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Öğe A comprehensive new study on the removal of Pb (II) from aqueous solution by sirnak coal-derived char(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2021) Batur, Ebru; Baytar, Orhan; Kutluay, Sinan; Horoz, Sabit; Sahin, OmerIn this study, char was prepared from the Sirnak coal derivative as a new adsorbent by the pyrolysis process and successfully applied for Pb (II) removal. Prepared char adsorbent was characterized by analysis techniques such as thermogravimetric (TG)/differential thermogravimetric (DTG), iodine number, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), and Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) surface area. In the experimental design of the Pb (II) removal process, the relationship between operating factors (contact time, initial Pb (II) concentration and temperature) and process responses (adsorption capacity and removal efficiency) was modelled by applying response surface methodology (RSM). After that, the operating factors for the maximum adsorption capacity and removal efficiency of Pb (II) by char were optimized. In the removal of Pb (II), pseudo-first order and pseudo-second order kinetic models were used to determine the process mechanism. In addition, adsorption isotherm models such as Langmuir, Freundlich, and Dubinin-Radushkevich were applied to the equilibrium data to explain the adsorption mechanism between the adsorbent and adsorbate molecules. According to the results obtained, it was determined that kinetic and equilibrium isotherm data were better defined with pseudo-second order kinetic and Dubinin-Radushkevich isotherm models, respectively. The optimum values of the contact time, initial Pb (II) concentration, and temperature for maximum adsorption capacity (124.64 mg/g) and removal efficiency (92.35%) of Pb (II) were found as 150.00 min, 144.81 ppm, and 35.06 degrees C, respectively. This study indicated the application potential of Sirnak coal-derived char as a promising cost-effective adsorbent for the removal of heavy metals.Öğe Adsorption kinetics, equilibrium and thermodynamics of gas-phase toluene onto char produced from almond shells(2019) Kutluay, Sinan; Baytar, Orhan; Şahin, ÖmerToluene is the primary material in chemical process industries and is often usedas a raw material in the production of many chemicals and as a solvent in manyengineering processes. In this study, the material of char, which is used as anadsorbent, was produced from almond shells. The adsorption process of gasphase toluene onto char was investigated using a laboratory-scale fixed-bedreactor under atmospheric pressure. The structure of the char was characterizedby BET and FTIR. The influences of adsorption parameters such as nitrogen (N2)flow rate as the gas-phase toluene carrier, char amount, gas-phase tolueneconcentration at the inlet and the adsorption temperature on both theadsorption capacity and adsorption efficiency were examined. It was found thatthe adsorption of the gas-phase toluene onto char could be well represented bythe pseudo-second-order kinetic model. Equilibrium isotherm data wereanalyzed by the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models and the resultsindicated that the adsorption process was described well by the Langmuirisotherm model. The maximum monolayer adsorption capacity (qmax) of the charwas determined as 15.42 mg g-1 for 303 K. Thermodynamic parameters such as?G° = -7.93 kJ mol-1, ?H°= -17.18 kJ mol-1, ?S°= -0.013 kJ mol-1 K-1 showed that theadsorption process was spontaneous, exothermic and physical. The resultsshowed that the material of char produced from almond shells could be used asa biosorbent to remove the material of gas-phase toluene from various industrialand natural sources through the adsorption method.Öğe Benzen Uçucu Organik Bileşiğinin Badem Kabuğundan Üretilen Char Üzerine Gaz Fazı Adsorpsiyonu: Kinetik, Denge ve Termodinamik(2019) Kutluay, SinanUçucu Organik Bileşikler (UOB), soluduğumuz açık ve kapalı ortam hava kirleticilerinin yaygın bileşenleridir. Buçalışmanın temel amacı, en önemli UOB’ler biri olan benzenin badem kabuklarından üretilen char adsorbentiüzerine gaz fazı adsorpsiyon prosesini incelemektir. Bu bağlamda, gaz-fazı benzen taşıyıcı olarak azot akış hızı(60-150 mL.dk-1), adsorpsiyon sıcaklığı (20-40?), adsorbent miktarı (40-120 mg) ve giriş akımındaki gaz-fazıbenzen konsantrasyonu (9-18 ppm) gibi adsorpsiyon koşullarının hem adsorpsiyon kapasitesi hem de adsorpsiyonverimi üzerindeki etkileri gaz kromatografi yöntemi kullanılarak incelenmiştir. Bunun yanı sıra, farklısıcaklıklarda, adsorpsiyon prosesinin kinetiği, izotermi ve termodinamiği araştırılmıştır. Char adsorbentininkarakterizasyonu BET yüzey alanı ve FTIR ölçümleri ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Sonuçlar, Langmuir izotermi vesözde-ikinci dereceden modellerin, diğer modeller ile kıyaslandığında deneysel verileri daha iyi tanımladığınıgöstermiştir. Char adsorbentinin maksimum tek katmanlı adsorpsiyon kapasitesi (qmax) 25? için 10.56 mg.g-1bulunmuştur. Termodinamik analizler (?G° = -19.460 kJ.mol-1, ?H° = -26.65 kJ.mol-1, ?S° = -0.024 kJ.mol-1.K-1)adsorpsiyon prosesinin kendiliğinden, ekzotermik ve fiziksel olduğunu göstermiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlar ışığında,badem kabuğundan üretilen char adsorbentinin, çevre ve insan sağlığına ilişkin riskleri nedeniyle gaz-fazı benzeninadsorpsiyon yöntemiyle çevresel kontrolünü sağlamak için önemli bir potansiyele sahip olduğu söylenebilir.Öğe Borik Asit ve Boraks Pentahidrat Kristalleri için Kekleşmenin İncelenmesi(2020) Kutluay, Sinan; İzgi, Mehmet Sait; Şahin, Ömer; Ceyhan, Ayhan AbdullahBu çalışmada, CMSMPR (sürekli-karıştırmalı, sürekli-ürün çekmeli) tipi kristalizörde, saf ortamda üretilen borikasit (H3BO3) ve boraks pentahidrat (Na2B4O7.5H2O) kristallerinin su alma yeteneği, kekleşme derecesi tayini vemekanik dayanım, kekleşme, kırma testleri yapılmıştır. CMSMPR sisteminde üretilen hem H3BO3 hem deNa2B4O7.5H2O kristallerinin su alma yeteneği, kekleşme, aşınma derecelerinin yüksek olduğu ve bu kristallerinnemden oldukça etkilendiği ve bu nedenle habitinde bozulmalar meydana geldiği görülmüştür. Ayrıca, kekleşmeve kırma testleri sonucunda belirlenen akışkanlık durumları değerlendirildiğinde ise H3BO3 kristallerinin kohezif(yapışan), Na2B4O7.5H2O kristallerinin ise çok kohezif olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Tüm bu sonuçlar esas alındığında,kekleşmeyi önlemek için H3BO3 ve Na2B4O7.5H2O kristallerinin yüksek nem oranlarına maruz kalmamasıgerektiği görülmektedir.Öğe Cold plasma and microwave radiation applications for surface modification on the pistachio husk-based adsorbent and its effects on the adsorption of rhodamine B(Taylor & Francis Inc, 2016) Saka, Cafer; Sahin, Omer; Kutluay, SinanIn this study, cold plasma and microwave radiation technologies were applied on the surface of pistachio husk adsorbent to improve the removal of rhodamine B. The surface properties of pistachio husk, modified by nitrogen gas, were investigated with scanning electron microscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and point of zero charge measurements. The changes of the surface property before and after plasma and microwave radiation treatment were discussed. According to scanning electron microscopy measurement, the surface roughness was increased after plasma and microwave radiation treatment. The removal percentages of rhodamine B compared with untreated pistachio husk were increased from 21.46% to 41.86 and 39.63% (about 100% increase) after modification by cold plasma and microwave radiation treatments, respectively. An increasing in the surface basic groups was observed during the modification according to point of zero charge measurements.Öğe Cold plasma and microwave radiation applications on almond shell surface and its effects on the adsorption of Eriochrome Black T(Elsevier-Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2013) Şahin, Ömer; Saka, Cafer; Kutluay, SinanAlmond shell based adsorbents were thermally modified by cold plasma and microwave radiation for improving adsorption ability of Eriochrome Black T. The maximum adsorption capacities were 6.02, 18.18, and 29.41 mg/g for untreated, cold plasma and microwave radiation treated almond shell, respectively. The removal percentages of EBT compared with untreated almond shell were increased from 39.96% to 81.46% and 84.31% after modification by cold plasma and microwave radiation treatments, respectively. SEM, FT-IR spectroscopy and point of zero charge measurement were applied to analysis the almond shell surface. Data on equilibrium were evaluated by using Langmuir and Freundlich models.Öğe Comparative and competitive adsorption of gaseous toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene onto natural cellulose-modified Fe3O4 nanoparticles(Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2022) Ece, Mehmet Sakir; Kutluay, SinanMany industrial processes produce volatile organic compound (VOC) pollutants within multicomponent systems. Therefore, exploring the comparative and competitive adsorption of VOCs is of both practical and scientific interest. This study elucidates the adsorption behavior of gaseous toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene (TEX) targeted as VOCs onto natural cellulose-modified Fe3O4 (NC-Fe3O4) nanoparticles (NPs) both individually and in multicomponent systems for the first time in the literature. The characterization of NC-Fe3O4 synthesized via co precipitation method was carried out with analysis techniques including BET, SEM, EDS, FTIR, and TGA-DTA. The adsorption capacities of TEX as a single-component onto NC-Fe3O4 (for 20 mg L-1 TEX inlet concentration) were found as 