Özyazıcı, Mehmet ArifDengiz, OrhanAydoğan, MehmetBayraklı, BetülKesim, EmelUrla, ÖztekinYıldız, HakanÜnal, Ediz2017-05-112017-05-112016https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12604/608The aim of this study was to determine basic soil fertility properties of the agricultural lands inCentral and Eastern Black Sea Region and generate soil distribution maps using the Geographical Information System (GIS). In this research, a total of 3400 soil samples were taken at depths of 0-20 cm on a grid spacing of 2.5 x 2.5 km representing the agricultural soils of the region. Soiltexture, pH, electrical conductivity, lime content, organic matter content, available phosphorus andextractable potassium contents were analyzed in the collected soil samples. Analysis results of thesesamples were classified into certain criteria, and they were evaluated for deficiency, sufficiency or excess with respect to plant nutrients. Afterwards, soil fertility maps and a database for currentstatus of the study area were created using GIS techniques. According to the results of the study, thevast majority (75.30%) of agricultural soils in the Central and Eastern Black Sea Region containedloamy (medium textured) soils by general groupings, and their pH values were found to be highlyvariable (between <4.5-8.5). The vast majority of soils were identified as having the levels ofmedium-good-high in terms of organic matter and no salinity problem, and 61.15% of the soils hadlow lime content. Of the soils of the territory, 58.83% had phosphorus deficiency while 42.68% hadextractable potassium in sufficient levels.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessGeographical information systems, Soil database, Soil fertilityOrta ve Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesi Tarım Topraklarının Temel Verimlilik Düzeyleri ve Alansal DağılımlarıLevels of basic fertility and the spatial distribution of agricultural soils in Centraland Eastern Black Sea RegionArticle207605