Gaziantep ili Oğuzeli ilçesi sütsığırcılığı işletmelerinin yapısal özellikleri
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Bu araştırma Oğuzeli ilçesi süt sığırcılığı işletmelerinin yapısal özelliklerinin incelemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Bu amaçla ilçede Turkvet sistemine kayıtlı bulunan 92 mahalleden Oğuzeli ilçesini temsil edecek 52 mahallede faaliyet gösteren işletmelerden şansa bağlı olarak seçilen 402 işletme seçilmiştir. İşletmelere ait veriler yüz yüze anket çalışması ile elde edilmiştir. Elde edilen veriler SPSS 21.01 paket programı kullanılarak elde edilmiştir. İşletmecilerin ortalama yaşlarının 45,85 yıl olduğu belirlenmiştir. İşletmecilerin eğitim düzeylerine bakıldığında %26,4'ünün lise ve üniversite mezunu oldukları, işletmelerin bulunduğu mevkie bakıldığında %14,9'unun şehir kenarı, %68,2'sinin köyde olduğu belirlenmiştir. İşletmelerde kullanılan ahırların konumunun %56,9'unun ev altı, %43,1'inin müstakil, müstakil olan ahırların %64,5'ininyarı açık olduğu, işletmelerin %66,8'inin bağlı duraklı, %18,7'si serbest duraklı, %14,5'inin serbest olduğu görülmüştür. İşletme başına düşen hayvan varlığı 32,70 baş olduğu belirlenmiştir. Düvelerin ilk tohumlanma yaşı %95,0'inin 15-18 aylık arasında yapıldığı, ineklerin %81,7'sinin doğumdan 2 ay sonra tohumlandığı belirlenmiştir. İşletmeler damızlık hayvanlarını %56,6 kendi işletmelerinden temin ettikleri belirlenmiştir. Sağımda işletmecilerin 98,4'ünün meme yıkaması yaptığı, %59,1'inin sağım esnasında hayvana yem verdiği, hayvanların günlük %50,8'inin 16-20 kg arasında süt verdiği belirlenmiştir. İşletmelerin %50,0'sinin kaba yemi satın aldığı, işletmecilerin %88,4'ünün kesif yemi bayilerden aldığı, %75,5'inin buzağı büyütme yemi kullandığı belirlenmiştir. İşletmelerin %71,7'sinin şap-brucella koruyucu aşı, %79,9'unun parazit mücadelesi yaptığı, işletmelerin 23,9'unda şap, %23,6'sında mastitis görüldüğü, %92,3'ünün işletmesinde hastalık olunca veteriner hizmeti aldığı belirlenmiştir. Besi yapan işletmelerin %83,3'ünün besicilikten memnun olduğu, %50,0'si geçim yapabilecek besi hayvan sayısının 16-30 baş olduğunu, %65,8'i beside günlük canlı ağırlık artışının 1000-1300 gr aralığında olduğu, %79,0'unun besi sonunda hayvanı kombinada değerlendirdiği belirlenmiştir.
This study was carried out to investigate the structural characteristics of dairy cattle farms in Oğuzeli district. For this purpose, 402 farms were selected from among the 92 districts registered to Turkvet system in the district and selected from 52 businesses that will represent Oguzeli district. The data of the farms were obtained through a face-to-face survey. The data obtained were obtained by using SPSS 21.01 package program. The average age of the operators was determined to be 45.85 years. When the educational level of the operators is examined, it is determined that 26.4% of them are high school and university graduates and 14.9% of them are in the city edge and 68.2% are in the village. 56.9% of the stables used in the farms are under the house, 43.1% are detached, 64.5% of the detached stables are open halfway, 66.8% of the farms are connected with stops and 18.7% are free stalled, 14.5% were found to be free. The presence of animals per farm was determined to be 32,70 head. 95.0% of heifers' first insemination age was between 15-18 months, 81.7% of cows were inseminated 2 months after birth. It was determined that 56.6% of the farms obtained breeding animals from their own farms. It was determined that 98.4% of the milking operators performed breast washing, 59.1% of them gave feed to the animal during milking and 50.8% of the animals gave milk between 16-20 kg daily. It was determined that 50.0% of the farms purchased roughage, 88.4% of the operators bought the concentrate feed from the dealers, and 75.5% of them used calf growing feed. 71.7% of the farms were treated with alum-brucella vaccine, 79.9% were parasites, 23.9% of the farms had screeds, 23.6% had mastitis and 92.3% had veterinary diseases service. 83.3% of the fattening farms are satisfied with fattening, 50.0% of the number of livestock that can make livelihood is 16-30, 65.8% of the daily live weight increase in the range of 1000-1300 gr, At the end of fattening, it was determined that 79% of the animal was evaluated in the combination.
This study was carried out to investigate the structural characteristics of dairy cattle farms in Oğuzeli district. For this purpose, 402 farms were selected from among the 92 districts registered to Turkvet system in the district and selected from 52 businesses that will represent Oguzeli district. The data of the farms were obtained through a face-to-face survey. The data obtained were obtained by using SPSS 21.01 package program. The average age of the operators was determined to be 45.85 years. When the educational level of the operators is examined, it is determined that 26.4% of them are high school and university graduates and 14.9% of them are in the city edge and 68.2% are in the village. 56.9% of the stables used in the farms are under the house, 43.1% are detached, 64.5% of the detached stables are open halfway, 66.8% of the farms are connected with stops and 18.7% are free stalled, 14.5% were found to be free. The presence of animals per farm was determined to be 32,70 head. 95.0% of heifers' first insemination age was between 15-18 months, 81.7% of cows were inseminated 2 months after birth. It was determined that 56.6% of the farms obtained breeding animals from their own farms. It was determined that 98.4% of the milking operators performed breast washing, 59.1% of them gave feed to the animal during milking and 50.8% of the animals gave milk between 16-20 kg daily. It was determined that 50.0% of the farms purchased roughage, 88.4% of the operators bought the concentrate feed from the dealers, and 75.5% of them used calf growing feed. 71.7% of the farms were treated with alum-brucella vaccine, 79.9% were parasites, 23.9% of the farms had screeds, 23.6% had mastitis and 92.3% had veterinary diseases service. 83.3% of the fattening farms are satisfied with fattening, 50.0% of the number of livestock that can make livelihood is 16-30, 65.8% of the daily live weight increase in the range of 1000-1300 gr, At the end of fattening, it was determined that 79% of the animal was evaluated in the combination.
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Zootekni Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture