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Öğe Investigation of the Effectiveness of Chromogenic Media in the Isolation of Pasteurella multocida and Mannheimia haemolytica from Calf Nasal Swab Samples(2022) Tel, Osman Yaşar; Ötkün, Songül; Yücetepe, Ayfer Güllü; Keskin, OktayAccurate and rapid diagnosis of disease agents is the most important step in terms of control practices. Chromogenic media are culture media that allow the formation of colonies in colors specific to target microorganisms. Because they are target-specific, they do not require valida- tion of results but provide ease of use and time savings. In this study, it was aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of a chromogenic medium (Pasteurella BDR kit) in the detection of Pasteurella multocida and Mannheimia haemolytica agents in the Pasteurelleceae family, which cause respi- ratory disease in cattle. In this study, nasal swab samples taken from calves showing symptoms of respiratory disease were cultured in chromogenic and standard media. Suspicious growing colonies were confirmed by polymerase chain reaction for P. multocida and M. haemolytica. While 31 (36.9%) samples formed colonies with the chromogenic medium in the color specific to the target bacteria, 28 (33.3%) samples were positively determined for the target bacteria using the standard cultural method. The results of 26 samples were positive by both cultural diagnosis methods. When the results were compared with the traditional cultural diagnosis, agreement was found to be 92.86%. All colored colonies grown on the chromogenic medium were also tested by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). It was determined that the chromogenic medium detected P. multocida at a rate of 92.86% (n = 26) and M. haemolytica at a rate of 100% (n = 2) by forming colo- nies with a family-specific color. As a result, it was concluded that the use of chromogenic media is beneficial in the practical, rapid, and high-accuracy diagnosis of target agents.Öğe Siirt ve Şanlıurfa’da Bulunan Bal Arılarında Nosemosis Etkenlerinin Moleküler Teşhisi(2021) Tel, Osman Yaşar; Ötkün, Songül; Yücetepe, Ayfer Güllü; Gürbilek, Sevil Erdenliğ; Keskin, OktayNosemosis bal arılarında (Epis mellifera) sıkça görülen küresel bir hastalıktır. Hastalığın etkeni fungalmikroorganizmalar olan Nosema apis ve Nosema ceranae’dir. Bu çalışmada Siirt ve Şanlıurfa’da bal verimidüşük ve zayıf (popülasyonu düşük) arı kolonilerinde Nosema spp. sporlarının varlığının mikroskobik olarakmuayene edilmesi ve pozitif bulunan örneklerden, multipleks PCR (Polimeraz zincir reaksiyonu) ile etkenin türdüzeyinde tespiti amaçlandı. Her iki ilde toplam 8 arılıkta 44 kovandan alınan 880 arı numunesi mikroskobikolarak spor varlığı yönünden incelenmiş ve 19’unda (%43,18) nosema sporları tespit edilmiştir. Multipleks PCRile bu sporların tamamının N. ceranae olduğu belirlendi. Sonuç olarak, nosemosis’in bölgede arıcılıkişletmelerinde önemli bir problem olduğu, bu nedenle nosemosis yönünden gerekli tedbirlerin alınmasıgerektiği kanısına varıldı.