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Öğe ADDITION TO CHARACTERS OF ENDEMIC AUBRIETA CANESCENS SUBSP. CANESCENS BORNM. (BRASSICACEAE) FROM TURKEY(Bangladesh Journal of Botany, 2016-09) Karaismailoğlu, Mehmet CengizInvestigation on the taxonomical, morphological, anatomical, karyological and ecological characteristics of the endemic Aubrieta canescens ssp. canescens Bornm. growing in Turkey was carried out. Data were obtained at the flowering and fruiting times of populations. The sampling was made from various locations in each year from 2012 to 2014. In morphological studies, description of the endemic taxon stated in the Flora of Turkey revised in the light of detailed evaluations of many specimens, and features exclusive to the taxon. Additionally, images were taken about the seed’s surface of different taxa by using Scanning Electron Microscope micromorphologically. Structures of the stem, root and leaf cross-sections were examined in anatomical studies. In karyological studies, the chromosome number of the taxon was found as 2n = 16 (x = 8) and consisted karyotype formula of taxon as five median, two submedian, one subtelocentric and one telocentric chromosome pairs. In general, the physical features of the soil and live together taxa of the examined taxon were investigated ecologically. This study is the first one where morphological (macro and micro), anatomical, karyological and ecological features of endemic Aubrieta canescens subsp. canescens was carried out. According to IUCN criteria, risk category of the taxon was also identified.Öğe Assessments on the potential genotoxic effects offipronil insecticide on Allium cepa somatic cells(Caryologia, 2017-12) Karaismailoğlu, Mehmet CengizThe potential genotoxic influences of fipronil insecticide were analyzed by studying mitotic index and phases, chromosomal abnormalities, and micronucleus percentage on the somatic cells of Allium cepa L. The roots were treated with 1, 2.5, 5 and 10 ppm of fipronil insecticide within 6, 12 and 24 h. Mitotic index was clearly diminished by fipronil in each treatment group in comparison with control. The percentages of mitotic stages have been significantly affected. Fipronil markedly enhanced the abnormality cell percentage in almost all of the concentrations and treatment times compared to the control. Chromosomal abnormalities were recorded as disturbed prophase, sticky, chromatid bridges, c-mitosis, and laggards. The micronucleus was found at interphase and its frequency was calculated at each concentration and in the control. Generally, micronucleus formation augmented with increasing concentration of fipronil as compared to control. Consequently, the genotoxic potency of fipronil insecticide with different assessments was evaluated by using the somatic chromosomes of A. cepa, and the use of a defined non-toxic dose was suggested.Öğe Capsella bursa-pastoris Medik. ve Capsella rubella Reuter taksonlarının (Brassicaceae) taksonomik, morfolojik ve musilaj özellikleri üzerine notlar(Artvin Çoruh Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 2019) Karaismailoğlu, Mehmet CengizIn this study, examinations on the taxonomical, morphological and mucilage characters of the Capsella bursa-pastoris and Capsella rubella taxa growing in Turkey were performed. The properties were acquired at the flowering and fruiting periods of inhabitants. The samplings were made of 13 locations. In morphological revisions, descriptions reported in Flora of Turkey of the studied taxa were reviewed in view of the comprehensive assessments over 200 samples. In addition, surfaces of the seeds were studied micromorphologically with scanning electron microscope. Also, seed mucilage structures were examined in detail. The mucilage in the studied taxa was in the pectin or cellulose structure. The columellae figures were prominent or flattened. Furthermore, soil adhesion capacities of the examined taxa varied between 248 mg and 344 mg. The occurrence of the mucilage in seeds may provide an important adaptive feature in dispersal and colonization of Capsella taxa.