477, 550, and 578 mg g(-1), respectively. In contrast, with TEX in a binary-component system, the adsorption capacity of the T (for 20 mg L-1 T with 10 mg L-1 E and 10 mg L-1 X, respectively) decreased by approximately 43% and 50% for the binary-mixtures of T-E and T-X, respectively, due to competition with E and X for adsorption sites. Similarly, the adsorption capacity of the E (for 20 mg L-1 E with 10 mg L-1 X) decreased by approximately 46% due to competition with the X for adsorption sites. With TEX in a ternary-component system, the adsorption capacity of the X remained consistent, indicating its competitive dominance over the E and T. The adsorption capacity of NC-Fe3O4 followed the order of X > E > T in the ternary-component system, which agrees with the adsorption results for the single-component system. The adsorption mechanism of TEX was explained by fitting the adsorption data to diverse kinetic and isotherm models. The NC-Fe3O4 with a superior performance in terms of both reuse efficiency and adsorption capacity, could be used as a promising and renewable adsorbent for efficient treatment of VOC pollutants. The findings of the current study will contribute to a better understanding of the comparative and competitive adsorption behaviors among different VOC pollutants in relation to a given adsorbent.Öğe Derik Halhalı Zeytin Çekirdeğinden Çevre Dostu Selülozik Manyetik Nano-Adsorbent Üretimi ve Benzen Gideriminde Kullanılması(2021) Kutluay, Sinan; Ece, Mehmet Sakır; Şahin, Ömer; Kahraman, Zafer; Önal, Ferat; Atku, FesihUçucu organik bir bileşik (UOB) olan benzen, kimyasal ve petrokimyasal gibi faaliyetlerle sanayiden ve endüstriden atmosfere salınmaktadır. Benzen, canlı sağlığı ve çevre için ağır kirliliklerden biri olup, kanserojen, mutajenik ve oldukça toksik polar olmayan bir kirleticidir. İnsan sağlığı ve ekolojik çevre için bir potansiyel tehlikedir. Bu sebeple benzenin bir kirletici olarak atmosferden uzaklaştırılması büyük önem taşımaktadır. Bu çevresel iyileştirme çalışmasında, Derik Halhalı zeytininin çekirdeği bir doğal selüloz (DS) kaynağı olarak manyetit ($Fe_3O_4$) modifikasyonunda kullanıldı. Başarıyla üretilen $Fe_3O_4$/DS nano-adsorbentin benzen giderimine karşı adsorpsiyon özellikleri incelendi. Birlikte çökeltme yöntemiyle elde edilen Fe3O4/DS nano-adsorbenti SEMEDS, FTIR ve BET analizleri ile karakterize edildi. Benzen giderim prosesinde, benzen başlangıç konsantrasyonu, adsorbent miktarı, adsorpsiyon süresi ve adsorpsiyon sıcaklığı gibi farklı parametrelerin etkileri değerlendirildi. Optimum değerler olarak belirlenen 90 dakika adsorpsiyon süresi, 15 ppm benzen başlangıç konsantrasyonu, 100 mg adsorbent miktarı ve 25°C adsorpsiyon sıcaklığı gibi koşullar altında benzen adsorpsiyon kapasitesi 298.15 mg/g olarak bulundu. Bu sonuç, başarıyla üretilen $Fe_3O_4$/DS nano-adsorbentin UOB kirleticilerin giderimindeki uygulama potansiyelini ortaya koymaktadır. Öte yandan, Quasi-birinci-dereceden kinetik modeli takip eden gaz halindeki benzenin $Fe_3O_4$/DS nano-adsorbenti üzerine adsorpsiyon prosesi fiziksel adsorpsiyon mekanizmasını işaret etmektedir. Ayrıca, 1.74 kJ/mol olarak hesaplanan E değeri (Dubinin-Radushkevich model sabiti) adsorpsiyon prosesinin fiziksel etkileşim mekanizması üzerinden gerçekleştiğini desteklemektedir. Son olarak, beş döngüden sonra, $Fe_3O_4$/DS nano-adsorbentin %90.61'lik bir yeniden kullanım verimini koruduğu bulundu, bu da nano-adsorbentin pratik uygulamalarda büyük bir potansiyele sahip olduğu anlamına geliyor.Öğe Design and optimization of production parameters for boric acid crystals with the crystallization process in an MSMPR crystallizer using FBRM® and PVM® technologies(Elsevier Science Bv, 2017) Kutluay, Sinan; Sahin, Omer; Ceyhan, A. Abdullah; Izgi, M. SaitIn crystallization studies, newly developed technologies, such as Focused Beam Reflectance Measurement (FBRM) and Particle Vision and Measurement (PVM) are applied for determining on-line monitoring of a representation of the Chord Length Distribution (CLD) and observe the photographs of crystals respectively; moreover recently they are widely used. Properly installed, the FBRM ensures on-line determination of the CLD, which is statistically associated to the Crystal Size Distribution (CSD). In industrial crystallization, CSD and mean crystal size as well as external habit and internal structure are important characteristics for further use of the crystals. In this paper, the effect of residence time, stirring speed, feeding rate, supersaturation level and the polyelectrolytes such as anionic polyacrylamide (APAM) and non-ionic polyacrylamide (NPAM) on the CLD as well as the shape of boric acid crystals were investigated by using the FBRM G600 and the PVM V819 probes respectively in an MSMPR (Mixed Suspension Mixed Product Removal) crystallizer. The CSD and kinetic data were determined experimentally using continuous MSMPR crystallizer running at steady state. The population density of nuclei, the nucleation rate and the growth rate were determined from the experimental population balance distribution when the steady state was reached. (C) 2017 Published by Elsevier B.V.