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Öğe Breeding Winter Oat (Avena sativa L.) Varieties with High Quality(2021) Kaya, Yüksel; Akçura, MevlütThe objective of national oat breeding program is to develop the oat varieties with high yielding,resistant to diseases, drought, cold, and heat stresses and suitable for different usages (food, feed, and forage).To achieve that goal, a total of 284 (232 lines + 52 checks) oat genotypes were tested under rain-fed conditionsat the yield, advanced yield, and elite yield trials conducted between 2008 and 2012. During the consecutiveoat breeding cycles, genotypes with high yielding and acceptable quality were promoted. Among the qualitytraits, protein content (PC), oil content (OC), and test weight (TW) were preferred as selection criteria. Heritability (H) and correlation coefficients were estimated for the GY and quality characteristics of thegenotypes tested. While the H for GY was low (0.38), Hs for quality traits (PC, OC, and TW) were medium (0.66,0.68, and 0.57, respectively). As for the correlations between the traits of interest, the statistically significantpositive relationships were observed between GY and OC, GY and TW, and OC and TW. In contrast, statisticallysignificant negative associations were measured between GY and PC, PC and OC, and PC and TW. Negativerelationships and low-medium H values calculated for the traits studied appear to be the most critical obstaclesfor national oat breeding program. To tackle these obstacles, the parents, i.e., gene pool, used in the oatcrossing block should be characterized as soon as possible and enriched with introducing new exoticgermplasm. We believe that by doing so, we can develop high yielding and high-quality oat varieties.Öğe GGE-BIPLOT Analysis of Durum Wheat Yield Trials(2022) Kaya, YükselDurum wheat (Triticum durum L.) is a vital crop in the rain-fed areas of Turkey. In this study, the grain yield of twenty durum wheat genotypes (sixteen advanced lines with four checks) tested across 8 rain-fed environments during the 2008-2009 cropping season was evaluated using GGE (Genotype (G) Main Effect + Genotype by Environment Interaction (GEI)) Biplot Approach. Environment (E) captured most (83 %) of the grain yield (GY) variation, while the portions attributed to G and GEI were only 6 and 11 %, respectively. In addition, most of the testing Es were highly correlated. According to GGE-Biplot analysis, ‘Which won where’ pattern partitioned the testing Es into three mega-environments (ME): the first ME with six Es with G13 (the highest yielder) as the winning genotype; the second ME encompassed one environment (E1, Konya) with G4 (the lowest yielder) as the winning genotype, and the last ME represented by one location (E6, Altintas) with G10 (the higher yielder) as the winning genotype. GGE-Biplot analysis showed that although the Durum Wheat Yield Trials were conducted in many environments, outcomes alike can be obtained from one or two representatives of each ME. On the other hand, no correlation of these MEs with their geographic location was observed. In conclusion, the presence of cross-over GEI underscores that efforts should be given to identify specifically adapted genotypes rather than broadly adapted ones tested on multi-environment trials (METs).Öğe İklim Değişiminin Farklı Büyüme Tabiatına Sahip Bazı Arpa Çeşitleri Üzerine Etkisi(2022) Kaya, Yüksel; Akçura, MevlütBu çalışmada farklı büyüme tabiatına (yazlık, fakültatif ve kışlık) sahip 2 ve 6 sıralı başak tipinde 15 arpa çeşidi, 2017-2018 ve 2019-2020 yetiştirme sezonlarında, yağışa bağımlı şartlarda, yazlık arpa kuşağında denemeye alınmış ve 8 bitkisel karakter (tane verimi, hasat indeksi, başakta tane sayısı, metrekarede başak sayısı, bitki boyu, başaklanma süresi, bin tane ve hektolitre ağırlığı) açısından incelenmiştir. 2 sıralı arpa çeşitlerinden bazıları hem yüksek tane iriliği (bin tane ağırlığı) ve hem de tane verimi yönüyle dikkati çekmiştir. Tane iriliği küçük olmasına rağmen, bazı 6 sıralı arpa çeşitlerinin tane verimi değerleri, 2 sıralı çeşitlerle rekabet edebilir seviyeye ulaşmıştır. Diğer taraftan kışlık ve fakültatif arpa çeşitlerinin tane verimi ve diğer bitkisel özelliklerine ait değerler, yazlık arpa çeşitlerinin gerisinde kalmıştır. Bu durumun temeli nedeni kışlık ve fakültatif arpa çeşitlerinin başaklanma sürelerinin yazlık arpa kuşağına uyumsuzluğuyla açıklanmıştır. Kışlık ve fakültatif arpa çeşitlerinin uzun fenolojik döngüye sahip olmaları, özellikle başaklanma ve tane dolum dönemlerinin kurak döneme (yağış eksikliğinden dolayı) denk gelmesine neden olmuş, bu da tane verimi başta olmak üzere diğer bitkisel karakterlerini olumsuz etkilemiştir. Denemeden elde edilen bulgular, Türkiye’de en fazla arpa üretiminin yapıldığı kışlık arpa kuşağının iklim değişiminden olumsuz etkilenebileceğini göstermektedir. İklim değişiminin olumsuz etkilerini azaltabilmek için kışlık arpa kuşağında erkenci (fenolojik döngüsü daha kısa) fakültatif arpa çeşitleri tercih edilebilir.