Öğe Comparative morphology and anatomy of seeds of some aethionema w.t. aiton (brassicaceae) taxa from Turkey(Bangladesh Journal of Plant Taxonomy, 2019-06) Karaismailoğlu, Mehmet CengizSeed morphology and anatomy are taxonomically significant in Brassicaceae. The seed structures of Aethionema from Turkey, which include 12 taxa (Aethionema syriacum, A. froedinii, A. arabicum, A. eunomioides, A. fimbriatum, A. speciosum subsp. speciosum, A. speciosum subsp. compactum, A. saxatile, A. oppositifolium, A. iberideum, A. armenum, A. grandiflorum) were studied for knowing seed morphological and anatomical features with one-way analysis of variance, cluster analysis and principal component analysis. Seed size, shape and color were examined with stereomicroscopy. The surface patterns of seed were observed using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). In addition, structure, and thicknesses of testa and endosperm were investigated anatomically. Thickness of testa and endosperm were of major significance to illustrate interspecific relations among the examined taxa.Öğe Comparison of the karyotype analyses of two Aethionema speciosum subspecies from Turkey(Caryologia, 2018-04) Karaismailoğlu, Mehmet CengizThe karyotypes of two Aethionema speciosum subspecies, A. speciosum subsp. speciosum and A. speciosum subsp. compactum, from various phytogeographical areas in Turkey were analyzed. The chromosome counts of the taxa were determined as 2n = 2x = 24 and 2n = 2x = 36, respectively. Karyotypes have mostly median and submedian centromeres. Chromosomes of the examined taxa were analyzed in accordance with some previous cytogenetic reports from a systematic perspective.Öğe Crocus biflorus subsp. pseudonubigena Üzerine Sistematik Bir Araştırma(International Engineering and Science Symposium (IESS), 2019) Fidan, Mehmet; Karaismailoğlu, Mehmet Cengiz; Sırma, Erkan; Yılmaz, Merve…Öğe An evaluation for the standardization of the Alliumcepa test as cytotoxicity and genotoxicity assay(Caryologia, 2018-09) Bonciu, Elena; Firbas, Peter; Fontanetti, Carmem; Wusheng, Jiang; Karaismailoğlu, Mehmet Cengiz; Liu, Donghua; Menicucci, Felicia; Pesnya, Dimytry; Popescu, Aurel; Romanovsky, Anton; Schiff, Silvia; Slusarczyk, Joanna; De Souza, Cleiton; Srivastava, Alka; Sutan, Anca; Papini, AlessioA general report on the use of the Allium test as cytotoxicological and genotoxicological assay is proposed, with particular emphasis about the standardization of the test in several common applications. The intraspecific variation in Allium cepa has been overlooked, as in most investigations no mention is made about origin and denomination of the onion cultivar used. A standardization of the used material would allow a better generalization of the results, since we cannot be sure that all cultivars would give the same response. A more frequent use of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) investigation is proposed. Even if relatively time consuming and not available in all laboratories, it may help to better understand the mechanism of cytotoxicity, since many morphological characters may appear similar but be arisen from different processes observable only with TEM. About statistical testing, tests other than chi-squared may be used in case of a lower amount of data. The most commonly used statistical tests are the parametric tests ANOVA and Student’s t, and the nonparametric tests Kruskal–Wallis and Mann–Whitney U, for analysis of variance. Tests should be used also to assess the minimal sample dimension for obtaining significance, since data collection (microscope observation) appears to be one of the main bottle necks of the test. Also the use of the Allium test for testing liposomes and other nanovectors for drug delivery is proposed, in order to assess the cytotoxicity of these types of medium and the possible increase in cytotoxicity of the associated drug.Öğe Evaluation o potential genotoxic and cytotoxic efects o deltamethrininsecticide on somatic chromosomes o Helianthus annuus L.(Caryologia, 2017-12) Karaismailoğlu, Mehmet Cengiz; İnceer, HüseyinIn this research, the genotoxic and cytotoxic eDects o- the insecticide deltamethrin (DEL) on the root meristem cells o- sunfowers (Helianthus annuus L.) were investigated. The lethal dose (LD50) value was determined as approximately 1 ppm in the sunfower root growth tests. The roots were treated with 1 (LD 50), 0.25 (LD50/4), 0.5 (LD50/2) and 2 ppm (LD50 ×2) concentrations o- DEL -or 24, 36 and 48 h, with a control -or each combination. Occurring morphological changes such as reduction o- root elongation and discoloration in sunfower roots were observed with the using DEL concentrations. The mitotic index and mitotic abnormalities were determined in both control and test groups. Mitotic index reduced with increasing the insec ticide concentration at each exposure