Memduhoğlu, Hasan BasriKeleş, Elif2019-12-272019-12-27Ekim, 2016Memduhuğlu, Hasan Basri. , Keleş, Elif. (2016). Evaluation of the relation between critical-thinking tendency and problem-solving skills of pre-service teachers. Eğitim Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi. 6(2). 75-94. purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between critical-thinking tendency and problem-solving skills of pre-service teachers. Research was modelled as relational screening model. The population of the research consisted of pre-service teachers from a faculty of education during the 2013-2014 academic year. The sample of the research consisted of 656 students who were studying different fields of education at the faculty. Stratified sampling method was used in choosing the sample. The variable of students’ field was taken as stratified according to the ratio in the population. Facione, Facione, and Giancarlo’s (1998) “California Critical Thinking Tendency Inventory” and Heppner and Petersen’s (1982) “Problem Solving Inventory” and a personal information form were used to collect the data. The collected data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, parametric tests and correlation analysis. In this study, a near moderate-level and positive correlation was found between the Critical thinking tendency and Problem solving skills of pre-service teachers.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessCritical thinkingCritical thinking tendencyProblem solvingEvaluation of the relation between critical-thinking tendency and problem-solving skills of pre-service teachersArticle627594