Öğe Designing copper-doped zinc oxide nanoparticle by tobacco stem extract-mediated green synthesis for solar cell efficiency and photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue(Taylor & Francis Inc, 2024) Ekinci, Arzu; Sahin, Omer; Kutluay, Sinan; Horoz, Sabit; Canpolat, Gurbet; Cokyasa, Mine; Baytar, OrhanThis study presents the green synthesis of copper-doped zinc oxide (Cu-doped ZnO) nanoparticles using tobacco stem (TS) extract. The environmentally friendly synthesis method ensures distinct features, high efficiency, and applicability in various fields, particularly in solar cell technology and photocatalytic applications. ZnO nanostructures are investigated due to their unique properties, cost-effectiveness, and broad range of applications. The nanoparticles are synthesized with varying Cu concentrations, and their structural, morphological, and compositional characteristics are thoroughly analyzed. The Cu-doped ZnO nanoparticles exhibit improved properties, such as increased surface area and reduced particle size, attributed to the incorporation of Cu dopants. The green synthesis approach using TS extract serves as a stabilizing agent and avoids the toxicity associated with chemical methods. Characterization techniques including SEM, TEM, EDX, FTIR, and XRD confirm the successful synthesis of the nanoparticles. Photocatalytic degradation studies reveal that the 5% Cu-doped ZnO exhibits the highest photocatalytic activity against methylene blue, attributed to synergistic effects between Cu and ZnO, including oxygen vacancy and electron-hole pair recombination rate suppression. The photocatalytic mechanism involves the generation of superoxide and hydroxyl radicals, leading to methylene blue degradation. Furthermore, the Cu-doped ZnO nanoparticles demonstrate promising photovoltaic performance, with the optimal efficiency observed at a 5% Cu concentration. The study suggests that Cu-doped ZnO has the potential to enhance solar cell efficiency and could serve as an alternative material in solar cell applications. Future research should focus on refining Cu-doped ZnO for further improvements in solar energy conversion efficiency The successful synthesis of Cu-doped ZnO nanoparticles from tobacco stem extract suggests an environmentally friendly approach. The photocatalytic degradation studies demonstrate the superior activity of 5% Cu-doped ZnO against methylene blue, attributed to synergistic effects between Cu and ZnO. Cu-doped ZnO has the potential to significantly enhance solar cell efficiency. The demonstrated photocatalytic and photovoltaic activities of Cu-doped ZnO open avenues for further research in optimizing their performance for practical applications in solar energy technologies and sustainable energy production.Öğe Designing novel perlite-Fe3O4@SiO2@8-HQ-5-SA as a promising magnetic nanoadsorbent for competitive adsorption of multicomponent VOCs(Elsevier Ltd, 2023) Açin Ok, Rahime; Kutluay, SinanVolatile organic compounds (VOCs), which emerge as multicomponent pollutants through many industrial processes, pose a serious threat to human health and the eco-environment due to their volatility, toxicity and dispersion. Hence, the study of competitive adsorption of multicomponent VOCs is of practical and scientific importance. Herein, the perlite-supported Fe3O4@SiO2@8-hydroxyquinoline-5-sulfonic acid (perlite-Fe3O4@SiO2@8-HQ-5-SA) was designed as a novel magnetic nanoadsorbent by a simple strategy and employed for the competitive adsorption of multicomponent toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene in the vapor-phase targeted as VOCs. The successfully prepared perlite-Fe3O4@SiO2@8-HQ-5-SA was characterized by means of SEM, EDX, FT-IR, VSM and BET analyses. Adsorption capacities of 558 mg/g, 680 mg/g and 716 mg/g were achieved for single component toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene, respectively. It was concluded that the adsorption capacities for both binary and ternary components were significantly decreased compared to single component adsorption. The competitive adsorption capacity order of the binary and ternary component VOCs was xylene > ethylbenzene > toluene due to their competitive dominance. The rate-limiting kinetic analysis indicated that the adsorption rates were determined by both the film diffusion and intraparticle diffusion. The analysis of the error metrics demonstrated that the three-parameter isotherm models better described the adsorption data compared to the two-parameter models. In particular, the Toth model provided the closest fit to the experimental equilibrium data. The