Kaya, Mustafa OğuzhanYerlikaya, EmrahÖzyazıc, Mehmet Arifİrak, Kıvanç2017-04-282017-04-282016https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12604/410ABSTRACT This study investigates in vitro effects of some chemicals, used as a spreading factor on therapeutic and various medical fields and applied frequently in forage and fertilizer industry on bovine testicular hyaluronidase (BTH) which is substantially effective in glucotechnological applications and delivery of artificial insemination. BTH was purified through ammonium sulfate precipitation method and affinity gel (Sepharose-4B-L- tyrosine -m-anisidine). The inhibiton effects of Fe2SO4, C2H4N4, K2SiF6, CH2N2, CH4N2O and indole-butyric acid were determined on purified BTH. IC50 values of these chemicals were found as 7.097, 5.775, 6.854, 5.317, 4.617, 4.265 ×10-2 mM respectively and at the end of research, indole-butyric acid (IBA) was found as the strongest inhibitory effect compound by the value of IC50 with 4.265×10-2 mM.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessHyaluronidase Inhibition Artificial insemination Forage Remove selectedBazı yem ve gübre sanayi kimyasallarının hyalüronidaz üzerine in vitro etkileriArticle263347