time. The mitotic abnormalities were recorded as disturbed prophase, c-mitosis, stickiness, laggards and chromatid bridges. In addition, micronucleus was observed at interphase and its -requency was calculated in the test solutionsÖğe The Evaluation of the Genotoxic and Cytotoxic Effects of Pyriproxyfen Insecticide on Allium cepa(Turkish Journal of Life Sciences, 2016-12) Karaismailoğlu, Mehmet CengizIn this study, the genotoxic and cytotoxic effects of pyriproxyfen insecticide was evaluated by investigating mitotic index and phase, chromosomal abnormalities, and micronucleus proportion on root tip cells of Allium cepa L. The root types were applied to 0.25, 0.5, 1 and 2 ppm test solutions within 12, 24 and 36 h. Mitotic index was markedly lessened with increasing pyriproxyfen in each treatment group as compared to the controls. The percentages of mitotic phases have been meaningfully impacted. Pyriproxyfen noticeably heightened the anomaly cell ratio in most of the utilized solutions and application periods when compare to control. Mitotic abnormalities were determined as sticky, disturbed prophase, c-mitosis, chromatid bridges and laggards. Furthermore, micronucleus frequency was calculated at interphase.Öğe Examination of Cytotoxic and Genotoxic Properties of Teflubenzuron Insecticide on Allium cepa Somatic Cells(International Symposium ECOLOGY 2018, 2018) Karaismailoğlu, Mehmet Cengiz…Öğe Investigation of The Antimitotic and Antimutagenic Effects of Methanolic Extracts of Pyracantha coccinea(Turkish Journal of Life Sciences, 2017-06) Karaismailoğlu, Mehmet CengizIn this investigation, the antimitotic and antimutagenic effects of Pyracantha coccinea methanol extracts on somatic cells of Allium cepa was evaluated. The onion bulbs were applied to 400, 800, 1600, and 3200 µg /mL doses of the extract for 6, 12 and 24 h. Distilled water was utilized as a negative control and ethylmethanesulfonate was utilized as a positive control. The mitotic index mostly declined as increasing the extract concentrations. The mitotic abnormalities were observed as disturbed prophase, stickiness, laggards, chromatid bridges and c-mitosis. Also, micronucleus frequency was calculated in interphase. Thence, the antimitotic and antimutagenic potency of P. coccinea methanol extract with various tests were evaluated by using the root tip cells of A. cepa, and the use of a defined antimutagenic dose was proposed.Öğe Investigation of the potential toxic effects of prometryne herbicide on Allium cepa root tip cells with mitotic activity, chromosome aberration, micronucleus frequency, nuclear DNA amount and comet assay(Caryologia, 2016-01) Karaismailoğlu, Mehmet CengizIn the present study the potential toxic effect of prometryne herbicide was examined by investigating mitotic index, mitotic phase, chromosomal abnormalities, micronucleus frequency, 2C DNA content, and comet assay on the root tip cells of Allium cepa. The roots were exposed to 2, 3, 4 and 6 g l-1concentrations within 12, 24 and 36 h. Mitotic index was markedly reduced by prometryne in each treatment group compared with the controls. The frequencies of mitotic phases have been changed. Prometryne significantly increased the anomaly cell percentage at all concentrations and application periods in comparison to their control. Mitotic abnormalities were recorded as disturbed prophase, c-mitosis, stickiness, laggards and chromatid bridges. The micronucleus was observed at interphase and its frequency was calculated in the test solutions used. Prometryne decreased the 2C DNA amount in onion root tips. Furthermore, the comet assay was applied to analyze the single stand breakages. Nearly all of the applied concentrations of prometryne enhanced DNA damage. In many cases negative correlation was found between 2C DNA amount and DNA damage; however, positive correlation was found between micronucleus formation and DNA damage.