thermodynamic analysis indicated the spontaneous nature and probability (?G° <0), exothermic (?H° <0), physical (?H° <20 kJ/mol) and a declination in the degree of randomness (?S° <0) of the adsorption processes. The reuse efficiency of perlite-Fe3O4@SiO2@8-HQ-5-SA for toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene decreased to only by 88.91%, 88.07% and 87.16% after five recycles. The perlite-Fe3O4@SiO2@8-HQ-5-SA has a significant adsorptive potential compared to other adsorbents reported in the literature, thus it could be recommended as a promising nanoadsorbent for VOCs in industrial processes. © 2023 Elsevier LtdÖğe Development of Al2O3-supported nanobimetallic Co-La-B catalyst for boosting hydrogen release via sodium borohydride hydrolysis(Springer, 2024) Keskin, M. Salih; Horoz, Sabit; Sahin, Omer; Kutluay, SinanThis study introduces the novel Al2O3-supported nanobimetallic Co-La-B (Al2O3@Co-La-B) catalyst, specifically designed to enhance hydrogen production via sodium borohydride hydrolysis, marking its first application in hydrogen generation. Characterized by X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, Brunauer-Emmett-Teller analysis, and scanning electron microscopy, the catalyst exhibits a porous, homogeneous cubic structure which significantly contributes to its high catalytic efficiency. It demonstrated remarkable hydrogen generation rates of up to 6057.72 mL(H2) min(-1) g(cat)(-1) at 30 degrees C and maintained 91.63% catalytic activity over multiple cycles, with a notable increase to 8661.94 mL(H2) min(-1) g(cat)(-1) at 60 degrees C. Kinetic studies, utilizing nth-order and Langmuir-Hinshelwood models, indicated activation energies of 51.38 kJ mol(-1) and 49.33 kJ mol(-1), respectively, showcasing the catalyst's potential as a sustainable solution for hydrogen production in various industrial applications.Öğe Development of Novel Fe3O4/AC@SiO2@1,4-DAAQ Magnetic Nanoparticles with Outstanding VOC Removal Capacity: Characterization, Optimization, Reusability, Kinetics, and Equilibrium Studies(Amer Chemical Soc, 2020) Ece, Mehmet Sakir; Kutluay, Sinan; Sahin, Omer; Horoz, SabitThe adsorption of pollutants to the surface of adsorbents plays a critical role in the effectiveness of adsorption technology for air purification applications. Herein, novel magnetic nanoparticles functionalized with 1,4-diaminoanthraquinone (1,4-DAAQ), namely, Fe3O4/activated carbon (AC)@a SiO2@ 1,4-DAAQ were innovatively synthesized via co-precipitation and sol-gel techniques. After that, these nanoparticles were used for high-efficiency removal of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) (i.e., benzene and toluene). The synthesized nanoparticles were characterized by various techniques such as Fourier transform IR spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis/differential thermal analysis, scanning electron microscopy, and Brunauer-Emmett-Teller analysis. The dynamic adsorption process of VOCs was optimized based on operating parameters. The adsorption experiments revealed that Fe3O4/AC@SiO2@1,4-DAAQshowed exceptional performance for the removal of VOCs. It was observed that for benzene, Fe3O4, AC, Fe3O4/AC, Fe3O4/AC@SiO2, and Fe3O4/AC@SiO2@1,4-DAAQ exhibited dynamic adsorption capacities of 180.25, 228.87, 295.84, 382.10, and 1232.77 mg/g, respectively. Additionally, for toluene, they exhibited dynamic adsorption capacities of 191.08, 274.53, 310.26, 421.30, and 1352.16 mg/g, respectively. This indicated that the modification of 1,4DAAQ could greatly enhance the dynamic adsorption capacity of Fe3O4/AC@SiO2@1,4-DAAQ for VOCs. In addition to the apparent adsorptive behavior in removing VOCs, Fe3O4/AC@SiO2@1,4-DAAQ exhibited high repeatability. After ten consecutive adsorption/desorption cycles, for benzene and toluene, Fe3O4/AC@SiO2@1,4-DAAQ retained 79.36 and 78.24% of its initial adsorption capacity, respectively. According to the characterization results, the average pore diameter for Fe3O4/AC@SiO2@1,4-DAAQwas determined to be 24.46 nm, indicating that they were in the mesopore range. The adsorption mechanism of the VOCs on Fe3O4/AC@SiO2@1,4-DAAQwas clarified by investigating the isotherm and kinetic criteria in detail. Isotherm models suggested that the adsorption process of VOCs is physical. Moreover, from the analysis of diffusion-based rate-limiting kinetic models, the findings reveal a combination of intrapartide diffusion as well as film diffusion throughout the adsorption process of VOCs. In addition, it was concluded from the analysis of the mass transfer model factors that global mass transfer and internal diffusion are more effective than film diffusion. The results demonstrated that the Fe3O4/AC@SiO2@1,4-DAAQnanoadsorbent is a promising material for the effective removal of VOCs.