Üzüm, BurhanDuruhan, Kemal2020-05-142020-05-142020Üzüm, B. ve Duruhan, K. (2020). Scrutinizing German education system in terms of its effect on social and cultural structure, employment and economy. OPUS–Uluslararası Toplum Araştırmaları Dergisi,15(22), 801-822. DOI: 10.26466/opus.5969692528-9527/2528-9535https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12604/2679Education is an important element that determines and influences a country's social, economic and cultural development levels. The education system and the other sub-dimensions existing in the society mutually influence each other and affect the social structure, economy and employment. From this point of view, the aim of present study is to examine the impact of the German education system on the social and cultural structure in the country and its relationship with employment and economy. The data was obtained by literature review and subjected to detailed document analysis. In the light of the data obtained, it was seen that the German education system and the reforms made in the system especially after 2003 affected the traditional German family structure and as a result women took part in the business life more. Another result of the study revealed that the strict selectivity and almost impossible transition between the tracks in German education system has caused a social stratification in German society. On the other hand, it is discovered that the importance of the German education system on vocational education and dual vocatioal education system have made great contributions to the country both in terms of employment and economy.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessGerman education systemsocial structurecultural structureemploymenteconomyScrutinizing german education system in terms of its effect on social and cultural structure, employment and economyAlman Eğitim Sisteminin Sosyal ve Kültürel Yapı, İstihdam ve Ekonomi Bağlamında Etkisinin İncelenmesiArticle152280182240183510.26466/opus.596969