Öğe Morphological and anatomical features of cypsela of some crepis taxa (asteraceae) from turkey and their taxonomic importance(Pakistan Journal of Botany, 2015-12) Karaismailoğlu, Mehmet CengizFruit morphology and anatomy have taxonomic importance in Asteraceae. The fruits structures of Crepis from Turkey, which include five species (C. alpina, C. smyrnaea, C. pulchra, C. zacintha, C. sancta) and two subspecies (C. foetida subsp. foetida and C. foetida subsp. rhoeadifolia) were studied for fruit morphological and anatomical characters with oneway analysis of variance, cluster analysis and principal component analysis. Fruit size, shape, color, and the presence of beak were observed with stereomicroscopy. Whereas the surface patterns of fruit and pappus were examined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Furthermore, pericarp structure, thicknesses of testa and endosperm, and number of rib, cotyledon width in cypsela were studied anatomically. Results indicated that cypsela sizes, the presence or absence of beak on the cypsela, fruit and pappus surfaces, pericarp. Thickness of testa and endosperm, and number of ribs are of major importance to illustrate interspecific relations among the examined taxa. Also, this investigation is a preliminary study, which was performed to use fruit morphological and anatomical characters for their practicality on the classification of taxa within the genus.Öğe Morphological and anatomical features of seeds of Turkish Romulea taxa (Iridaceae) and their taxonomic significance(Acta Botanica Croatica, 2015-06) Karaismailoğlu, Mehmet CengizThis paper reports on the assessment of morphological (macro and micro) and anatomical characters of seeds of Romulea taxa distributed in Turkey with the use of oneway analysis of variance, cluster analysis and principal component analysis. Morphological characteristics such as size, shape, color and surface of seeds were examined with the use of light and scanning electron microscopes. Thicknesses of testa and phytomelan layer, sizes of embryo in seeds were studied anatomically. The outcomes revealed that taxa were similar in some aspects such as color and shape of seeds. However, seed size, thickness of testa and phytomelan layer, shape of the epidermal cells in testa and sizes of embryo were different among taxa, and have taxonomic value in the distinction of these taxa from each other. In addition, the seed surfaces were more or less different for the examined taxa on an interspecific level. Consequently, seed morphology and anatomy with a few exceptions demonstrated diversity and they had taxonomic importance in terms of distinguishing among species.Öğe Morphological and Anatomical Observations on Seeds of Some Iris L. Taxa from Turkey(Iğdır Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2019) Karaismailoğlu, Mehmet Cengiz…Öğe Morphological, anatomical, palynological and ecological data on the local endemic Dianthus vanensis (Caryophyllaceae) from Turkey(Phytotaxa, 2019-02) Karaismailoğlu, Mehmet Cengiz; Erez, Mehmet Emre; Pınar, Süleyman Mesut; Fidan, Mehmet; Eroğlu, HüseyinA first detailed taxonomical, palynological, and ecological study of the Turkish endemic Dianthus vanensis is shown based on field data collected at locus classicus. A revised morphological description, including data of seed and pollen by using Scanning Electron Microscope, is provided. Seed surface displays elongated cells, which are lobate with 14-28 teeth, I, S shaped or irregular, and papillate. Pollen grains are radially symmetric, apolar, pantoporate and spheroidal shape (size: 40.38 ± 0.64 × 37.98 ± 0.36 µm), with scabrate ornamentation, and 9–12 pores elliptical (different margin), and operculate (size: 6.17 ± 0.23 × 4.17 ± 0.39 µm). The anatomy of root, stem and leaf are also investigated. On the outer surface of the root is placed a multi-layered periderm. The cortex consists of multi-layered parenchymatic cells under periderm, and its thickness is 176.49 ± 7.85 µm. In the stem cross-sections, it is noticed one epidermis layer, comprising of flat cells in outermost. Its thickness ranged between 28.13 and 35.29 µm. The type of vascular bundle is hadrocentric. In the abaxial and adaxial surfaces of the leaf are located 1-layer epidermis cells, comprising of the flat or rectangular cells. The leaf is equifacial. Leaves have collateral vascular type. IUCN category of the taxon is assessed CR (Critical Endangered) based on criterion B2a,b(iii).