Yaşar, Hüseyin2017-05-092017-05-092012-04Turkish Studies1308-2140https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12604/560ABSTRACT In character analysis, generally “Negative Alafranga” types have been reviewed. “Positive Alafranga” types have been neglected. In this context in our study, Azra who is reflected as a positive character in Halit Ziya?s “Nesli Ahir” novel, has been examined. Azra, in addition to strong oriental reflexes, she is a character that internalized all the western cultural elements. It has been designed against the degenerated alafranga girls who change theirs ranks by reading a book. “Orientalism” and “Westernalism” as a main theme, has been penetrated into the work and has formated hero?s literate discourse. With his personel features not chaotic, but has prefered a linear harmony with his neighborhood.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAnahtar Sözcükler: Halit Ziya, Nesli Ahir, Azra, Olumlu Alafranga, Doğusallık, Batısallık.AZRA: GELENEKSELLİKLE MODERNLİK ARASINDA İDEAL BİR KARAKTERArticle135400