Yenal YAĞMUR2019-11-282019-11-282017 concept of sustainability has become one of the important factors affecting tourists’ destination choices. However, the number of studies on sustainability perceptions of tourists is very limited. In this respect, the main objective of this study is to examine the sustainability perceptions of the tourist about tourism activities in the Kemer destination. For this purpose, a survey was conducted with French tourists. The relationship between sustainability dimensions (environmental, socio-cultural, economic) and the sustainability perceptions of tourist about the Kemer destination is examined by logistic regression analysis. The findings show that the environmental and socio-cultural dimensions have a positive effect on the sustainability perceptions of tourists about the destination.otherinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessFOREIGN TOURISTS’ SUSTAINABLE DESTINATION PERCEPTIONS: A RESEARCH ON KEMER DESTINATIONArticle