Öğe NOTES ON Arabis kaynakiae Daşkın (Brassicaceae), A CRITICALLY ENDANGERED SPECIES ENDEMIC TO TURKEY(2020) Karaismailoğlu, Mehmet Cengiz; Şirin, EmrahThis study reports on the evaluation of the taxonomical, macro- and micro morphological, anatomical, palynological and cytological features, together with the geographical distribution of Arabis kaynakiae Daşkın (Brassicaceae), a Critically Endangered (CR) species from Turkey. The description of the species was updated following detailed studies on new specimens found in Karaman/Ermenek. The surface microphotographs of seeds and pollen were obtained using Scanning Electron Microscopy. The seed surface ornamentation is papillate and its margins minutely tuberculate. Pollen grains appear tricolpate, isopolar, subprolate in shape, with polar axis of 19.62 ± 0.33 µm and equatorial axis of 12.94 ± 0.17 µm. The exine thickness ranges from 1.68 to 1.87 µm; however, the intine thickness ranges from 0.21 to 0.39 µm. Arabis kaynakiae has pollen of coarse reticulate type surface ornamentation with slightly undulated muri. Anatomical characters of root, stem and leaf of the species were also given. The cytological investigations revealed that A. kaynakiae is diploid with 2n = 2x = 16 chromosomes. The discovered population of A. kaynakiae increased the known distribution range of the species in Turkey, and an updated evaluation of the species considering the IUCN criteria was provided.Öğe Notes on the taxonomical, morphological and mucilage features of Capsella bursa-pastoris Medik. and Capsella rubella Reuter taxa (Brassicaceae)(2019) Karaismailoğlu, Mehmet CengizIn this study, examinations on the taxonomical, morphological and mucilage characters of theCapsella bursa-pastoris and Capsella rubella taxa growing in Turkey were performed. The propertieswere acquired at the flowering and fruiting periods of inhabitants. The samplings were made of 13locations. In morphological revisions, descriptions reported in Flora of Turkey of the studied taxawere reviewed in view of the comprehensive assessments over 200 samples. In addition, surfaces ofthe seeds were studied micromorphologically with scanning electron microscope. Also, seedmucilage structures were examined in detail. The mucilage in the studied taxa was in the pectin orcellulose structure. The columellae figures were prominent or flattened. Furthermore, soil adhesioncapacities of the examined taxa varied between 248 mg and 344 mg. The occurrence of the mucilagein seeds may provide an important adaptive feature in dispersal and colonization of Capsella taxa.Öğe Nutlet structures of subsection Fragiles of the genus Stachys (Lamiaceae) from Turkey and their systematic applications(Turkish Journal of Botany, 2019-09) Karaismailoğlu, Mehmet Cengiz; Güner, ÖzalThis paper includes the morphological and anatomical characters of the nutlets of 7 endemic species of the subsection Fragiles of the genus Stachys (Lamiaceae) from Turkey and the systematic significance of these characteristics, using one-way analysis of variance and cluster and principal component analyses. Morphological characters such as the dimensions, shapes, colors, and surfaces of the nutlets were studied using light and scanning electron microscopes. The structures and thicknesses of the pericarp and endosperm layers, as well as the sizes of the cotyledon in the nutlets, were anatomically studied. The outcomes revealed that the taxa vary from each other in terms of nutlet shape and color. The nutlet dimensions range from 1.31 mm to 3.49 mm in length and from 0.84 mm to 1.95 mm in width. While Stachys longiflora and S. pseudopinardii have the largest nutlets, S. chasmosericea has the smallest. The nutlet surface ornamentation was recorded as 5 types: reticulate, scalariform, reticulate-foveate, ruminate, and rugose. The most common type is reticulate; however, the other ornamentation types are specific for the studied taxa. Anatomically, the structure and thickness of the pericarp parts and the endosperm and the size of the cotyledon are very important characteristics that disclose interspecific relations within the studied taxa. A key is presented for the identification of the examined taxa based on the nutlet properties.Öğe PALYNOLOGICAL FEATURES OF ELEVEN AETHIONEMA TAXA FROM TURKEY AND THEIR SYSTEMATIC IMPLICATIONS(Bangladesh Journal of Plant Taxonomy, 2017-12) Karaismailoğlu, Mehmet CengizPollen morphology of 11 taxa, including 2 endemic of the genus Aethionema W.T. Aiton from Turkey was examined under light and scanning electron microscopes. The pollens of Aethionema are mostly isopolar and bilaterally symmetric; spheroidal, prolate, perprolate and subprolate with the polar axes 14.07-26.41 µm and the equatorial axes 7.85-22.02 µm; mostly tricolpate, rarely 2-colpate; surface ornamentation is micro or macro reticulate. The exine thickness varies between 0.66 and 1.91 µm, and in tine thickness ranges from 0.27 to 0.85 µm. It is found that dimension of pollen grains, surface ornamentation, apocolpidium and amb diameter are taxonomically significant.