Sevgili, M. Macit2024-12-242024-12-2420182146-98061304-6535 was charged of being incompetent with hadiths, presimably due to some misjudgments of his in sort of technical issues of hadiths. Of Muadh' Hadith mentioned by the methodologists as one of the foundations of Qiyas/Ijtihad, his judgment It is compiled in the sahih books of hadiths; its being authentic is unanimous. was singled out for heavy criticism. Despite the fact that Muadh' Hadith was recognized by the great majority of methodologists including al-Juwayni, most of hadith scholars regarded it as weak. Al-Juwayni grew up together with the hadith activities since his childhood and took a serious hadith education. In our opinion, the suggestion that he had no command of knowledge of hadiths and hadith science simply with reference to some misjudgments that he made, does not correspond to the truth. Regarding his knowledge of hadith, the most true approach is that he did not engage in hadith science as much as he did in Islamic law (fiqh), methodology of Islamic law, and kalam and rather than those fields, he did not write a single work in hadith science and accordingly have such a high authority as the eminent hadith scholars.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAl-JuwayniAl-Juwayni's Hadith ActivitiesMuadh HadithThe Hadith Critisim of Al-Juwayni as a Methodologist and Discussions on His Hadith Activities -Specific to Muadh Hadith-Article2037217246N/AWOS:00043573180000930218010.17335/sakaifd.406384