Yavuz, OmerGuzel, RemziyeAydın, FıratTegin, İbrahimZiyadanoğulları, Recep2019-12-262019-12-262007Removal of Cadmium and Lead from Aqueous Solution by Calcite. Ö Yavuz, R Guzel, F Aydin, I Tegin, R Ziyadanogullari Polish journal of environmental studies. 2007;16(3):467–471http://www.pjoes.com/Removal-of-Cadmium-and-Lead-from-Aqueous-r-nSolution-by-Calcite,88011,0,2.htmlhttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12604/2457The removal of toxic cadmium(II ) and lead(II ) from aqueous solutions was investigated using calcite, which is inexpensive and widespread over the globe, as the effective inorganic adsorbent. The experimental data of the removal equilibrium were correlated by either the Langmuir or Freundlich equations. Results indicate that the Langmuir model gave a better fit to the experimental data than the Freundlich equation. Maximum adsorption capacities were determined as 18.52 mg/g Cd and 19.92 mg/g Pb for natural calcite at 25°C, respectively.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccesscadmiumleadremovaladsorptioncalciteRemoval of Cadmium and Lead from Aqueous Solution by CalciteArticle163467471