lanata L. bitkisinin element analiz sonuçlarına göre, mg/L olarak belirlenen elementlerin değerleri aşağıdaki gibidir; As, Be, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Li, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Sr, Ti, V ve Zn değerleri sırasıyla 3,13; 1,56; 1,43; 0,95; 1,77; 5,23; 86,60; 2,85; 16,79; 1,56; 1,70; 10,94; 3,67; 6,87; 120,04; 4,62; 0,68 ve 12,78’tir. Bunun dışında K, Mg ve Na gibi makro elementler g/L olarak bulunmuş ve değerleri sırasıyla 9,92, 1,06 ve 2,09'dur.
  • Öğe
    Determination of elemental contents of Lepidium Perfoliatum L. plant growing in saline area with ICP-OES
    (Academic Perspective Procedia, 2018) Teğin, İbrahim; Canpolat, Gurbet
    Lepidium Perfoliatum L. is one of the largest species of Brassicaceae family and has about 175 species [1]. It spreads worldwide, primarily in temperate and subtropical regions. In Arctic climates, the breed is rarely represented; and in tropical regions it grows in mountainous areas [2].There are 17 taxa in the genus Lepidium of Turkey [3-4]. In this study, the levels of 17 elements (As, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, Pb, Sb, Ti, V and Zn) were determined in Lepidium L. plants that grown in the Üzümlük and Çaykaya salty areas of Siirt, Turkey by inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). It was determined that the highest values were in Na, K, Mg and Fe for both areas. The all values obtained (mg L-1) were as follows; As (0.03), Co (0.01), Cr (0.06), Cu (0.34), Fe (10.97), K (91.21), Li (0.06), Mg (67.06), Mn (0.90), Mo (0.02), Na (189.20), Ni (0.12), Pb (0.31), Sb (0.02), Ti (0.13), V (0.02), Zn (0.27) for Üzümlük and Co (0.03), Cr (0.25), Cu (0.40), Fe (61.75), K (456.00), Li (0.18), Mg (138.80), Mn (4.22), Mo (0.01), Na (122.90), Ni (0.38), Pb (0.08), Sb (0.02), Ti (0.27), V (0.13) and Zn (0.63) for Çaykaya.
  • Öğe
    The antioxidant capacity, total phenolic content and phenolic compounds of Spergularia rubra (L.) J. Presl & C. Presl in naturally distributed five different saline areas in Siirt province
    (IEEE, 2018) Tegin, Ibrahim; Canpolat, Gurbet; Fidan, Mehmet
    Spergularia rubra has a very wide spread in the world. Infusion of S. rubra is used for diuretic purposes. Although widely used, the antioxidant activity of this species has not been evaluated and its chemical composition is not known [1]. In this study, antioxidant activity (DPPH %), total phenolic content (Folin Ciocalteau method) and phenolic compounds profile (LC-MS/MS) of methanolic extract of Spergularia rubra plant that collected from five different localities in Siirt were analyzed. According to the results of the analysis, the total phenolic content range from 4.33 to 13.16 mg gallic acid/mL extract. The highest antioxidant activity value was found as 77.70 %, on the other hand, the lowest was found as 57.32 %. As a result of the LC- MS/MS analysis for Cöl (Bayraktepe), location, 18 phenolic compounds were quantitatively and qualitatively determined, among the 27 phenolic compounds. The all values obtained (μg analyte/kg extract) were as follows; Quinic acid (4788.53±229.85), Malic acid (9618.56±509.78), tr-Aconitic acid (96.76±4.74), Gallic acid (141.54±7.22), Protocatechuic acid (56.17±2.86), Tannic acid (6068.41±309.49), tr-Coffeic acid (2.55±0.13), Vanilin (30.02±1.47), p-Coumaric acid (48.64±2.48), Rutin (1.13±0.05), Hyperoside (4.47±0.2), 4-OH benzoic acid (9.26±0.4), Salicylic acid (13.3±0.6) Kaempferol (63.68±3.31), Naringenin (2.33±0.12), Luteolin (35.12±2.42) Apigenin (35.14±1.86) and Rhamnetin (29.28±1.78).
  • Öğe
    The antioxidant capacity, total phenolic content and phenolic compounds of Plantago coronopus L. subsp. coronopus in naturally distributed in Akdoğmuş-Siirt
    (IEEE, 2018) Canpolat, Gurbet; Teğin, İbrahim; Fidan, Mehmet
    Name probably for Plantago coronopus L.; in reference to the shape of basal leaves [1]. Plantago coronopus, commonly known as buckshorn banana (“diabelha” in Portugal), is a medical halophyte belonging to the Plantago L., the largest of the Plantaginaceae family [2]. Plantago will be those the vast majority paramount variety of the Plantaginaceae crew, What's more, will be utilized within customary prescription around the reality for separate purposes. Plantago coronopus L., Plantago major L., Plantago media L. also Plantago lanceolata L. would a large portion regularly utilized species of Plantago for a customary solution to turkey [3]. There would 28 taxa of the class Plantago did turkey and two of them are endemic [4]. In this study, extracts of Plantago coronopus L. subsp. the coronopus taxon was prepared with methanol (%80) solvent. Total phenolic contents were assessed by Folin Ciocalteau's method and were found as 32.66 mg gallic acid /mL extract. The antioxidant activity was determined by using DPPH methods as 87.26%. And also, the chemical composition of the phenolic compounds was determined with LC-MS/MS instrument. As a result, 12 phenolic compounds were quantitatively detect, among the 27 phenolic compounds analyzed. These; Quinic acid (618±29.66 mg g -1 ), Malic acid (809.88±42.92 mgg -1 ), tr-Aconitic acid (4.49±0.22 mgg -1 ), Gallic acid (2.73±0.14 mgg -1 ), Protocatechuic acid (24.11±1.73 mgg -1 ), Tannic acid (33.01±1.68 mg g -l ), tr-Coffeic acid (11.06±0.58 mg g -l ), Vanilin (9.18±0.45 mgg -1 ), p-Coumaric acid (61.16±3.12 mgg -1 ), Kaempferol (43.64±2.27 mgg -1 ), Luteolin (5.35±0.37 mgg -1 ) and Apigenin (8.27±0.44 mgg -1 ).