Öğe Dynamic adsorption behavior of benzene, toluene, and xylene VOCs in single- and multi-component systems by activated carbon derived from defatted black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) biowaste(Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2022) Batur, Ebru; Kutluay, SinanIn the current study, activated carbon (AC) was produced from defatted black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) biowaste (DBCB) with ZnCl2 activation by means of the response surface methodology. The optimum process conditions for the production of DBCB-AC with a high iodine number of 1055.02 mg/g were predicted as an activation time of 57 min, activation temperature of 550 degrees C, and impregnation ratio of 105%. The surface and textural properties of the optimal DBCB-AC were characterized by SEM, FTIR, and BET analysis techniques. The DBCB-AC exhibited a highly porous structure with a specific surface area of 1213.32 m(2)/g, total pore volume of 0.89 cm(3)/g, and micropore surface area of 787.65 m(2)/g. Exploring the comparative and competitive adsorption behavior of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) is of both practical and scientific interest. Therefore, the competitive adsorption of multi-component benzene, toluene, and xylene (BTX) vapors by the DBCB-AC was elucidated. In the single-component system, the adsorption capacities of the BTX vapors at inlet concentrations of 20 mg/L were determined as 495, 580, and 674 mg/g, respectively. In contrast, in the binary-component system, the adsorption capacity of the B-vapor at 20 mg/L B + 10 mg/L T and 20 mg/L B + 10 mg/L X decreased by approximately 42% and 56%, respectively. Similarly, the adsorption capacity of the T-vapor at 20 mg/L T + 10 mg/L X decreased by approximately 47%. In the ternary-component system, the adsorption capacity of the X-vapor remained consistent. The adsorption mechanism of the BTX was explained by adsorption kinetic and isotherm models. The reuse efficiency of the DBCB-AC for the BTX was assessed through five cycles of adsorption-desorption tests and was found to be 89.45%, 88.02%, and 87.25%, respectively. The DBCB-AC, which had high-performance in terms of both reuse efficiency and adsorption capacity, can be recommended as a promising adsorbent for removal of VOC pollutants.Öğe Enhanced benzene vapor adsorption through microwave-assisted fabrication of activated carbon from peanut shells using ZnCl2 as an activating agent(Springer, 2024) Kutluay, Sinan; Şahin, Ömer; Baytar, OrhanHerein, microwave-assisted activated carbon (MW-AC) was fabricated from peanut shells using a ZnCl2 activator and utilized for the first time to eliminate benzene vapor as a volatile organic compound (VOC). During the MW-AC production process, which involved two steps—microwave treatment and muffle furnace heating—we investigated the effects of various factors and achieved the highest iodine number of 1250 mg/g. This was achieved under optimal operating conditions, which included a 100% impregnation ratio, CO2 as the gas in the microwave environment, a microwave power set at 500 W, a microwave duration of 10 min, an activation temperature of 500 °C and an activation time of 45 min. The structural and morphological properties of the optimized MW-AC were assessed through SEM, FTIR, and BET analysis. The dynamic adsorption process of benzene on the optimized MW-AC adsorbent, which has a significant BET surface area of 1204.90 m2/g, was designed using the Box-Behnken approach within the response surface methodology. Under optimal experimental conditions, including a contact duration of 80 min, an inlet concentration of 18 ppm, and a temperature of 26 °C, the maximum adsorption capacity reached was 568.34 mg/g. The experimental data are better described by the pseudo-second-order kinetic model, while it is concluded that the equilibrium data are better described by the Langmuir isotherm model. MW-AC exhibited a reuse efficiency of 86.54% for benzene vapor after five consecutive recycling processes. The motivation of the study highlights the high adsorption capacity and superior reuse efficiency of MW-AC adsorbent with high BET surface area against benzene pollutant. According to our results, the developed MW-AC presents itself as a promising adsorbent candidate for the treatment of VOCs in various industrial applications. © The Author(s) 2024.Öğe Enhancement in incident photon-to-current conversion efficiency of manganese-decorated activated carbon-supported cadmium sulfide nanocomposite(Springer, 2022) Batur, Ebru; Baytar, Orhan; Horoz, Sabit; Sahin, Omer; Kutluay, SinanIn the current study, cadmium sulfide (CdS), activated carbon (AC)-supported CdS (CdS/AC) and manganese (Mn)-decorated CdS/AC semiconductor materials fabricated by the chemical precipitation method are used as sensitizers and the incident photon-to-current efficiency (IPCE) values of the obtained semiconductor-based solar cell structures are evaluated. The fabricated semiconductor materials, which provide the best IPCE value, are characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). SEM images of the Mn-decorated CdS/AC semiconductor material showed that CdS and Mn settled in the mesopores, forming a homogeneous microporous structure on the surface. Based on the XRD, EDX and XPS analysis findings, it is concluded that CdS, CdS/AC and Mn-decorated CdS/AC semiconductor materials are successfully fabricated. The optimum concentration of CdS with a maximum IPCE (%) is found as 10% (for CdS/AC). An extraordinary increase in IPCE (%) of 3% Mn-decorated 10% CdS/AC semiconductor material (from 4.70 to 55.09%) is observed compared to pure CdS. Thus, the ability to increase the photovoltaic efficiency of CdS-based solar cells, which are widely used in photovoltaic applications, with AC support has been clearly demonstrated. The findings of this study indicates that Mn-decorated CdS/AC fabrication is an effective strategy to greatly increase the IPCE (%) and Mn-decorated CdS/AC is a promising nanocomposite to improve solar cell efficiency of semiconductor-based solar cell structures.Öğe Equilibrium, kinetic and thermodynamic studies for dynamic adsorption of benzene in gas phase onto activated carbon produced from elaeagnus angustifolia seeds(Elsevier, 2019) Kutluay, Sinan; Baytar, Orhan; Şahin, ÖmerAdsorption of pollutants onto activated carbon is very important in air purification systems. In this study, the dynamic adsorption of benzene in gas phase onto activated carbon which was produced from the elaeagnus angustifolia seeds, was investigated using a laboratory-scale continuous flow fixed-bed reactor system, under atmospheric pressure. The effects of the adsorption conditions such as activated carbon particle size (180–500 μm), nitrogen (N2) gas flow rate (0.050–0.120 L min−1) as the benzene in gas phase carrier, amount of activated carbon (0.10–0.75 g), concentration of benzene in gas phase at the inlet (9.95–14.85 ppm) and the adsorption temperature (293–323 K) on both the adsorption capacity and the adsorption efficiency were examined. Adsorption efficiency was achieved up to 100% under various adsorption conditions. Adsorption kinetics data were analyzed by using the Pseudo-First Order and Pseudo-Second Order kinetic models. Langmuir, Freundlich and Dubinin-Radushkevich models were used for the analysis of adsorption isotherms. The results showed that the Langmuir isotherm and Pseudo-Second Order models described the experimental data better when compared to other models. The maximum monolayer adsorption capacity (qmax) of activated carbon was determined to be 99.8 mg g−1 for 303 K. Thermodynamic analyzes indicated that the adsorption process of benzene in gas phase onto activated carbon was spontaneous (ΔG°<0), exothermic (ΔH°<0) and physical (ΔH°<20 kJ mol−1).Öğe Excellent adsorptive performance of novel magnetic nano-adsorbent functionalized with 8-hydroxyquinoline-5-sulfonic acid for the removal of volatile organic compounds (BTX) vapors(Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2021) Kutluay, SinanIn this study, magnetic Fe3O4/AC@SiO2 nanoparticles functionalized with 8-hydroxyquinoline-5-sulfonic acid (Fe3O4/AC@SiO2@8HQ5SA) were innovatively prepared, characterized, and applied as a novel nano-adsorbent to efficiently remove volatile organic compounds, namely benzene, toluene, and xylene (BTX) vapors. Fe3O4/AC@SiO2@8HQ5SA was synthesized via the co-precipitation and sol-gel methods. The characterization of Fe3O4/AC@SiO2@8HQ5SA as a proposed nano-adsorbent was performed by various spectroscopic methods including FTIR, SEM, TGA/DTA, BET, VSM, XPS, and EDS. The operating factors namely retention time, inlet BTX concentration and temperature were substantially analyzed and optimized to achieve the maximum adsorption capacity of Fe3O4/AC@SiO2@8HQ5SA towards the uptake of the BTX vapors. The adsorption phenomena of Fe3O4/AC@SiO2@8HQ5SA towards the BTX vapors were clarified by the investigation of the kinetic and isotherm criteria. According to the results of the adsorption experiments Fe3O4/AC@SiO2@8HQ5SA demonstrated an admirable performance for the removal of the BTX vapors. The maximum adsorption capacities of the BTX vapors by Fe3O4/AC@SiO2@8HQ5SA were determined as 555.85, 620.80 and 745.54 mg/g, respectively. In addition to the distinctive adsorptive behavior in removing the BTX vapors, the reusability experiments with five adsorption-desorption cycles indicated that Fe3O4/AC@SiO2@8HQ5SA showed excellent reusability. After five consecutive adsorption-desorption cycle tests, Fe3O4/AC@SiO2@8HQ5SA maintained the reuse efficiencies of 91.92%, 91.17% and 90.65% for the BTX vapors, respectively. The findings of this study suggested that the functionalization of the Fe3O4/AC@SiO2 nanoparticles with 8HQ5SA was an effective strategy to greatly increase the removal capacity of BTX vapors, and that the magnetic Fe3O4/AC@SiO2@8HQ5SA was a promising and regenerable nano-adsorbent for the efficient treatment of volatile organic compound pollutants.Öğe Fabrication and characterization of 3,4-diaminobenzophenone-functionalized magnetic nanoadsorbent with enhanced VOC adsorption and desorption capacity(Springer Heidelberg, 2021) Sahin, Omer; Kutluay, Sinan; Horoz, Sabit; Ece, Mehmet SakirThe present study, for the first time, utilized 3,4-diaminobenzophenone (DABP)-functionalized Fe3O4/AC@SiO2 (Fe3O4/AC@SiO2@DABP) magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) synthesized as a nanoadsorbent for enhancing adsorption and desorption capacity of gaseous benzene and toluene as volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The Fe3O4/AC@SiO2@DABP MNPs used in adsorption and desorption of benzene and toluene were synthesized by the co-precipitation and sol-gel methods. The synthesized MNPs were characterized by SEM, FTIR, TGA/DTA, and BET surface area analysis. Moreover, the optimization of the process parameters, namely contact time, initial VOC concentration, and temperature, was performed by applying response surface methodology (RSM). Adsorption results demonstrated that the Fe3O4/AC@SiO2@DABP MNPs had excellent adsorption capacity. The maximum adsorption capacities for benzene and toluene were found as 530.99 and 666.00 mg/g, respectively, under optimum process parameters (contact time 55.47 min, initial benzene concentration 17.57 ppm, and temperature 29.09 degrees C; and contact time 57.54 min, initial toluene concentration 17.83 ppm, and temperature 27.93 degrees C for benzene and toluene, respectively). In addition to the distinctive adsorptive behavior, the Fe3O4/AC@SiO2@DABP MNPs exhibited a high reproducibility adsorption and desorption capacity. After the fifth adsorption and desorption cycles, the Fe3O4/AC@SiO2@DABP MNPs retained 94.4% and 95.4% of its initial adsorption capacity for benzene and toluene, respectively. Kinetic and isotherm findings suggested that the adsorption mechanisms of benzene and toluene on the Fe3O4/AC@SiO2@DABP MNPs were physical processes. The results indicated that the successfully synthesized Fe3O4/AC@SiO2@DABP MNPs can be applied as an attractive, highly effective, reusable, and cost-effective adsorbent for the adsorption of VOC pollutants.Öğe Fabrication and characterization of Fe3O4/perlite, Fe3O4/perlite@SiO2, and Fe3O4/perlite@SiO2@sulfanilamide magnetic nanomaterials(Springer Heidelberg, 2022) Kutluay, Sinan; Sahin, Omer; Ece, Mehmet SakirIn this study, the fabrication of perlite-supported Fe3O4 (Fe3O4/perlite), SiO2-coated Fe3O4/perlite (Fe3O4/perlite@SiO2), and sulfanilamide-modified Fe3O4/perlite@SiO2 (Fe3O4/perlite@SiO2@sulfanilamide) magnetic nanomaterials and their characterization by various spectroscopic techniques were presented. For this purpose, first, Fe3O4/perlite was fabricated via the co-precipitation method. Then, Fe3O4/perlite@SiO2 and Fe3O4/perlite@SiO2@sulfanilamide nanomaterials were fabricated using the sol-gel method. The structural properties of the fabricated nanomaterials were characterized using Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), SEM-energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), thermogravimetric analysis-differential thermal analysis, and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses. The SEM, SEM-EDX, FTIR, and XRD analyses revealed that the fabrication and surface coatings of the Fe3O4/perlite, Fe3O4/perlite@SiO2, and Fe3O4/perlite@SiO2@sulfanilamide were successfully performed. It was concluded that the Fe3O4/perlite, Fe3O4/perlite@SiO2, and Fe3O4/perlite@SiO2@sulfanilamide showed a type IV-H3 hysteresis loop according to the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry classification. According to the BET analysis, it was found that the specific surface areas of the Fe3O4/perlite, Fe3O4/perlite@SiO2, and Fe3O4/perlite@SiO2@sulfanilamide were 8.09, 12.71, and 5.89 m(2)/g, respectively. The average pore radius of the Fe3O4/perlite, Fe3O4/perlite@SiO2, and Fe3O4/perlite@SiO2@sulfanilamide were 9.68, 7.91, and 34.69 nm, respectively, using the Barrett-Joyner-Halenda method. Moreover, the half-pore widths of the Fe3O4/perlite, Fe3O4/perlite@SiO2, and Fe3O4/perlite@SiO2@sulfanilamide were 2.27, 1.58, and 17.99 nm, respectively, using the density functional theory method. Furthermore, in light of characterization findings, the Fe3O4/perlite, Fe3O4/perlite@SiO2, and Fe3O4/perlite@SiO2@sulfanilamide were in crystalline cubic spinel form, and they had mechanical and thermal stability and a mesoporous structure. Within the framework of the results, these developed nanomaterials, which have potential in many applications, such as sustainable technologies and environmental safety technologies, were brought to the attention of related fields. [GRAPHICS] .